Two Dimensional Rescuer Demon King

Vol 6 Chapter 817: Arrange the assassination, treat with gentleness

ps: Recommend a book "The King of Special Operations"


"This is Liu Xu, Chairman of Yigao's Discipline and Discipline, do you know?"

Upon receiving the photo, the visitor was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded.

"Yes, the subordinates know this chairman."

"Just know it." Si Yi nodded in satisfaction, "Tomorrow, you will get him done, of course, it is not really killing him, you just need to break one of his arms or legs... you are a combat-level magician. , I believe you are still accurate."

Hearing this, the man bends down respectfully.

"Yes, Secretary!"

"Well, you go. Although it is a bit awkward to clean up a small student and want you to take action, who made my unskilled brother come and beg me in person!"

After that, Si Yi looked at Si Jia proudly.

Seeing this scene, Si Jia grinned a little excitedly.

Just now, he still knew that it was a combat genius who had been organized to "insert" Yi Gao, who had extraordinary combat effectiveness in one-on-one combat, let alone Liu Xu, who was just a faster physical magician. Even a tactical magician, that person had been killed just now.

If it were him, Liu Xu would be unlucky.


Early the next morning, Liu Xu came to Yigao with Sayexiang and Shen Xue as usual.

Because of the preparations for the Nine-School Battle, the Student Union and the Discipline Committee have been busy these days, especially the Student Union, which has become a miscellaneous office.

All the big and small incidents were sent here, Chiyoda Hanaone almost couldn't help but bomb the school several times, but Mayumi's deterrent power was good.

As soon as the day of enrolling students in the school club, the school began to feel restless, and Liu Xu called all the discipline committee members in the morning.

After arranging the tasks, all the discipline committee members went to their jobs.

Sitting in the committee member's room, Liu Xu continued to "feel" his new footwork with his eyes.

At this moment, a student suddenly appeared at the door of the discipline committee room.

Liu Xu seemed to be asleep, completely unresponsive.

Slowly walking into the room, the visitor gave Liu Xu a faint look.

"In this way, is it worthy to be valued by the Secretary? Well, this kind of student is normal without a sense of crisis. Let him break a leg without pain, so that he will not affect the plan of the Secretary. ."

As he said, he slowly raised his hand, slowly overflowing with spiritual light.

Suddenly, a voice appeared in his ear.

"Oh, are you, are you going to break one of my legs? That's not good, cutting the grass without removing the roots, the spring breeze blows again!"

Scared by the sudden sound, the man with indifferent eyes subconsciously jumped to the side and looked intently, where he stood just now, standing with Liu Xu with a faint smile on his face.

Turning his head again, there is no shadow of Liu Xu on the seat? !

"...Impossible, I didn't see you using self-acceleration magic at all."

"There are so many impossible things in this world. People who can't keep up with the times will be eliminated. Didn't your middle school teacher teach you?"

With that said, Liu Xu walked over slowly without taking both hands out of his pockets.

"So, who asked you to deal with me? Is it Baijia? Or the school? Or the military? Or...blanche? Say it well. I will let you break a head without pain. Is this a good deal?"

Hearing this, the other party almost spit out blood.

No pain to break a head? ! Isn't that about killing yourself?

"Hehe, a student, don't let the wind flash your tongue."

Looking at Liu Xu with a sneer, the opponent's figure flashed, and with the support of the acceleration magic, he charged up at a speed that was not lost to Liu Xu.

Of course, it's just not losing to Liu Xu's body speed. If Liu Xu uses energy, it will be useless for him to accelerate eight hundred times.

"It looks like you can't understand me anymore?"

With a cold smile, Liu Xu raised his arm.

Since it doesn't make sense, kill this guy.

Liu Xu will never show mercy to people who want to be against him.

However, before Liu Xu hit the man's head with a punch, he swept over from behind with a sap, knocking the assailant to the ground with a bang.

Liu Xu looked at Mori Watanabe holding a long stick with a subtle expression.

The latter was breathing a little nervously. Seeing Liu Xu looking at him, Watanabe Mori blushed, gave him a vicious look, and said, "Look at what? I saved you! I don't appreciate my help. Yep!"

Hearing this, Liu Xu smiled slightly, just when Morley thought Liu Xu was going to say "calling", he slowly walked up to her.

In Morley's surprised gaze, Liu Xushen took a shot and gently "rubbed" her hair.

"Thank you, Morley."

"Wow! It's disgusting! Did you take the wrong "medicine" today?!"

Suddenly treated with such gentleness by Liu Xu, Watanabe Mori subconsciously opened Liu Xu's hand, and the whole person jumped back, blushing like an apple.

Seeing Watanabe Mori's reaction, Liu Xu smiled and shook his head, and said, "It's really cute, Mori, but if it's too shy, it will make people feel alienated."

"Don't worry about it!"

Angrily, Mori Watanabe turned around and left the house.

I wanted to ask about the identity of the person lying on the ground, but I was forgotten by this interruption.

When Watanabe Mori left, Liu Xu looked at the assassin lying on the ground.

Seeing the latter struggling to get up, Liu Xu said: "Forget it, don't say anything, I guessed it, the person who called you should be from the Si family, right? A is Siyi."

Upon hearing Liu Xu's words, the attacker's pupils shrank.

"I don't understand what you are talking about, nor do I know what you are talking about!"

Hearing this, Liu Xu grinned and said: "People who say this are usually lying. Don't you understand this simple truth?"

As he said, Liu Xu raised a hand, and dark "color" energy slowly poured from it.

Heavy pressure gun, mimic change!


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