Two Dimensional Rescuer Demon King

Vol 6 Chapter 789: At the end of the day

ps: Recommend a book "The King of Special Operations"


"So what? Are you magicians?" The man said rudely.

"Just said, we..."

This man "sex" did not listen to Sakurai Houba's words at all.

"In this case, it is of course obligatory to serve humanity, right?"


Hearing this, not only Sakurai Suobo, but Shen Xue clenched his teeth and clenched his small fists.

Unexpectedly, in this era, there are people who say such things without changing their "color".

And in front of the magician...

"Are you serious?"

Sakurai's voice began to contain a murderous look, and his eyes became more fierce.

The man was taken aback by her reaction, but he was still arrogant.

"I... I said, isn't the magician a ‘thing’ created to serve mankind? In this case, it should have nothing to do with whether or not to join the army."

Shen Xue was overwhelmed with anger and shock.

What this male "sex" said just now is something that you absolutely cannot say.

But this is undoubtedly the truth, many people who are not magicians still think so.

"That's it."

Seeing this man, Si Poda suddenly spoke coldly.

"That's it, it turns out that we are a forged existence, but..."

Shen Xue could hear the sarcasm and full of sarcasm from Siboda's tone.

"...But we have no obligation to work for you."


For a moment, the man's expression became difficult to look.

Spoda also continued: "The magician works for the public welfare and order of the human society, and there is no way to work for the unknown individual..."


Before he could finish speaking, Si Ye suddenly interrupted him late at night.

She just leaned on the back of the sofa chair and called Spoda Ye in a lazy voice.

The latter looked away from the trembling male "sex".

"Excuse me, what's the order?"

"Go and see the situation outside."

Yotsuba gave direct instructions in a cold-sounding tone late at night.

Siboda also showed difficulty in showing his face.

"The subordinates cannot grasp the situation now, and cannot ignore the possibility of being harmed here. "Sexuality". The subordinates' current skills cannot protect the eldest lady from a distance."

"Protect Miss?"

Yotsuba interrupted Sibo Tatsuya's retort with an icy voice late at night, keeping his icy eyesight, narrowing his eyes.

"Tahya, recognize your identity."

"Subordinates are forgiven for being rude."

Spoda also apologized.

"...Taya, leave it to me here."

Sakurai "cut in" from the side, as if trying to regain the dilemma in the field.

Yotsuba showed a loss of interest in the middle of the night, and looked away from Spodarya.

"Understood, go down and take a look."

Si Poda didn't resist either, or was used to accepting it, so he saluted Yotsuba's midnight profile and left the room.

Seeing his cowardly appearance, Si Bo Shenxue's eyes flashed a hint of disgust. The previous words were nothing, but since seeing Liu Xu's freedom and unruly, Shen Xue started to have something in her heart.

Seeing Spoda also walked out, the man who spoke at the beginning cast a triumphant look.

In this way, the room of the refuge fell into silence again.

It didn't take long, however, that there was a sudden sound of footsteps.

Siba Shenxue was worrying about whether there was anything wrong with Liu Xu who ran out, so she ignored it. Sakurai Suibo raised the cad, and Xiangziguang began to appear on it.

What rushed in was a small group of soldiers, American orphans belonging to the Japanese military, all descendants of Americans.

However, it was also a soldier belonging to the Japanese military, which made Sakurai Suibo couldn't help but relax his vigilance.

In the next second, these soldiers detained the trigger against the people in the room.

The machine gun that was pulled down, the muzzle sprayed continuous dazzling sparks, and the empty shells flew out of the gun body cracklingly.

The "fire" speed of the light machine gun's bullets was 800 to 900 meters per second. Even Sakurai Suohami couldn't release magic blocking bullets at such a short distance.

After all, she never thought that there would be people shooting at them in the Japanese army.

The bullets screamed, and Shen Xue had no doubt that she would be penetrated by the bullet in the next second, becoming a cold corpse.

At this moment, Shen Xue was surprised to find that she was not afraid at all.

Yes, just a touch of nostalgia, and Liu Xu's free and easy back.

She didn't even have time to close her eyes, Shen Xue was just so ready to welcome death.

Everything happened in less than a tenth of a second.

In the next moment, Shen Xue was covered by a curtain of light, and then, a pair of powerful arms hugged her petite body.

Standing between Shen Xue and the enemy, Liu Xu did not waver.

For Liu Xu at this time, ordinary guns and bullets could not hurt his "life" at all. If you add a strong colony armor, you can even be able to do no harm under the rain of bullets.

As for Sakurai Suinami and Yotsuba Midnight, Liu Xu also gave a layer of defense.

As for whether the effect is hard enough, it depends on their luck, after all, they are not from the Red Cross.

When she was just hugged, Shen Xue was shocked and subconsciously wanted to break free, but when she saw Liu Xu holding her, she didn’t know why, she suddenly felt that she no longer had a distance with Liu Xu. Feel it.

It was like, I had already thought that Liu Xu would come to save myself.

Holding Shenxue tightly, Liu Xu only felt that his back hurts as if he was burned by fire. The timing of his appearance was too tight. Even if he used a strong colony armor accelerator, he had only time to cover it with a laser shield. The two of them, as far as protecting Shen Xue's self, were sturdyly swept by several machine guns.

Seeing Liu Xu, who was holding Shen Xue tightly, a grateful expression flashed in Sakurai Suibo's eyes, but when he thought of the shooting on the opposite side, Sakurai Suibo quickly stood up and raised the cad.

Just about to start, Sakurai Suibo suddenly felt his head dizzy.

As if someone was scratching the glass in her mind, the strong noise directly interfered with Sakurai Honami's casting.


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