Two Dimensional Rescuer Demon King

Vol 6 Chapter 797: Heir to Yotsuba, the first beautiful girl

ps: Recommend a book "The King of Special Operations"


Thinking maliciously, Liu Xu interrupted Siboda before he could refute him, saying, "Taya, although I came to study in China, I also know that I was in a Japanese school. You can’t help but listen to what the seniors say, right?"

Si Poda also wanted to ask him what the rules of the age were, but due to his identity and influence, he still didn't dare to say it.

Seeing that Si Boda did not nod his head, Liu Xu smiled in satisfaction and said: "Then it is so happily decided. From today on, you will be the commissioner of discipline. Now, first go and patrol outside a high wall. See if there is any suspicious person."

"Huh? Right now?"

The bitter smile on Si Poda's face has never disappeared. I don't know why, he usually has the upper hand no matter who he talks to. When facing Liu Xu, he is always in control of the opponent's pace.

"Of course, right now, do you think the discipline committee is a playful profession?"

"But I have to protect Miss..."

"Do you think my strength is not good?"

Liu Xu strangled Sibo Daye's last excuse all at once.

Hearing this, Si Poda had to stand up and said: "Yes, I understand."

After speaking, Spoda ran out quickly.

Seeing Siboda's back, Liu Xu smiled and walked directly back to the girl.

"... Liu Xujun, did you say anything scary with the kid just now?" Mayumi asked worriedly.

Since Liu Xu began to implement strict management of the school, Mayumi has been a little worried about whether he will kill any student directly one day.

"No, I still let him participate in the Commissioner for Discipline! Look, isn't he going to patrol now?"

A drop of cold sweat dripped on Chiyoda's forehead.

Others don't know Liu Xu's virtues, but she knows it perfectly. Liu Xu is absolutely impossible to be so good to a man. 80% of that kid is going to be unlucky.

Shen Xue "Lu" showed a worried expression: "Does my brother come to be a member of the discipline committee? I am worried that his "sexual" personality will cause trouble to others..."

Liu Xu shook his head and said, "Don't worry, I will take care of my subordinates. No matter if I stab my head outside, I will have to restrain myself after entering the Committee of Discipline."

Upon hearing this, Shen Xue "Lu" gave a relieved expression.

Then, Shen Xue suddenly looked at Liu Xu curiously.

"That, Mr. Liu Xu, you are in the first high..."

Seeing that Liu Xu could easily appoint such a large official position as the Commissioner for Discipline and Discipline, Shen Xue couldn't help but asked a little surprised.

Liu Xu smiled and shook his head.

Watanabe Mori hummed and put his arm on Liu Xu's shoulder.

"Speaking out, I'm shocked, little girl, this guy is our chairman, who manages all discipline committees, and is known as one of the top three leaders, Liu Xu!"

"What are you proud of? You are not what you said." Seeing the proud look of Watanabe Mori, Chiyoda Hanaone said silently.

In her opinion, Liu Xu is a pure demon, the kind that sees people kill and sees gods kills gods. Before she cancels the marriage contract with Liu Xu, she has to avoid Liu Xu.

Just as Liu Xu was about to reach out and knock on Watanabe Mori, he noticed Shen Xue's moving gaze.

"Sure enough, you are Mr. Liu have not changed at all from the past, and you are willing to lead the ethics committee to bring a clean learning environment to the students. You will always be so selfless and dedicated."

Chiyoda Hana sound almost snapped the fork in his hand with a bang.

Ichihara Ringtone smiled bitterly.

Mayumi shook her hand and almost dropped the cake on her skirt.

Watanabe Mori grinned.

"Don't pay attention to them, how do they know how much I paid."

Seeing the reactions of these girls, Liu Xu knew that they wanted to complain about themselves.

"Shen Xue, it's time for the exam soon. You have to be prepared. I hope you will become the head of the freshman. I hope you can surpass Da Ye."

Liu Xu didn't know the actual definition of magician in this world, so he directly defined Tatsuya as a very strong magician.

Shen Xue nodded firmly: "Yes, Mr. Liu Xu, I will definitely!"


The freshman exam was held soon after a few days, and Siboda and Sibo Shenxue were naturally involved.

The results of the exam soon arrived in Liu Xu's hands before the freshmen came to the school for the freshman meeting.

The first place, as expected by Liu Xu, was Sibo Shenxue, the candidate to succeed the magician family Yotsuba Secret.

Magical power and actual performance are the best representatives of freshmen. They have outstanding appearance and soft black hair. After enrolling in school, they became the well-deserved first magnesium girl. Liu Xu commented on Sibo Shenxue as "Touching" is hesitant."

At the same time, the etiquette and manners are perfect. From the outside, it is the type of Yamato Nadeshiko who always controls emotions. In terms of beauty and dazzling, there is no distinction between men and women.

Si Bo Da Ye, a second-degree student.

However, because of his high theoretical scores, he was only in class 1-e and was not directly assigned to a lower class.

Liu Xu smiled.

At this time, Mayumi also happened to walk out of the school building. Originally, she wanted to go to the auditorium. When she saw Liu Xu looking at the documents on the campus, Mayumi walked slowly over.

"Liu Xujun, is there anything happy?"

Seeing it was Mayumi, Liu Xushen pointed his finger at the list.

"The people at the school are idiotic enough. They have assigned such a good labor force to the second subject. If the school can't even identify such basic talents, it will be really disappointing."

"...Who has been assigned to the second subject?"

When Liu Xu said so, Mayumi also became interested.

Anyway, there is still a while for the new student conference, there is no need to worry, she also leaned over, her face was not far from Liu Xu's face, and Liu Xu could even smell the faint fragrance of the girl.

When she saw Spodarya on the list, Mayumi tilted her head.

"This... seems to be the one we saw in the western restaurant a few days ago?"

With her move, the two faces closer together.

Liu Xu nodded.


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