"Does your Excellency also think that this world is hopeless?"

The young man turned around, and a man in a red tuxedo appeared silently there, with a very funny mask on his face, his expression seemed to be mocking the world. The body is thin and seems to be blown down by a gust of wind, but the unique metallic smell on his body (cecb) is completely inconsistent with the reality.

The young man was Ye Feng who had come from across the country. He saw an infuriating scene as soon as he arrived here, but he did not immediately come forward to stop it. He did not solve the problem from the root cause.

"I'm very sorry to disturb you, but let me introduce my name, Hiruko Shadow Yin."

The masked man gave a very gentlemanly salute, and straightened him with the brim of his hat. Although he couldn't see his covered face, he could still think of the smile on the corner of his mouth.

"I can see that your Excellency is not an ordinary person, how, does this world make you feel sick?"

Ye Feng didn't speak, but looked at the little girl who had been driven out indifferently. After the other party rested, he started to move again. He kept rummaging through the trash cans in the dark and dirty corridor, as if he was looking for food to satisfy his hunger. .

Seeing that the young man did not pay attention to himself, Zhiziyingyin was not angry, and went to the former's side to observe the development together.

Chapter two hundred and sixty-five human nature and morality

Seeing that the young man did not pay attention to himself, Zhiziyingyin was not angry, and went to the former's side to observe the development together.

Although it was dark, the little girl's actions could be seen under the eyes of the two of them. She didn't care about the dirty water on her body at all, she patiently picked up the waste with her hands, and then carefully picked up the leftover food into the broken bowl that had been prepared.

A smile appeared on her dirt-stained face, as if she had discovered a new continent. She excitedly embraced it, for fear of being snatched away. Just as she was about to leave, two shadows suddenly appeared behind her. Anger came one after another.

"It's actually the cursed son, when did he sneak in?"

"Damn, it's this guy who made our brothers run out in the middle of the night and get cold, **** it!"

These are two detectives, one fat and one thin. They were very dissatisfied with the sudden report they received, and decided to give the perpetrator a hard lesson. Feeling the danger, the little girl's blood-red eyes showed a fierce color, and she grinned at the two of them.

At this time, the fat detective smashed the electric baton down at her. At this moment, the breeze blew, followed by the screams like killing pigs. The attacker was kicked in the head and fainted.

"Looking for death!"

When the little girl saw the thin criminal policeman pull out a pistol, she felt a warning and was about to attack, but it was too late. With a loud noise, the bullet had passed through her chest, and the front of her clothes was stained red with blood, and there was a bowl of food in her arms. Broken to the ground.

Seeing this scene, the masked man shook his head, "There is no point in continuing to watch. Although the cursed child has strong self-healing ability, he cannot avoid suffering. Depending on the situation, she is looking for food for her companions, otherwise she would have eaten it by herself. It's a pity..."

Ye Feng still didn't shoot, but his eyes became colder and colder. He already knew the purpose of Zhizi Yingyin. This cyborg human being has been searching for his own existence value, and later he was entrusted by Tiantong Juzhicheng to destroy the entire Tokyo. At this time, he just wanted to pull him into the team.

"Although this world is rotten from the inside out, it's not hopeless."

"Oh, do you think so?"

Sad laughter echoed in the air, the masked man did not continue to say anything, but continued to observe the situation with the other party.

The little girl who was shot at this time was dragged on the ground by the thin criminal policeman's ankle. When she entered an industrial waste disposal site, she threw it in, then turned around and left.

After a while, the pink-haired little girl who seemed to be dead actually woke up. She stared at the wound on her chest, and then she gritted her teeth and endured the pain with her fingers. The wound is easily bandaged with cloth.

After doing this, she covered her face with her hands and sobbed softly. She lost her hard-won food. Even if she searched for it, she had no chance. Just when she was about to give up, footsteps sounded again in the darkness. Find a place to hide.

When the visitor approached, he found that it was a middle-aged woman with a few pieces of bread in her arms. Karma was too scared to tremble. Seeing that no one put down the food, she left in a hurry.

The little girl took a deep look at the gradually receding back, and continued to hide for a while before she cringed and leaned out. After picking up the bread, she ran away without looking back.

At this point, the masked man was silent. He didn't know how to refute the young man's words. After saying goodbye, the figure disappeared into the night.


