"Who?" the lead gangster shouted angrily.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a young man suddenly appear beside him. Before he could react, he felt as if he had been hit by a high-speed car, and his body flew out involuntarily. Immediately after his eyes darkened, he passed out.


Chapter 235 Caichuan Lizi's sister


Thor rejoiced and said that this title also attracted the girl who was guarded by Longniang. Together with the former, they set their sights on the person who fell from the sky. At the same time, several gangsters saw that their boss was alive and dead, and they were all scared and scattered. .

"Thor, you have a good heart."

Hearing this disappointing tone, the maid Long bowed her head guiltily. She knew what her master meant. She should have followed the other party's practice and should not have kept her hands at the beginning, and immediately sent these gangsters away... ..

"Thor disappointed the master."

"It's okay."

Patting Long Niang's shoulder, Ye Feng's original serious expression gradually eased, "Maids are born to serve and bring laughter to others with gentleness. Solving things without violence is also a kind of progress."

Hearing this, Thor squinted his eyes and smirked. He thought he was criticized, but he never imagined that the twists and turns would turn, and he felt very happy. However, at this moment, his voice changed, "But..."

"When you encounter these **** with no eyes, you don't need to talk much, and you should never let go of the lesson!"


The resounding reply echoed in the air, Thor bent down 90 degrees to indicate that he understood, and Ye Feng nodded in satisfaction.

At this moment, another voice came from the side, it was the girl who was previously protected.

"Thank you for saving me. Are you the master of Sister Thor?"

Wen Yan Ye Feng asked with a smile: "Yes, don't I look like the image in your heart?"

"No no no." The girl shook her head quickly, for fear that the other party would be unhappy, "You are better than I thought. Sister Thor is lucky to meet a master like you." Just finished saying "ah" and said, " I almost forgot, I came here to deliver the books to my sister."

"Is your sister's name Caichuan Riko?"

1.8 Has the same appearance features and is dressed as a maid, and there is no one else except the opponent's sister Cai Chuan Miao in the original work.

After the self-introduction, the girl took care of her messy double ponytails and said in shock, "You know my sister? She didn't cause you any trouble, did she?"

Ye Feng shook his head, "No trouble, she's a cute little girl."

"My sister is a little naughty, and usually makes me worry a lot. It would be great if it didn't trouble you."

"Time is running out, so hurry up and send books to your sister."

After another thank you, Cai Chuan Miao said goodbye to the master and servant, and hurried to the school with a bag, while the latter two planned to go home.

ps: Does Minasang hate Fafnir so much? ╮(╯▽╰)╭.

Chapter 236 The most beautiful leaves

Obozuka Elementary School.

In the afternoon, with the sound of the sweet bell, the students waiting for school got excited, discussed the new classmates one after another, and gathered around each other to greet each other.

"Student Kona, I can take you home."

"Student Kona, here is the latest comic book."

"Kana, there are snacks here."

"Kana classmate..."

In the face of such a warm welcome, the person's expression did not fluctuate, and his heart was as calm as water. Chewing the snacks handed by classmates in his mouth, he glanced at the comic book in his hand, and the answer to any question was: "It's incredible!"

This naturally caused another brainwashing storm. It wasn't until the teacher behind the podium coughed that these disorientated students woke up with a blank look on their faces, and then they liked this young dragon even more.

"Have you memorized today's homework? Be sure to interact with your parents to complete the work. The best 24 works will get a little red flower."

When the female teacher took out the delicate red flowers from under the podium, a little star flashed in Kangna's eyes. This shiny glass product had a magical power to attract her attention, and it took a lot of effort to Look away from above.

Ignoring the concerns of the classmates around, the young girl Long wrote a line of small words on the paper with a pencil, which was the content of the homework assigned by the teacher before, and then stared at the words for a while, and muttered to herself, "Parent..."


Ye Ju.

Thor used the coordinates he had left before to open the passage, and brought Kangna home after school. As soon as the latter stepped out of the passage, she trotted to the owner of the house.

"Big brother, homework."

Although the sentence was short, it clearly stated the purpose. Ye Feng was about to take the worksheet when Thor, who was beside him, grabbed it.

"Is such a simple homework still bothering the master? I can do it alone!" She slapped her chest and said with a smile, and then read out the contents.

"Drawing leaves with the parents? Eh... What kind of homework is this?"

As soon as the voice fell, Conna added: "Draw down the most beautiful leaves you have seen, and ask your parents to help you to complete it. There is no limit to the number."

Hearing that, Ye Feng took the homework sheet and found that the words on the page were written crookedly, as if a villain was dancing. He couldn't help laughing and said, "This word is comparable to mine."

Although he is not the parent of the other party, he is considered a guardian for the time being, so it is not a violation. Drawing the leaves is fairly simple. According to Kona, she draws and the parents are responsible for collecting the leaves.

