"Ding! Taking the flame essence, the experience value of the magic training system will increase by 10,000. Congratulations to the host for being promoted to the first-level magician!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for being promoted to the middle-level magician!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for being promoted to a high-level magician!"

"Ding! The chain quest "First Look at the Door" has been completed! The quest reward magic crystal has been sent. ‖. "

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for generating a special talent: fire resistance increased by 30%."

At this time, the originally weak magic power in the body has been improved unprecedentedly at this moment. Although it is not comparable to the sword energy in quality, it is not far behind. The magic power of the high-level magician is comparable to Thor in his heyday. I believe that even if not This ability alone is enough for other powers to run amok in another world.

The obvious change was noticed by the dragon girl beside her. The sudden and rapid growth of magic power was not deliberately hidden, and the surging fluctuations were as vivid as fireflies in the dark night.

Lucoa first opened her originally squinted eyes, and her beautiful bi-colored eyes kept scanning the young man's body. Indescribable things happened to the two that night, and they subconsciously regarded each other as their partners, and naturally they were very concerned about such emergencies.

"Has the Master Patriarch made a breakthrough in magic power?"

Ye Feng didn't hide it, but he deliberately modified some content when he explained it. For example, he accidentally fell off a cliff one day, and then found the red fruit by chance. After taking it, the magic power greatly increased.

This kind of nonsense that he didn't even believe was sneering, but Kang Na was stunned to hear it. It's not that such a good thing has not happened, and similar stories are often heard from taverns in another world:

For example, a certain person turned into a waste overnight, and was humiliated by his fiancée to break off the marriage. Later, he accidentally discovered that a grandfather who could refine medicine lived in his ring, and he became a blockbuster.

The two hundred and fortieth chapter is so cool!

For example, a certain person turned into a waste overnight, and was humiliated by his fiancée to break off the marriage. Later, he accidentally discovered that a grandfather who could refine medicine lived in his ring, and he became a blockbuster.

Another example is that XX was originally a mountain village civilian, and was recommended by relatives to enter a certain magic school, and then picked up a mysterious little green bottle in the grove, which could ripen plants.

Of course, these are all legends. Some of them are made up by good people after drinking, and some are exaggerated. Even so, the goddess of luck will always favor the people of destiny.

"Okay... It's amazing, Kona doesn't even understand the concept of magic at the age of her eldest brother." The young girl dragon's eyes were full of admiration, and the twinkling stars were almost overflowing.

"Not bad, not bad, worthy of being my mating partner, whether it is appearance, cultivation, or aptitude, they are all top-notch."

Lucoa gave a thumbs up and praised: "If it's not strong enough, I really want to imprison you and enjoy it by yourself."

Ye Feng's words made Ye Feng feel ashamed, is Long Niang so domineering? Fortunately, the maid dragon didn't hear the word "mating", otherwise it would definitely explode on the spot.

At the same time, Thor was very dissatisfied with the result of the trial. His own painting was clearly ten times higher than his opponent's. Why did he get the same score?

Elma burst into tears with laughter. After a while, she got up from the floor, straightened her slightly messy clothes, and stared at each other with mocking eyes, "See, this is the result."

Thor's face darkened in an instant, and a black air permeated from behind him to the extent that the naked eye could see, and even from a distance, one could see the resentment contained in it. This is the resentment of the dragon, if ordinary people touch it, they will feel extremely painful!

"¨~ So what? Even if it's a draw, you won't get the position of the head maid, so you should be a subordinate honestly!"

The Unicorn Dragon Lady snorted softly, and said with her hands on her chest: "This is just the beginning, there will be more challenges in the future, and one day we will decide the winner!"

"I'm looking forward to it, I hope you won't let me down." Thor's face gradually softened, and the black energy behind him also disintegrated.

At the same time as the fight was over, all the citizens who joined in the fun dispersed. Because the scene was protected by the staff with tents, no matter how strong the curiosity stopped there.