Chapter 266: The Cursed Son and Lanyuan Yanzhu

On the other side of the river, there are such a group of little girls. They have been abandoned by their biological parents in the quarantine area since childhood. They are like the incarnation of disaster. No matter where they go, they are hated and reviled, not only starving and freezing, but also being treated with cold eyes. and even more severely beaten and abused.

Precisely because of their identities—the cursed children.

As long as the erosion rate of the gastrovirus hidden in the body exceeds 50%, it will not be able to maintain its own body and completely collapse, losing its humanity and becoming a monster that only knows how to kill.

No matter day or night, they always stand in groups on the reef and look at the other side, letting the wind and rain beat their thin bodies, and their eyes are full of longing. It's a strange world out there, with surviving food, surviving parents, and... painful memories.

While the gastroenteritis virus gave them great power, it also deprived them of their supposedly happy childhood, leaving only the remaining memories. Whenever a lucky companion is taken away by the criminal police as the starter, the remaining children~ all show envy on their faces.

Becoming a starter means being loved by someone, being loved by someone, and being recognized by a few people and not being treated as a monster. Not all children are eligible to become starters, 90% of them have factors that are not suitable for fighting, so those who are eliminated can only pin their hopes on - tomorrow.

The deserted city in the quarantine area cannot be used for living, because gastrus will occasionally come out to forage, and children with gastrulaviruses cannot avoid becoming prey, so the dark and damp sewers become their homes, although dirty and messy. Can shelter from the wind and rain.

At this time, Ye Feng was standing in front of the bridge leading to the isolation area. The rest of the roads had been blown up to avoid future troubles, so this was the only entrance.

There are weeds nearby, the black soil is mixed with dark red blood, and occasionally one or two rusted bullets can be found.

When he first came here, he was not in a hurry to find a place to live, but he first figured out the current time and how long it had been since the original plot. It happened that the little girl with long crimson hair had some impressions before, so he did this now.

But before that, some troubles must be resolved. No one is near here during the day, not to mention the dangers at night. Low-stage gastrulations are always wandering around. Although they have low IQs, they will not give up the meat that comes to their mouths.

The two predators lurked in the half-human-high grass, revealing blood-red fierce eyes through the gap, staring at the young man walking alone, their sharp minions ready to go.

"I don't know whether to live or die!"

The cold snort was particularly noticeable in the silent night, and then the mouthparts full of sharp teeth silently emerged from the ground, approaching the prey through the shadow, and it was about to wrap around the latter's ankle.

At this moment, a deafening dragon roar exploded in the air, accompanied by dazzling flashes, a pitch-black claw protruded from the light group and ripped the mouthparts to pieces.

At the same time, the injured gastrula let out a moan and rolled around in the grass in pain. Green sap spewed from the wound like a spring, staining the yellow grass nearby.

"Clean up the nearby gastritis."

Afterwards, a Poké Ball was retracted and spun around at the young man's fingertips. He squinted his eyes and looked indifferent. He didn't turn his head and left without turning around.

"Follow your orders!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a violent explosion, and the soaring evil energy was still clearly visible even thousands of miles away. This scene shocked many high-ranking people, and for many people, tonight was destined to be a sleepless night.

Without the gastroenteritis blocking the way, Ye Feng quickly found the tunnel entrance where the cursed sons lived along the dilapidated street. It was a circular hole covered with iron plates and leaves, and it was obvious that the nearest entrant was in such a hurry that they forgot to erase the footprints on the side.

He shook his head, the little girl from before was so anxious, presumably her companion must be very hungry, right? It was luck to meet a citizen with a conscience in such a cold world.

Although the Cursed Son has the ability to rival gastritis, he will still die due to his injuries, or the erosion rate will exceed 50% gastrulation. As a loli, she should be loved, but she lives such a miserable life. She is the only one in the so-called plane.

Ye Feng felt a panic in his heart, and said angrily, "The old thief of Zidian is mad, and his stock market failed and his family went bankrupt!"

Chapter 266: The Cursed Son and Lanyuan Yanzhu

Ye Feng felt a panic in his heart, and said angrily, "The old thief of Zidian is mad, and his stock market failed and his family went bankrupt!"

