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Chapter 334 Remains of Aries

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Chapter 334 Remains of Aries


Two-dimensional seeding system

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Kayege two-dimensional seeding system

Chapter 334 Remains of Aries


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Chapter 335 The realm of life and death!

Aries rules this area, and it is an absolute hegemon. If it does not have enough strength, it will be sacked by humans as early as a few years ago, and now it ends with no bones left. The only reason is to become the fodder for the scorpion. The thought of the other party hiding in the nearby Qianshou Xia Shi made her whole body go cold, as if she might die at any time. Although she was used to seeing life and death, she did not pass on the information before dying, which was the biggest loss for mankind.

Ye Feng rubbed Qianshou Xia Shi's head, indicating that the other party did not need to worry, then jumped to the top of the Aries skull, urging a ray of sword energy to break the bones, and looked down along the bloodstained hole, as expected, among them The crystal core has long been swallowed by the Capricornus, and the remaining body has no value.

"Who drove the Capricornus to take risks and go deep into the opponent's territory to kill?" You must know that this is the territory of Aries, which not only has an advantage in terrain, but can also absorb the energy of the ley lines in this extinct volcano at any time, even at the same time. Not afraid to fight with two gastrulations of the same class, is it just for the nucleus? Ye Feng touched his chin and felt that things were starting to become interesting. There seemed to be a bigger secret waiting to be discovered behind it. Once exposed, it would be the most explosive news!

At this time, Mount Fuji began to vibrate again, and the magnitude of the shock was more severe than the previous two times. Large swathes of broken ice and rocks rolled down from the top of the mountain, grinding the dense forest at the foot of the mountain to the ground. At the same time, the dark clouds in the sky gathered and slowly converged towards the center. The roar of the wind turned the clouds into a ferocious shape, like the roar of a god, which was terrifying. Such a vision naturally attracted the attention of the Quartet, and the IISO branch in Tokyo bore the brunt of sending a large number of police to investigate.

The flesh-membrane space inside Mount Fuji was naturally also affected, and because it was the center of the epicenter, the shaking was greater. Through the flesh-membrane on the top floor, the originally boiling magma could be seen surging, but no matter how fierce it was, it couldn’t. Burn through this layer of meat.

The sarcomas located in the ootheca area were severely affected, they collided with each other and fell to the ground. The turbid yellow amniotic fluid flowed out from the damaged area, giving off a fishy smell. At the same time, a roar that almost pierced the eardrum came from the bottom layer and lurked for a long time. The Capricornus finally revealed the true colors of Mount Lu!

As Ye Feng watched, a spirally twisted sharp horn burst through the membrane, followed by dozens of pairs of lantern-sized scarlet eyes, looking down at him from top to bottom. The pupils contracted, full of violent colors, as if not putting any opponent in their eyes, the sharp claws that tore the skin of Aries easily left scratches on the flesh membrane, causing a large amount of originally isolated magma to pour in frantically, and in a blink of an eye flooded a large area.

With the appearance of Capricornus, the temperature in the hot and dry space dropped sharply, and the cold air and the heat flow intertwined to form a large amount of steam, and the huge figure was looming in it. Ye Fenghuai took Qianshou Xia Shi and flew into the air, looking at the monster, and the snow rabbit in his hand was eager to try. He discovered that after Capricorn devoured Aries, it evolved into a sixth-order step.

This is undoubtedly a disaster for human beings. According to this development, the appearance of the Capricornus has caused the dormant Mount Fuji to wake up early. If there is no accident, it will erupt soon, and all nearby areas will evaporate in the hot magma. , even the Tokyo area was not spared.

This ending is obviously acceptable to Ye Feng, not only the island country, but the entire plane has long been regarded as something in his pocket, how can his own things be destroyed? Ye Feng shook his head and said that the monster should be eliminated early.

Qianshou Xia Shi's face turned pale for a while. Although Ye Feng was protecting her, she was at a loss when facing the sixth-order scorpion. She looked at Ye Feng worriedly, and sweat oozes from her clenched palms. Just when she was uneasy, The forehead was suddenly bounced, and the perpetrator was Ye Feng.

"Silly girl, do you really think that Brother Ye can't defeat this monster?"

With a smile on the corner of Ye Feng's mouth, he retracted his fingers, and then touched the other's head, "I am the **** that your Light Source Sect believes in, how can I disappoint the faithful believers?"

Qianshou Xia Shi's face turned slightly red when she heard the words, but Ye Feng was right. She did secretly join the light source church that believed in Ye Feng behind the back of Yi Xiong's back. Because in her heart, the world that was about to collapse was only saved by the other party, so she has been silent all the time. Paying attention to each other, until now being exposed in one sentence, it seems a little sincere, for fear of doing something wrong and being expelled from the church.

Chapter 335 The realm of life and death!

Qianshou Xia Shi's face turned slightly red when she heard the words, but Ye Feng was right. She did secretly join the light source church that believed in Ye Feng behind the back of Yi Xiong's back. Because in her heart, the world that was about to collapse was only saved by the other party, so she has been silent all the time. Paying attention to each other, until now being exposed in one sentence, it seems a little sincere, for fear of doing something wrong and being expelled from the church.