At this time, Thor said first: "It's okay to wrap it on me, you guys wait a moment." After saying that, he walked to the balcony and transformed into a dragon shape and fluttered up, disappearing into the sky in a blink of an eye.

"Don't worry, Kona, we will definitely let you take the first place!"

Chapter 236 The most beautiful leaves

"Don't worry, Kona, we will definitely let you take the first place!"

All the staff started to go out one after another, and Ye Feng was no exception, and joined in after locking the door. Half a while later, Lucoa, who was the first to go home, placed a heart-shaped leaf in front of Kangna's expectant gaze.

"Because there are many people looking for it, it is inevitable to find the same leaf, so I brought back the one I thought was the most beautiful."

Conna folded the love leaf evenly in half and found that the two halves could be completely overlapped, so she couldn't help but exclaimed, "It's amazing!"

You must know that there are almost no two identical leaves in the world. Even if they are folded in half, there will be more or less unevenness in the two halves. However, the other party can actually find such a perfect leaf. It can be seen that they are very careful.

At this moment, Fafnir also looked for the leaves and returned. Although he still had that paralyzed face, he could also see a little excitement from it.

The leaves he brought back were only three, and they lay sparsely in his sleeves. When he took them out, Lucoa chuckled, "As expected of a cursed black dragon, even the aesthetics are different from ordinary dragons."

I saw that the three leaves were all black and autumn colors, and the veins of the leaves were irregularly distributed, forming a grimace from a distance.

Fafnir's face turned black, and then he snorted coldly, "How can a stupid human appreciate a great masterpiece, this is a work that I spent a few minutes infiltrating into the trees with the power of curse, and then it was born."

"But if it wasn't for the native trees, it would be meaningless to draw." Kang Na helplessly spread her hands, and then continued to wait for the remaining companions.

On the other hand, Ye Feng didn't go too far after going out, but wandered around the nearby mountains, picking some leaves that could be seen at random. The so-called most beautiful leaves do not necessarily refer to the beauty on the surface, the inner beauty is also necessary, but how can we highlight the inner beauty? This takes some effort to think about.

When he got home, he found that everyone except Thor and Eluma were already in place. Just as he put the leaf in his hand on the table, a dragon roared outside the door. The bag fell on the door, and then stuffed it inside the door.

With a bang, the bag was smashed, and in the astonished eyes of everyone, all kinds of leaves poured out like a tide, filling the floor of the entire living room. If you look closely, there is no repetition.

"Huh, that's all, I circled the whole earth and collected all the leaves of different varieties of 550 that I saw."

After speaking, she showed a displeased expression, "Don't ask me to do such a boring thing next time, and the head maid, who opened a passage and went to another world by herself without saying hello, really **** me off!"

It turned out that he went to another world, Ye Feng was a little bit dumbfounded, he had already expected the ending. The former brought the leaves of the entire earth, can the latter not do the same?

At this moment, the sky was torn apart, and the turbulent and unstable energy produced a black vortex, and then Thor in the form of a dragon swept out of it carrying a bag twice as large as himself, and flew towards this side. .

Colorful leaves fell from the sky like rain, and the whole house was submerged in an instant.

"You fool, are you trying to drown us?"

An angry Eluma drilled a head out of the pile of leaves, pushed aside the still falling leaves, and raised a fist of protest.

As expected, Ye Feng shook his head helplessly, and then together with the other dragons, he cleaned up these leaves from another world.

However, when they accused the maid dragon, a black seed inadvertently slipped out of the pile of leaves and rolled down the **** into the sewer. This strange picture was not noticed...

Chapter two hundred and thirty seventh hurt each other duo

In the end, these messy leaves were carefully selected. After eliminating the strange-looking unknown plants, there were only a dozen or so leaves that were enough to submerge a building.

Of course, the leaves that Thor brought from another world were the first to be expelled, because these plants are not recorded in the human world at all, and no one will recognize them when they are drawn, let alone winning prizes, it is estimated that they are regarded as the results of their own fantasies.

When cleaning up the mountains of leaves, it was inevitable to use magic to affect the minds of nearby residents. This task was naturally handed over to the culprit, Thor. She was a little depressed, and after a few mutterings, she stopped complaining, and then cooperated with the work.

"Then, let's leave the choice to Kona."

Thor looked at the young dragon with a smile on his face. The leaves on the table were lined up, and the latter's gaze swept from left to right, unable to make a decision after hesitating for a long time.

The rest of the leaves are very beautiful, the color is emerald green, and the veins and leaves are completely natural, as if they are works of art of nature. These materials come from all over the world.

Although Eluma's flying speed can't compare to the maid dragon, it only takes ten minutes to circle the earth. During this period, she specially goes to a forbidden place where human beings rarely set foot, picks all the leaves that can be seen, and then slams her brain into it. Back in the bag.