Although Thor was a little unwilling, he could only accept the fact, and then sent Kona to school. The young dragon cannot open the teleportation channel alone due to the limitation of ability, so this step is done by the former.

(Mano's) After that, Lucoa continued to patrol the world as a policeman, Eluma was busy with tedious housework, and Ye Feng went out to complete today's daily tasks.

"Daily quest "Holy Mutation": Mutation is quietly happening in this city, please go to investigate, Master Host! Rewards random SS-level items. "

You don't need to guess to know that the new mutation is related to the giant mouse I saw earlier, but the task is to let myself investigate. I didn't want to pay attention to it before, but now it seems that I have to go out in person. With the Master Ball in his hand, Fafnir appeared on the spot after a flash of blue light.

"Great Lord, what did you call me for?"

He knelt down on one knee and bowed his head. As the saying goes, raising troops for a thousand days and using them for a while, Ye Feng is too lazy to do many things, so it is a good choice to let this cursed black dragon do it for him.

"Come with me."


Chapter 241 The Seed of the World Tree

The sewer is a five-meter-high tunnel, and when you stand at the entrance, there is a stench coming from your nostrils. Fafnir remained silent, a bean-sized light spot rose from the palm of his hand, and the next moment, a dazzling golden light burst out from it, illuminating the surroundings like the sun.

The dark creatures that do not see sunlight all year round run around, and then hide in the shadows of the corners to observe the two intruders secretly.

Looking around, there are household garbage and the excrement of humans and livestock everywhere, and there is no place to stay. If you continue to walk in, you will inevitably get stained with these filth, and Ye Feng can't help frowning when he sees the pretense.

To be honest, he was very reluctant to go to such a place to investigate. The black dragon beside him quickly noticed this detail and immediately used magic to form a barrier around him.

There are two different worlds inside and outside the barrier, which is equivalent to the opposite of a mirror. Although you can still see the outside scene when you stand in the barrier, you can't touch or perceive it. It seems that these are mirror images.

This kind of magic is called "mirror reversal", which is a high-level magic involving space, which can only be mastered by older dragons. Ye Feng nodded with satisfaction, and continued to move deeper in the enchantment.

Futaba City has sewers extending in all directions. They don't have a map, and of course they're not wandering around.

490 "These mice are getting bigger and bigger, what do you think, Fafnir?"

A mouse bigger than a cat was grabbed out of thin air. At the same time, two strange humans appeared in front of him. Their blood-red pupils were full of fierce light. When they screeched, they would find it useless.

The deeper you go, the more vicious and huge the surrounding creatures are, which means the closer you are to the source of the mutation. Fafnir indifferently glanced at the mice whose movements were restricted, and said, "These animals seem to have been infected by some kind of force and mutated."

With a flick of the young man's finger, "Tear", blood splattered all over the place, and there was no doubt that the rat's body was torn apart, and then a black gas emanated from the vague flesh and blood. Just as it was about to dissipate, it was pulled in the direction of the former. .

"It's the breath of the World Tree!"

When Fafnir smelled the smell, he couldn't help but shout, "The World Tree is a divine tree in another world. It is usually looked after by several goddesses, but why does it appear here?"

Ye Feng shook his head, "I'm afraid it has something to do with Thor."

Thor went to another world to pick up leaves before, and when he returned, he dumped all the spoils on the ground. I am afraid that it was mixed into a certain part of the world tree at that time, and it fell into this place by coincidence, so there was this mutation.

"The leaves and seeds of the world tree have incredible power, but for some reason they are easily affected by the surrounding environment, so they are protected in the realm of the gods," Fafnir went on to explain.

"This guy Thor is really worrying."

According to what the other party said, the World Tree is taken care of by several goddesses, so Thor is in trouble. If nothing else, a large number of divine envoys are looking for the thieves at this time.

