Two Dimensional Rescuer Demon King

Vol 6 Chapter 804: Chiba swordsmanship, waiting for you

ps: Recommend a book "The King of Special Operations"


Liu Xu nodded appreciatively.

The layman looks at the excitement, the insider looks at the doorway.

In the eyes of other students, Erica might just take the first shot with athletic power, but in Liu Xu's eyes, Erica's blow was not simply a "truncheon swing".

She has actually done something like "incorporating swordsmanship into a baton."

Looking at the companion who was brought down by Erica, the students suddenly showed their angry expressions.

"District, a mere "weed", too bold!"

"If you don't have a look, you really want to think that you have turned the sky!"

"Come on, give her some bitterness, let her know that Yi Gao is not such a bad mess!"

With that, several first-degree students raised their hands one after another, thinking that Ziguang emerged from the CAD in an instant.

"Morley, it seems that our members of the discipline committee did not engrave the importance of discipline into the hearts of the new students?"

Looking at Watanabe Mori next to him, Liu Xu shrugged.

Watanabe Mori smiled, and said: "That's right, it seems that the Commission for Discipline and Discipline has not taken action for too long. These children have forgotten the horror of the Student Union!"

With that, Watanabe Mori smiled coldly and was about to walk over.

Suddenly, Liu Xu reached out and stopped her.

"It's useless to have a fight. If you want to kill a hundred people, you can't just do it. Last year we cleaned up so many students, you don't know."

Seeing the scary smile on the corner of Liu Xu's mouth when he said this, Mori Watanabe knew that he was going to cheat again, so he quickly stepped aside.

"Ahem, Chairman, then everything is up to you, I will first..."

"What do you do first, follow along. If the school finds it later, you will have to be a perjury!"

Watanabe Mori wanted to grab Liu Xu by the collar and asked loudly why it was perjury, and to what extent did he want to torture these students?

In this way, under Watanabe Mori's gaze, Liu Xu slowly stood between Chiba Erica and the others, and the group of freshmen in the first department.

Seeing Liu Xu coming over suddenly, the boy leading the man who was preparing for magic frowned.

"Hey, boy, who are you? Don't add "mess" here, be careful to irritate us, and fight with you."

With that said, he still wanted to sway the cad on his wrist decently, thinking about it for a while.

Although the aura is very good, he is still a student after all, even if he is already angry, he dare not release the magic at all.

But from another point of view, it seems that it can be said to be good for endurance.

Looking at the young man who kept condensing magical power, Liu Xu walked over slowly and said: "It seems that you suppressed the magical fire. It was very hard to suppress it. Would you like to relax and let the magic come out?"

Hearing this, the other party was a little startled, not knowing why Liu Xu said that.

Is it here to find death? "I remind you one last time, hurry up and stay away, otherwise once my magic is used, you won't know how to die!"

Liu Xu laughed.

"Then you, just let me see?"

Hearing Liu Xu's words, the other party finally couldn't help it, his face turned red because of the abnormal anger.

"Since you are willing to be a hero yourself, don't blame others!"

When the voice fell, an aggregation system, similar to an air cannon-like magic, immediately blasted Liu Xu's chest.

Liu Xu's mouth opened with a grin, and Senhan's teeth appeared, looking like the coldest demon smile.

Instantly disappeared in place, Liu Xu suddenly appeared above the person's head.

"Just waiting for you!"

With a kick to the ground, he smashed the opponent's head into the ground.


Under the gaze of a large group of students after school, Liu Xu's figure disappeared instantly, and in the next second he appeared directly on top of the opponent's head, pressing the latter's head into the ground.

Seeing the falling dust and blood on the ground, the crowd made a burst of air-conditioning sounds, as well as soft cries of surprise.

"...Hey, who is that person? This strength is too strong! To me, even those combat-level magicians can't compare to him!"

"Yes, even in the family, I have never seen anyone with such a speed. If you can pull him into your own family, I am afraid you can directly make your family's strength comparable to a hundred families!"

Hearing what this person said at the end, the eyes of the students became fierce-whoever came here to go to school didn't have a family background, and who didn't want to take the strength of his family to the next level?

Suddenly, a voice interrupted them.

"Haha, let that adult join your family? Don't be whimsical."

Upon hearing this, the crowd turned their uncomfortable and doubtful gazes in the direction of speaking.

The next second, these people were all taken aback.

Behind the crowd, five discipline committee members with armbands all stood there.

And it was Ze Mubi who was standing at the front with a straight face.

A tall, thin man suddenly widened his eyes.

"I, I seem to have heard of this guy... It is said that he is the number one melee strong in the Commissioner of Discipline, not to mention using magic, even if he does not use magic, he can defeat more than a dozen people on his own!"

"Fuck, isn't it, then he isn't invincible?!"

"What a joke, don't you know that the chairman of Yi Gao, the most terrifying man in Tokyo, can easily blow up a school’s ghost chairman Liu Xu with his own power? If it is that person, don’t It is useless to say that it is a member of the discipline committee, even if the other two giants go together!"

As everyone watched, the thin and tall man smiled triumphantly, and said, "Speaking of which, I have seen a picture of the master Liu Xu. I came here to admire the name of Master Liu Xu. When class was over, I was asking about the position of Master Liu Xu. I heard that he is now..."

Having said that, this person suddenly "exposed" a somewhat shocked expression.

As if the bearing that had not been oiled all the year round, the man slowly turned his head back and looked at Liu Xu, who was beating the local rats.

Seeing him like this, several students who were listening with gusto began to urge him.


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