Under Thor's resentful gaze, Kang Na finally chose Lucoa's heart-shaped leaves, and at the same time Elma complained: "What, did you take a long time to dispose of the fruits of my labor like garbage? "

"Hey, black dragon over there, stop studying your cursed leaves, and throw those disgusting things away!"

Not all dragons like shiny things, just like Fafnir, this curse-obsessed black dragon is completely caught up in the study of combining curses with plants.

The face of the discriminated person sank, and he held the leaves infused with the curse energy in his hands, with strong dissatisfaction in his tone, and said coldly, "What's wrong with the curse? It's because your appreciation level is too low."! "

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Feng patted the black dragon on the shoulder and said earnestly: "If you want to continue your research, move to the back mountain to live, where I specially opened a cave and arranged the barrier, no There will be greedy humans bothering you."

"Lord, is this true?"


Hearing this, Fafner was instantly moved. Although he didn't cry, he couldn't hide his excitement. Finally understood! It was really nice to be treated by the owner of the house, and then he took his research results and went to the position guided by the other party.

It was not until Fafnir in the form of a dragon disappeared from the sky that the dragon girls came back to their senses. Lukoya explained with a smile: "Don't be surprised, this black dragon has been obsessed with the power of curses as early as a hundred thousand years ago. All day long except guarding the treasure, he is doing research. Thinking about it recently, he is too boring to be addicted."

"The cave?" Thor's face was full of doubts, because Conna likes to eat a small wild fruit, so she will go to the back mountain to pick it in her spare time. She has gone back and forth dozens of times, but she has never seen her owner. The cave mentioned in the mouth.

"Because the barrier is arranged." Ye Feng replied casually.

In fact, the cave was not in vain. He went to the back mountain alone to drive the sword energy to open it up a few days ago. Due to the influence of unknown reasons, he vaguely felt that some people were very disgusted with this black dragon, so he came up with this strategy.

Of course, doing this will not affect the opponent's role as a thug. The master ball is the medium of summoning. As long as this object is in hand, the opponent can be summoned to help at any time.

Fafnir left like a fluffy catkin that fell into the calm water, causing subtle ripples, and then quickly returned to its original state, and the next thing went on as usual.

Chapter two hundred and thirty seventh hurt each other duo

Fafnir left like a fluffy catkin that fell into the calm water, causing subtle ripples, and then quickly returned to its original state, and the next thing went on as usual.

After choosing the material, Kang Na carefully drew the outline on the white paper according to the shape of the leaves, and the remaining three dragon girls watched around, and the outline gradually took shape.

"Kana-chan is quite talented in this regard."

Lucoa still squinted her eyes, which made people wonder how she could see things clearly, just like a certain rock-type Pokémon trainer, is the world in her eyes two lines?

At this time, Elma said "cut", "My paintings look better than some crazy maid."

As soon as the voice fell, Thor, who was named by name, countered: "Why, do you want to do something?"

"I'm definitely better than you in any way! Let's make a bet. If I win, you give me the position of the head maid and wash the toilet yourself for a month. On the contrary, if I lose, it's up to you."

Since there is no way to gain freedom by working part-time to pay off debts, then at least climb to a very high position and make yourself comfortable. With this idea in mind, the former targets Thor.

Looking at each other, the two lines of sight intersected in the air to create invisible sparks. Ye Feng looked at this pair of dragon mothers with great interest, and felt that there would be a wonderful battle between dragons and tigers.

"¨~You are seeking your own death!"

Thor's tone gradually fell. The two of them have been fighting for tens of thousands of years, but no one can do anything to the other, no matter which side does anything, the latter will immediately come out and belittle the other side.

The Unicorn Dragon Lady's eyes were sharp, staring at the maid dragon's eyes, she stretched out her hand to point at the other party, "Accept or not?"

"I'm up to your challenge. Be prepared to face failure and cry! You will soon feel what despair is!"

At this time, the system's voice sounded, "Ding! Trigger the side quest "Mutual Hurt Duo": The two dragon girls decided to use the position of the head maid as a bargaining chip, and the host should be their referee! If Thor wins, he will be rewarded with "Spirit of Fire", and if Eloma wins, he will be rewarded with "Spirit of Water""

The two sides will set the date of the duel (Li Li's) tomorrow morning. At this time, Kang Na's painting had also come to an end. After the last stroke was drawn, the painting for the class selection was completed, and she couldn't help but jumped up with joy and said "Yeah".

"Ding! Conna's favorability for you has increased by 5%, and is currently 71%."

The prompt sounded in her ears, and Kona's favorability level rose again, and there was only a short distance left to complete the task.

"Big brother, is Kang Na good at drawing?"

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