At this moment, the system prompt sounded, "Ding! The daily task "Holy Mutation" is completed, and the reward skill: One-knife Shura. "

"One-knife Shura: From the plane of "Hero Tan of the Fallen Knight", it condenses the strength of the whole body to launch a blow, producing a power that exceeds the third-order of its own strength. After using it, it is paralyzed and cooled down for a day. "

The appearance of the task reward made Ye Feng's spirit shocked. In addition to the "100,000 Cold Jokes" world, the skill is the first time to appear. What is the concept of the third-order power of one's own strength?

Chapter 241 The Seed of the World Tree

The appearance of the task reward made Ye Feng's spirit shocked. In addition to the "100,000 Cold Jokes" world, the skill is the first time to appear. What is the concept of the third-order power of one's own strength?

He is only at the fifth rank right now, and the sword qi he emits with all his strength is enough to split the ocean and last for a few breaths. If he surpasses the third rank, I am afraid that even the Dragon God of Gensokyo can kill him on the spot, right?

Although the side effects are a bit serious and paralyzed after use, this cost is completely negligible compared to the harvest.

"Ding! Trigger (cebj) chain quest "Bright Redemption": The holy seed of the world tree was infected and became a seed of darkness, and plundered the city, please let the host solve this crisis, and reward a seed of the world tree . "

When the sound of the system disappeared, the master and servant continued to move forward, looking for the lost seed according to the clues. When you are in the enchantment, you can't detect the situation inside from the outside. On the way, you encounter several waves of small teams investigating the mutation, and they all pass by without noticing.

At this moment, an unusual team came forward: a dozen guards with guns formed a circle to protect the people in the middle.

The protected person was an old professor in a white coat, who didn't mind the dirty environment around him at all, but instead squatted down to investigate the mutated dark creatures. The unknown insect spewed black mucus from its mouthparts and almost splashed on the face, and the assistant beside him hurriedly pulled it away.

"Professor Fujino, are you all right?"


He waved his face and said, "Bring my instruments here."

As soon as he finished speaking, two guards staggered over carrying a half-person-height instrument, and when they put it down, they could hear a heavy collision.

Ye Feng just stood by and watched and didn't show up rashly. Fafnir's face sank and he made a cut-throat gesture. Does he mean to destroy these humans? The Lord is obviously looking for treasures, and these ignorant and stupid humans are trying to grab treasures, and according to his style, they should all be killed!

"No need." Ye Feng waved his hand.

Although these small teams investigating the mutation have the same purpose as him, they do not pose much threat. Even if they have real guns and live ammunition to drive away infected creatures, they cannot get close to the source of the mutation.

At this time, the old professor took out a little bit of the mucus spit out by the worm, and then carefully put it into the test tube, and then put it into the groove of the instrument. After some troublesome operations, the instrument started to list the analysis results on the screen.

"Sure enough!"

The assistant gathered around and asked excitedly, "Professor Fujino, what did you find?"

"These mutant organisms all have some kind of unknown energy in their bodies, and it is precisely because of this that they become so fierce."

When Ye Feng heard the result, he couldn't help but glance at the old man. He was able to detect the supernatural power from another world with scientific methods, but he had some strength.

Just as he was about to leave here, suddenly there was a dull sound from not far away, and through the little sun created by Fafnir, one could clearly see that countless insects gathered to form a swarm of insects, heading towards this place from the other passages. side come.

At the same time, the old professor could not enjoy the light in the enchantment. Under the light of the flashlights held by their group, they could only vaguely see a large group of black shadows, and everyone in the room turned pale. .

Chapter 242 You are such a good person!

It's an insect tide!

According to the news from several teams, these mutant creatures will gather every short period of time, and then walk in the tunnel one by one. As long as they encounter it, they are bound to die, and the best way is to avoid it.

With their current weapons and equipment, they couldn't deal with such a scene at all. Although the bullets can easily smash the body of the attackers, the number of the opponents is too large.

"Protect Professor Fujino!" The assistant took the time to protect the person behind him, he held the pistol he took out from the box tightly, and then - vigilantly observed the surrounding situation.

run? There is no chance... The sound of the insect wave is coming from all directions, which means that there is no way out.

