Two Dimensional Rescuer Demon King

Vol 6 Chapter 981: Solicit


The group was seated, and Xiao Er diligently poured tea and water for the three of them. After the busy schedule, he felt the enthusiasm of Xiao Er, and the exhaustion of the four people was inevitably lessened.

When the food was on the table, Liu Xu greeted Cai Yan Xiaohe and Guo Jia to move his chopsticks. When the three of them had served the bowls, he immediately shook off his arms and began to gobble up.

Compared with Cai Yan Xiaohe’s slow chewing, Liu Xu’s eating look is more ugly than ugly. It looks like eating to keep up with the battlefield. Guo Jia is no exception, like a big bad wolf who has been hungry for a month. of.

A table of food and the two women didn't move much at all, and they were swept away by Liu Xu and Guo Jia.

No way, the body's demand for energy is really too great, and the appetite is big, so I eat more.

Cai Yan looked and shook his head, the maid couldn't help smiling.

The two women didn't eat much, they were full just by watching.

The four of them went back to the room after they were full of wine and food. They called for hot water and took a hot bath. They were exhausted and felt refreshed.

As soon as he was about to leave, there was a knock on the door, and when he opened the door, it was Guo Jia who visited.

"Household, visiting at night, don't you see any surprises?" He held a jar of unopened wine in his arms, saw Liu Xu cast his eyes, deliberately lifted the jar, and then smiled: "It's really boring to drink alone. It's boring, so I came to you. Haha, you can skip the meal, but you have to drink the wine. Mrs. Zun was beside me just now, so I didn't dare to mention wine!

"Haha, drinking is a good thing." Liu Xu squinted, "but I have to add two drinks and food."

With that said, Liu Xu immediately called Xiao Er and asked him to prepare some good dishes.

The food and wine were served, and the two immediately sat down and drank.

After drinking for three rounds, Liu Xu couldn't help asking: "Why did Fengxiao arrive in Pengcheng? If there is a big chaos today, the road is not peaceful."

"Haha, traveling in the mountains and playing in the water, idle and bored, walking all over the great mountains and rivers, if anyone is interested in me, just take it directly, my fate is not worth a lot of money." Guo Jia said with a big smile.

Why does this sound a bit bitter? It seems that Lao Guo has not been mixed up very well in recent years!

"Who says your life is worthless, brothers, don't behave in vain." Liu Xu looked at Guo Jia and offered his invitation in due course, "You come and help me."

"With you?"

Guo Jia squinted at Liu Xu, who was sitting opposite.

To be honest, the look in his eyes is very uncomfortable, like looking at it, looking at it, and a condescending suspicion.

He has followed Dong Zhuo and entered the Yuan Mansion. Who hasn't seen any important people?

Now a young man of his size ran over and asked himself to follow him.

What is this nonsense?

"You come and help me." Liu Xu spoke again with a very serious attitude.

"I owe you a meal and a room, and you want my fragile body to give you my life." Guo Jia held a peanut in his mouth and chewed, "The interest is too high. Is it a bit?"

"You didn't give your life to me. You gave your life to yourself." Liu Xu said with a smile: "Didn't you just say it? Your life is worthless."

"You can also choose a higher starting point to work hard. However, which power has the potential to dominate the world, Dong Zhuo is cruel, and the brothers Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu are short-sighted. None of them are competing for the world. You can even go there. What role do you play? If you go single-handedly to take refuge in others, you will inevitably conflict and confront the original forces. Those generals, counselors and ministers, who will convince you... By then, most of your energy will be spent on internal fighting. Have the time and energy to do what you should do?"

"You did a good job and won the battle. Others will say that it should be like this. Because they are strong and strong, and they have a lot of talents. Now is the time when morale is strong. If you don't do well, others will say you are in possession of Guo Fengxiao. Mao Keng does not shit... incompetent."

Liu Xu looked at Guo Jia with a smile, and continued: "The world is in chaos. It is a good time to make contributions, and my goal is to dominate the country. If I do not achieve my goal, I will never give up! I, Liu Xu, have no influence. , But he has the ambition and ability to dominate the world. As a counselor, if you can't achieve outstanding achievements, if you can't prove yourself, you can only be forgotten by history, and finally become an ordinary wave in the sea, no one will remember You existed before."

"What can you give me?" Guo Jia drank the remaining half a bowl of wine and said coldly.

Liu Xu's words made him feel uncomfortable, but he couldn't refute it.

Yes, he needs to prove himself.

To his friend, to his elderly mother, to the whole world!

Twenty years of reading poetry and books, Sora has a talent and nowhere to display it, that feeling is very disturbing!

He wants to prove himself. No one has a stronger desire for it than he.

"The whole Xuzhou." Liu Xu said.

Guo Jia looked at Liu Xu in shock.

He had known that this person was not in the pool. When he was invited into the carriage, he knew that this man was not easy, and when the man drank the wine he handed boldly, he knew that this man was not in the pool.

But he still did not expect that he could give the whole Xuzhou to himself.

This is impossible!

You know, the current animal husbandry in Xuzhou is Tao Qian. Is the man in front of him the son of Tao Qian... No, Tao Qian has no son.

Ever since, he began to ponder Liu Xu's identity.

"Xuzhou is not mine yet." Liu Xu smiled slightly, "I came to Xuzhou this time to take over Xuzhou."

"You are so confident that you can get Xuzhou." Guo Jia sneered, "Tao Qian is not an idiot."

"Hehe, I have my way. If I don't have the confidence to connect to Xuzhou, how can I rule the whole world."

Liu Xu laughed, his smile was unspeakable arrogant, but his words were even more arrogant than that smile.

Liu Xu did not give him a chance to continue to ask questions, and said: "I want to build an iron bucket and build an undefeated empire, and you... are the military division who has won a thousand miles... the only military division!"

"I will give you the steering wheel and let the whole world follow you. Accept? Or reject?"


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