Two Dimensional Rescuer Demon King

Vol 6 Chapter 802: What about it, stallion madness

ps: Recommend a book "The King of Special Operations"


Thinking of this possibility, Mayumi felt that her breathing became difficult.

Ichihara Lingyin took the lead to stand up and pack her things, and after a busy morning, even she couldn't help but get a little tired and stretched subconsciously.

With this action, the **** that had already begun to take shape were suddenly revealed in the eyes of everyone.

Seeing Ichihara Ringtone, several girls unabashedly "Lu" looked enviously.

Chiyoda Hanaune didn't care.

First, she doesn't feel much about Liu Xu now, at least she never admits that she feels about Liu Xu.

Second, Huayin knows that Liu Xu, a bastard, has always been very interested in poor breasts!

Thinking of Liu Xu's large number of **** controls, Huayin felt a chill in her back.

How hungry and thirsty was this guy before to show so many abnormal symptoms?

When she walked out of the student union room, Shen Xue intentionally fell behind a little bit.

It happened to go out with Liu Xu.

Seeing Liu Xu's undisturbed look, Shen Xue smiled slightly.

"Mr. Liu Xu, can I ask you something?"


Liu Xu looked at Shen Xue.

"I just came to Tokyo and haven't found a suitable place to live. Although my aunt found a place for me and my brother in Tokyo, my brother and I are not children anymore. It is inconvenient to live together. Mr. Liu Xu, yes. Come and see the house with me?"

Hearing this, Liu Xu appeared to be a little surprised.

Shen Xue's words always made Liu Xu automatically translated into "an appointment? An appointment?".

Looking at Shen Xue's innocent smile, Liu Xu shook his head.

This girl definitely doesn't understand those filthy things. Her original intention is definitely not this. Maybe she really just wants to find a suitable house!

Anyway, I have lived in Tokyo for a long time, so it's not impossible to take her around.

Thinking of this, Liu Xu nodded and said, "Well, I'll take you to find it after school in a while, you can't wait for this kind of thing."

"Then thank you, Mr. Liu Xu."

Shen Xue smiled gratefully, looking like a blooming snow lotus, gentle and elegant, but with infinite fragrance.

Suddenly, Liu Xu thought of the small villa that he and Sayexiang had rented together. That one could live in one or two more people. However, this kind of thing would definitely have to win Sayexiang’s opinion, and Liu Xu could not be adept.

And Shenxue, if she didn't want to go, she wouldn't force it.

Liu Xu still doesn't want to be the kind of stallion madman Huayin said, even though he actually is.

With that, everyone has already walked out of the teaching building.

Suddenly, Liu Xu's terminal rang.

Picking up the terminal, Liu Xu glanced at the person displayed on it, picked it up, and said, "Morley, what's wrong?"


After listening to the opposite, Liu Xu whistled.

Putting down the terminal, Liu Xu looked at Shen Xue and Shizuku.

"Sorry, Shizuku, Shen Xue, you and the others will wait a moment, something happened to me, I'll be here in a while."

After speaking, Liu Xu returned directly to the teaching building.

Seeing Liu Xu's back disappear into the building, Chiyoda Huayin grinned and looked at Shenxue and Shizuku.

"You two, I can see it, it seems that you are both dealing with that fool Liu Xu..."

"Flower sound."

Mayumi smiled bitterly and interrupted this girl who feared that the world would not be "chaos". She was obviously adding fire to Liu Xu's Shura field!

Soon, Liu Xu walked out of the teaching building again.

This time, the girls couldn't help but squeeze a sweat for him, this guy actually brought out three more girls from inside.

Shibata Mizuki, Chiba Erica, and Watanabe Mori.

This will soon become a harem group.

"Yo! Mayumi, Lingyin, Huayin, everyone is here... Well, how many new faces are there?"

With these words, Morley's expression was a little subtle.

After all, Mori Watanabe, who didn't make the transition, naturally became one with everyone, and laughed and talked in a short while. It was better to say that the atmosphere was more harmonious than before.

Liu Xu looked at Chiba Erica.

"How do I feel that Morley left you, and his mood improved a lot?"

Erica snorted and said, "That's all the same. In fact, it's nothing. She learned the sword in my dojo. My brother wanted to pursue her and was dumped by her. Brother heard that I was in a high school, and he asked me to help him contact again. I don't know what is good about this woman, making a genius of a family bother."

Hearing this, Liu Xu understands better.

A girl like Morley is worth pursuing by herself.

However, to understand is to understand. If Liu Xu is allowed to see her brother who dares to "harass" Morley, he will definitely break a leg.

Siboda didn't know whether to go back or hide in the dark and continue to be his bodyguard. Liu Xu didn't see him anyway.

Si Poda didn't come either. Instead, a large group of freshmen in one subject ran over, as if ignoring the people around him, and leaned directly towards Shen Xue.

"Student Si Bo, may I go together after school?"

"Eh, but...I..."

These people are probably Shen Xue's classmates, there are males and females, and they cannot look away from Shen Xue.

Most of the people who can be assigned to Class 1-a are somewhat different from ordinary people, and it's normal to be a little proud of themselves.

Therefore, after seeing Shenxue's temperament, beauty, and strength, 80% of these people felt that they had a chance, so they came to test.

Before Shen Xue finished speaking, one of the boys in the first subject said excitedly: "We know! Shen Xue has just come to Tokyo, he should be unfamiliar with the place of his life, we can take you to visit Tokyo!"

Hearing this, Shen Xue frowned slightly.

The strong purpose "sex" in these people made her feel very uncomfortable.

Chiba Erica strode over.

"Hey, what are you guys here for? Who made you yell at a lady like that? Are you all just graduated from elementary school?"

Hearing what she said, the mood of the fierce students seemed to be even higher.


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