The dozen or so guards were all tense, and their ears were filled with the rustling of numb scalps. Although they knew that they would never have a chance to survive, they still did not forget to perform their duties at the last moment.

In this perilous environment, the old professor's expression remained unchanged, and he was still playing with his instruments. The green liquid in the bottle poured out more data under the analysis of the instrument, and the screen was full of messy codes in a blink of an eye.

"Just hold on for a while, the data will be parsed soon, and you may find a way to escape."

When the assistant saw this, he couldn't help laughing bitterly. Where can he squeeze extra time now? Under the light of the flashlight, the originally clean ground was covered with a thick layer of black bugs, each with the thickness of a finger. Due to their high position, the worm tide is temporarily unable to reach, but according to this trend, ten dead will be dead within five minutes.

"Lord, do you need to help them?"

"No." Ye Feng shook his head. Why do both parties care about this little thing without any reason? He was not a savior like Lucoa, so he sentenced these people to death without hesitation.

"Let's go, I can feel it, it's getting closer and closer to the source of the mutation."

The master and servant turned a blind eye to the oncoming insect tide, and then went straight through the menacing insect pile. In the enchantment, changes in external things cannot affect the interior.

Just after passing through the exit tunnel, there were bursts of piercing screams from the place where the guards were originally. It is conceivable what kind of tragedy they are going through.

"My lord is wise, I have long seen these human beings not pleasing to the eye. If you don't have the strength, don't learn to hunt for other people's treasures. It's just a joke. It's better to kill them all."

At this time, compared to the creatures he encountered before, whether it was a mouse or a bug, he continued to search along the clues and finally arrived at the destination.

The black pool is full of waste and old garbage, and the source of the mutation is located in the center of the pool, surrounded by a sea of ​​insects. Walking in, it is indeed the seed of the World Tree as they thought, but it takes a lot of effort to get it out.

The seeds are not emitting bright light, but are infected into pure black, continuously strengthening the dark creatures escorting around them. Every time a trace of black gas is peeled off, it will be swallowed up, and the size of the devourer will grow.

The little golden sun made by Fafnir illuminated an integrated water storage room in an instant. Ye Feng didn't want to drag it on for too long, so he took the initiative to walk out of the barrier to get this thing quickly.

However, just half a step out of the barrier, the bugs in the pond were frightened. They smelled the human breath and rioted. Countless weird bugs climbed ashore from the water and attacked them.

Seeing this scene, Ye Feng hadn't acted yet, and Fafnir, who was beside him, had already acted in advance. The black dragon's roaring wave condensed in his mouth, and the next moment, terrifying energy mixed with the sound of tearing the air erupted at an extreme speed.

In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of bugs turned into shriveled corpses, as if all the water in their bodies had been drained.

The remaining power of the curse spread, and all the mutant creatures died.

Chapter 242 You are such a good person!

The remaining power of the curse spread, and all the mutant creatures died.

Finally, the seed of the World Tree, which was wrapped in layers, revealed the true face of Mount Lu, and was gently lifted from the sewage by magic power, and then floated into Ye Feng's hands.

The seed has completely lost its original holy power. On the contrary, the black light on the surface gives people a sense of ferocity and ferocity.

"This seed of the World Tree has been completely corroded." Fafnir shook his head regretfully upon seeing this.

"Can it be re-purified?" Ye Feng asked.

Although the source of the mutation has been obtained, the system still does not prompt the completion of the task, which proves that there is something else that has not been noticed.

oooooo asking for flowers oooooooooo

The chain quest is "Bright Redemption", which is mainly to let oneself resolve the mutation, but from these four words, it can be seen that the infected seeds need to be restored to their original appearance.

Just when he was at a loss, the phone in his pocket rang. I am wondering where is the signal from the almost closed space? Then the familiar magic circle appeared above the phone.

The magic of communicating with another world! Ye Feng answered the phone without hesitation.

"I can feel it, the seed of the world tree is in your hands, can you give it back to us?"

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