Two Dimensional Rescuer Demon King

Vol 6 Chapter 806: Magic equality, hypnotic eye

ps: Recommend a book "The King of Special Operations"


Hearing that, Shen Xue squeezed the corner of her skirt and said, "There are people with this kind of organization even at a high level..."

Liu Xu smiled and said, "Yes, it's really funny that magic students deny magic."

Shen Xue nodded in agreement, which is why she just exclaimed.

"This is just the idea of ​​normal people, and it is also the idea of ​​people who really regard this organization as a non-governmental organization."

With a sneer, Liu Xu continued to lead Shen Xue not far behind Sayaka.

"Blanhe, who is ostensibly a political association, regards the poor salary levels of wage earners for magicians and non-magicians as evidence of preferential treatment for magicians."

"The difference they say is, after all, the difference in average income."

"But that's just an average, it's just a result... Those guys have never considered the hard work that a high-paid magician is doing."

"Not only that, these people are not only hostile to high-paid magicians, but they also completely ignore those magicians who have magic skills but can only engage in magic-related occupations, holding a large number of reserves even lower than wage earners. Up."

Liu Xu said lightly, almost without any emotion.

However, you can vaguely feel a trace of contempt.

Shen Xue "Lu" made an expression that started to understand.

"In other words, blanche's opposition to the difference in compensation caused by magic turns out to be nothing more than an opposition to the use of magic to get monetary rewards."

"That is, it is a matter of asking magicians to contribute to society with a selfless spirit."

Shen Xue "Lu" made an incredible expression.

"Magicians are not allowed to live by magic. Even people who can use magic have to earn living expenses with skills other than magic? This is simply because I don’t know how to use magic, so I don’t want to use magic as an evaluation of human abilities. That's it!"

"Could it be that those people don't know that magic can't be used only by their innate talent? Don't you know that it takes years of study and training to use magic?"

Hearing Shen Xue's question, Liu Xu almost laughed out loud.

"No, I know!"

At this time, Liu Xu had no contempt in his eyes, he no longer despised these people.

"Know, but don't say it, they don't say it, don't think about things that are not good for them, they just deceive others and themselves with the nice concept of equality."

"Those who can't use magic, no matter how hard they try, can't learn it, so they feel unfair that magicians can gain social status through magic."

"So, those students who can use magic but lack talents, even if they work so hard, can't catch up with those talented students, even if they work so hard, they will still be looked down upon by them. It's strange-even if they think so, it's not enough. Surprising."

"The difference in talents is not just in magic. Art and sports also exist in other fields."

"Like these people, they can't do it by themselves, just like the behavior of dragging others into the water, just like those who hate the rich and the officials."

"The more you don't work hard, the more you want to prevent those who put in the effort from making progress. This is the inferiority of human beings." At this point, Liu Xu's eyes suddenly flashed red.


Blanche's party was even more unreliable than Liu Xu had imagined.

If you have to say it, almost nothing can compare to the corporate culture activities in the real world. You must know that even if it is a sales promotion these years, there is still a bit of organizational discipline "sexuality", and you know that you want to sell an ideal and sell a future.

And this so-called "magic equality" conference is actually always telling the truth.

The meeting place was a presidential suite of a hotel, where many people were "listening to classes".

Liu Xu took Shen Xue to open a room upstairs. When it was open, the lady boss looked at Liu Xu and Shen Xue, "showing" a deep smile.

"Brother and this little girl, really worthy of the word wise man and woman, especially this little girl, really beautiful, I grew up so, this is the first time I have seen such a beautiful girl..."

Before she could finish speaking, Liu Xu pulled Shen Xue upstairs, who was completely in shy mode.

There were words like "Be careful not to get a creampie!" afterwards.

Shen Xue seemed to faint.

After finally calming Shen Xue's emotions, Liu Xu opened his eyes to the downstairs.

The pupils shrank instantly.


For today's Liu Xu, it is too easy to judge what others are saying through lips. It is for this reason that Liu Xu understands the content of their meeting.

Looking at it, Liu Xu suddenly felt something wrong.

The man who presided over the meeting was slowly escaping a faint thought, but because the amount was too small, even Liu Xu could only be sure by his feelings, let alone those who listened.

"Oh... Hypnosis eyes? This kid, has researched a little magical effect of eyes, interesting and interesting."

Whispering softly, Liu Xu slowly probed his energy through the floor to downstairs, protecting Mibu Sayaka.

After realizing that his hypnosis didn't seem to work for Mibu Sayaka, the man who was speaking loudly was obviously a little "confused", but then he probably comforted himself for some reason, and went on.

After realizing that he had nothing to do, Liu Xu sneered and stood up.

"The situation is roughly understood, Shen Xue."

"So, what are you going to do? Go downstairs and capture them all?"

Shen Xue took out his mobile cad and made a serious expression before the battle.

"No need, let's go see the house, don't you want to find a house?"

"Huh, this time?"

Shen shot and squeezed Shen Xue's surprised little face. After feeling the wonderful touch, Liu Xu didn't want to let go.

Probably because of abstinence for too long, Liu Xu suddenly had the urge to taste the deep snow.


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