He took a deep breath to temporarily suppress the bad mood, then pushed aside the branches used for camouflage, then opened the iron plate, and then immediately met his bright eyes in the dark.

Still bright red, fierce and wild, like a beast. The little girl did not speak, perhaps because she had not communicated for too long and forgot to speak. She stared at the visitor's eyes, and her little face covered in gray layers was full of vigilance.

Now it's embarrassing to be Ye Feng. As a fifth-order powerhouse, he was found to be following a relatively ordinary little girl. This is a very shameful thing.

oooooo asking for flowers ooo

"Hi, how are you, kid, don't be afraid, my brother is not a bad person."

Originally thought that his sunny smile could warm the other party and make him let go of his vigilance, but what responded to him was a neat set of white teeth, biting directly on his arm.

Although there is no pain, you can clearly feel the pain in the other party's heart. This is resentment and unwillingness for unfair treatment, and it is a vent to the corrupt society.

He sighed, and instead of retracting his arm immediately, he let the opponent bite. The little girl's eyes became more ruthless, and her teeth marks became deeper and deeper, as if she used the person in front of her as a punching bag to vent her accumulated anger.

After a while, she seemed to realize that the big brother in front of her was not a bad person who likes to bully little girls, so she let go. During this period, the feelings contained in the clear pupils of the young man have not changed, both pity and regret.


Tears filled his eyes without realizing it, and then he was embraced by two strong arms, and then fell into a warm embrace. At this moment, all the grievances seemed to have found an outlet, and he couldn't bear it any longer." wow" cried out.

The first thing she said to Ye Feng was: "Xiaoyue is dead."

Ye Feng doesn't know who Xiaoyue is, but what is certain is that the other party must have a better relationship with the former. Although I don't know how to comfort her, I just need to let her vent.

A faint sobbing sound came from the dark sewer, the little girl wiped away her tears with the back of her hand, and choked: "Big brother, are you here to find the initiator? Most of the girls who can fight in this area are led away by the police. Now, I'm the only one who is unqualified so I stay here."

"I'm sorry for biting you. I can't control my emotions because of the death of my companion."

Ye Feng stretched out the arm that had been bitten before, the skin was as smooth as ever, not to mention the bite marks and not even saliva. The little girl raised her head, the dust on her face was wiped off at this time, and this delicate face made him feel more and more familiar.

"your name?"

"Lanyuan Yanzhu!"

The little girl looked at the young man with tears in her eyes, and a bright smile appeared on her slightly pale face.

"It's rare to meet a policeman who is pleasing to the eye. From now on, my concubine will be the wife of the eldest brother, so I can't leave my concubine behind!"


ps: Huh? Do you think that Xiao Ji will write the story of Lolita to death? Humph, how naive, the theme of this book is love and justice, how could such a crazy plot appear! (ω).

Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty Seven Loli Asylum

Ye Feng never thought of choosing a starter. Humans can use hot weapons to defend themselves. This advantage is completely lost in the face of the perverted recovery ability of gastritis, so he needs the help of the cursed son, but he does not have this shortcoming. I've learned a lesson, not to mention low-level gastritis, and it can also be wiped out in the face of the zodiac.

What's more, he is not a policeman, and he is not recognized by the relevant agencies. Even if he privately contracts with the initiator, he will be judged to be illegal. Although the cursed children are hated by most people, their abilities cannot be denied. Without their help, perhaps human beings would exist in name only.

To launch a counterattack based on that ridiculous new human plan? It's just wishful thinking, so the cursed son with combat power is strictly supervised, and only promoters with matching abilities are eligible to choose.

Looking at the smiling Lan Yuan Yanzhu "830", he frowned. It can be seen that the other party's attitude is very firm, it seems that he has regarded himself as a policeman, and he has also shown his status.


Such a familiar scene, isn't this the tone you only have when facing Rantaro Satomi? The other party was not picked up by the criminal police at this time, and it can be inferred that the current plot has not yet begun.

That being the case, Rantaro Satomi was supposed to be still learning woodcarving at Tendo's house, and Tendoki didn't even turn against his own family. The new human plan has just begun. Although it came early, it made his future development more convenient. Yes, Ye Feng intends to make big news on the Black Bullet plane.

"Main quest: Seed all the cursed children on this plane."

"Main quest: Seed the Son of Heaven, Tiantong Mugeng, and Sima Weizhi."

