Two Dimensional Rescuer Demon King

Vol 6 Chapter 783: Bereaved blood, Sibo brother and sister

ps: Recommend a book "The King of Special Operations"


After observing for two days, Liu Xu finally confirmed the situation on Okinawa.

There are three military bases.

And where the data is, the most likely "sex" is the one that Xuanxin Kazama went to on the first day.

That being the case, the only thing I need to plan now is how to get in.

While deciding whether or not to go directly in, Liu Xu slowly returned to the beach.

At this moment, a familiar person appeared in Liu Xu's sight.

"Big Black Dragon? No...Spoda too!"

It was an ordinary-looking boy, who seemed to be only eleven or twelve years old, but under that ordinary appearance was hidden a terrorist force that Liu Xu would be surprised by.

Not far in front of him, a fair-skinned girl walked quickly.

Although it was a beauty, it was too small to arouse Liu Xu's interest.

To be honest, until now Liu Xu still couldn't believe that a human being could actually master the magic of "fuck" as time, and even resurrect the dead.

If the people in this world have this kind of strength, it is not an easy task to destroy this world.

"This kid has become a member of the military two years later. I don't know who he is now?"

Thinking of this, Liu Xu had planned to ignore him and just go ahead with what he should do.

At this moment, the girl who was walking in the front was suddenly hit by a black-skinned boy and staggered back.

Liu Xu stopped with great interest.

Through the information in his head, Liu Xu could see their identity at a glance.

Bereaved blood.

In this era, the US military no longer stationed in Okinawa.

When the Twenty Years' War became more and more intense, the American troops stationed in Okinawa withdrew to Hawaii, leaving behind a group of children.

Most of them were not abandoned by their parents, but their father died in battle. However, after the country took over the US military base as a Defense Force facility, most of them were adopted by the facility and became soldiers.

They became brave soldiers, performing the task of defending the border beautifully, and most of their descendants joined the army.

However, most of the children of these soldiers, that is, the "second generation", have bad morals and must be careful. This is a precaution that will be published on private websites that introduce sightseeing in Okinawa.

Behind the brawny man, there were two young men who were also dressed in disheveled military uniforms and had similar physiques.

They grinned with disgusting smiles.

Two years later, a powerful magician who had the code name "Big Heilongya" in the army, but now just a kid, stood in front of the girl.

Looking at the **** dragon, several strong men grinned.

"Huh? We don't want to deal with the kid!"

The brawny man looked at his face with a mocking expression of completely despising Da Hei Longya.

The **** dragon did not respond at all.

Liu Xu raised his eyebrows.

Although he was very strong two years later, he shouldn't have that strong combat effectiveness now, right?

At least in terms of physical fitness.

"I was so scared that I couldn't make a sound, right?" "Ha, the unkind guy, what a handsome guy!"

The two people standing behind the girl who hit the girl sneered and threatened the **** dragon.

Looking at the brawny men in front of him, the **** dragon...that is, Si Bo Da Ye, quietly said: "I don't plan to ask for an apology, so you go back! This is good for each other."

Hearing this, Liu Xu was happy.

This kid is good enough!

As soon as I said this, the mockery was almost five stars.

As expected by Liu Xu, upon hearing Spoda's words, the other party immediately showed an angry expression.

"what did you say……"

"What am I saying, can't you hear it yourself?" Siboda also said blankly.

Liu Xu squinted his eyes.

"This kid... is not hiding his emotions. There is no emotional power in him. Isn't his brain a human brain?"

At this time, the black "skinned" man had already spoken viciously again: "Knock my head on the ground and beg for mercy. If you do this now, I will beat you to bruises and let you go."

Upon hearing this, the girl standing behind Spodarya had already "exposed" an expression of fear.

Sibo Shenxue is in a bad mood now.

Originally, I just wanted to come out for a walk, but I didn't expect that Spoda would also follow.

Although he didn't want to come out with him, Spoda was also his elder brother.

At the same time, he is also his own "guardian", that is, a life-long bodyguard.

With such an identity, Sibo Shenxue had no reason not to let him follow her.

It's just that he didn't expect that he would have been like a ghost with himself without saying a word, and finally speaking, it was a provocation to others.

Don’t you know how to write it in a low-key manner?

Before she could say anything, Spoda also spoke again: "If you mean that I should kneel on the ground, it should be knocking my forehead to the ground, not my head."

Si Bo Shenxue's eyes twitched.

He is still provoking!

This is the brawny of the three armies. Does he want to kill himself?

Before Shen Xue could think of anything, the black-skinned man in the lead did not hesitate to throw a lightning-like punch at Spoda.

But it was easily caught by one hand.

Looking at the man wearing the Shura mask in front of him, the black burly man frowned.

"who are you?"

Before the strong man's fist hit Sibo Da Ye, Liu Xu had already stretched out his hand to stop him.

For Liu Xu today, blocking the fists of ordinary soldiers is as easy as a joke.

Standing behind Liu Xu and looking at his back, Si Poda was also taken aback.

Not only the black man who didn't understand, even he himself couldn't understand why Liu Xu would rescue him.

"who are you?"

Seeing Liu Xu actually blocked his boxing with one hand, the dark-skinned man was a little surprised.

You know, even in the army, there are not many people who can block their own punches, and even if they can block them, there is no reason to be a hand.

Unless the other party used magic beforehand.


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