"Main mission: Completely eliminate the gastroenterovirus."

"Side quest: Kill 100,000 first- to second-order gastrula (263/100,000

"Side Mission: Kill 10,000 Tier 3 to Tier 4 gastrula (0/10000

"Side Quest: Kill at least five zodiacs (0/5

"The first- to second-order gastrulae provide five seeding values, the third- to fourth-order gastrulae provide ten seeding values, and the fifth-order gastrulae provide ten thousand seeding values."

Not to mention the side quests for brushing the seed value, you only need to send your subordinates to clean up, while the main quest needs to seed all the cursed children, so the changes must benefit everyone.

There are only a few things that can do this, first: open a shelter to accommodate these poor loli, and second: remove the gastroenteritis virus from the source, so as to achieve the same effect.

However, the former seems to be simple, but it needs to be set up all over the world. Such a big move can be fully borne by oneself financially, but it cannot avoid encountering resistance, such as the old guy Tiantong Juzhicheng.

As for the latter, Ye Feng is not a scientist, so there is no way to study the gastroenterovirus. Although one of the four sages, Sumire Muroto has developed a gene-enhancing agent and a virus-resistant agent, but it is only a drop in the bucket and cannot kill the pathogen. .

Ye Feng believed that he had enough strength to overcome all obstacles, so he chose the former and started the Lolita rescue plan. Even after thinking about the name of the shelter, he called it "Light Source Residence".

Of course, this light source is not another light source, and he has no idea what the light source plan is. Its real meaning is the light in the dark, bringing warmth to the poor little loli.

So at the moment when the plan was decided, he no longer cared about Lanyuan Yanzhu's post, but what if he accepted the latter's Rantaro Satomi? Let him die!

Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty Seven Loli Asylum

So at the moment when the plan was decided, he no longer cared about Lanyuan Yanzhu's post, but what if he accepted the latter's Rantaro Satomi? Let him die!

It's not the other's parents, so why should you be so thoughtful? As the saying goes, people don't kill themselves for their own sake, what's yours is what's mine, what's mine is still what's mine. My goal is to sow the loli all over the world. With such a great ambition, do you still care about having a starter?

"Ding! Trigger the side quest: "Lori Collector Mania": Collect all the cursed children who appeared in the original book. Current Quantity: 1. "

"After collecting all of them, you can unlock the achievement "Hey, it's not a pervert!" and get the exclusive title "lo*ic*n": the favorability of eight to sixteen-year-old women will increase by 20%, while the favorability of aunty women will decrease. 30%. Tip: This title is a double-edged sword, please wear it with caution! "

After hearing the system prompt, Ye Feng felt very motivated, and at the same time showed a meaningful smile on his face, Lan Yuan Yanzhu couldn't help trembling all over, and then he thought that he was the wife of the other party, how could he back off?

"Don't look at how small the concubine is now, but there is a lot of room for development!"

She raised her poor, barren chest with her hands on her hips, with no flat ups and downs. Her little face stained with tears was full of confidence, as if she had already looked forward to her grown-up self...

Such a scene made Ye Feng feel both amused and distressed. The cursed child grows very slowly due to the infection of the original enterovirus, and basically cannot wait for the day when he grows up, because the erosion rate has not stopped increasing for a moment, even if it is suppressed by injecting resistance medicine on time, it will not help.

The two found a relatively clean corner and sat cross-legged. Then he chuckled and said, "Want to be my wife? Then you have to wait in a long line, and there are a series of girls in front of me waiting for my favor."

Ye Feng's words are not a lie. He has experienced several planes, and the number of girls he has taken away has exceeded the number of hands. Fortunately, the system space is infinite, otherwise it will not be able to hold it.

Even so, Lan Yuan Yanzhu didn't believe it, thinking that the other party was looking for an excuse to scare him away, so he snorted lightly, turned his head and said dissatisfiedly: "Big brother is shameless, if you want a group of real wives and concubines, why would you run out and hang out in the middle of the night? "

Hearing this, Ye Feng coughed and flicked his fingers on the little girl's forehead, "You are smart!"

After the pain, Lan Yuan Yanzhu quickly covered her head, and then her face showed a sullen expression, her eyes moistened again, and she said with a mosquito: "Does the big brother dislike the concubine?"

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