But now is not the time to think about this, the scorpion body exudes a lot of cold air, which actually freezes the surging magma, making this place a white and snowy world for a while. The creature broke out of the ice and ejected towards the Capricornus with claws and claws.

"Is this the baby of Aries?" Qianshou Xia Shi asked in surprise.

Ye Feng nodded, and after thinking about it, he came to a conclusion: Aries' strength was greatly reduced during the production period, so Scorpio was given an opportunity to take advantage of it, because the cold air of the other party stimulated the egg scabbard, resulting in early hatching. The juvenile consciousness is still in the dim period, and instinctively rushes towards the most conspicuous living creatures, while Ye Feng hides his strength, so he is excluded, and the arrogant Scorpio naturally becomes the primary target of attack.

The juvenile Aries is obviously not the opponent of the scorpion. As soon as the latter inhales, the juveniles will be sucked into the mouthparts, turning them into pus and blood in a blink of an eye. At this time, the scene became more and more chaotic, and the flesh membrane was finally overwhelmed and torn apart. At the same time, the external magma continued to pour in from all directions, but the end was only to thicken the ice surface.

The cold current spreads and freezes more magma. Seeing this scene, Ye Feng stimulates the sword energy in his body, and an astonishing coercion erupts. Immediately, he takes Qianshou Xia Shi and rushes out of the magma area wrapped in escape light, and at the same time locks the lock of heaven Call back.

At this time, a large number of military helicopters had already hovered over Mount Fuji, shaking violently in the roaring wind, and it seemed that they might fall apart at any time. The countries that received the news paid close attention to this matter and used satellites to monitor this area. Although the regional governments of the island countries were disgusted by the matter, they had nothing to do.

The strong wind swept up the thunderclouds, and a horrifying scene appeared in the harsh environment. I saw Mount Fuji suddenly stop shaking, and then a giant claw enough to cover the entire medium-sized town broke through the ice and suddenly protruded out.

"¨~ It's a terrifying force, is this the end of mankind?" The guards onlookers expressed their emotions, and hurriedly drove the helicopter to avoid the surrounding area, but the terrified government had already lost its mind, grabbing the microphone and using all its strength growled "Attack!"

Dozens of missiles flew towards the exposed (Qian Zhao) Capricornus with a whistling sound, the machine guns were fired desperately, and the shrapnel splashed dense sparks on the hard epidermis, but these attacks were nothing like tickling. The difference is that even if you use the chiseled weapon to damage, it will not cause much damage, and it can only blow up some insignificant organs, but it angers the scorpion.

More helicopters were destroyed and turned into meteors scattered in all directions. The government also felt a deep despair. Just when they decided to use the "Ladder", Ye Feng finally appeared in their field of vision.

At this time, Mount Fuji, one of the symbols, collapsed under the destruction of the Capricornus, was crushed into a flat ground, and ceased to exist from now on.

"It's time to end!" Ye Feng took out the "Eight Cloud Purple Folding Fan" and whispered "The Realm of Life and Death" to Capricornus. The next moment, Capricornus' body, which was still raging, suddenly froze, and the pupils gradually collapsed. With the effect of the power of the realm, it collapsed suddenly!

Capricornus is now removed from the history of mankind! .

The final chapter of the three hundred and thirty-sixth chapter, the new **** of the plane!

It is no longer possible to express people's admiration in words, witnessing the death of the sixth-order gastrula, and witnessing the unparalleled power of the gods! The name Ye Feng once again brought them unprecedented shock!

What is power? What is Kamui? The terrifying monster was subdued in an understatement, this is the savior they believe in, this is the **** they believe in!

The wind cleared and the fog dispersed, Ye Feng was bathed in holy light, and a beam of sunlight that dispelled shadows penetrated the clouds and reflected colorful colors in the air, covering him with a golden coat. The policemen present knelt down consciously, bowed their hands and offered their sincere prayers. Even members who were not members of the Light Source Church were overwhelmed by the scene, and their legs softened to join them.

At this moment, Ye Feng felt that the endless power of faith was going to be placed in the Freedom Square and embedded in the faith crystal inside the statue. At the same time, the system's prompt sound was also madly sounding in his mind. If the conditions are met, you can refine it and worship it immediately. Crystal masters this aspect!

The ability to easily kill the sixth-order gastrula was enough to prove Ye Feng's hegemony, and no one dared to question his status. The leaders of the remaining great powers on the earth all gave up their rights and decided to hold Ye Feng on the altar.

Suppressing his inner excitement, with a soft smile on his face, Ye Feng slowly raised his arms in the face of the many worshippers in 847, and said, "I feel your faith, and from this moment onwards, gastritis will completely become History!" In this passionate speech, he deliberately used amplification magic, so that everyone present could hear it clearly, and he did not stop for too long, but returned with Qianshou Xia Shi.

Before returning to the source of light, he went to Liberty Square, took out the faith crystal from the statue, and then directly entered the secret room to retreat.


A month has passed, and the remaining three regions of the island country have all returned to the grasp of the Son of Heaven. A large-scale celebration was held in the Tokyo area for this, which lasted for a full month!

Two months have passed, and leaders of various countries have come to the door one after another, personally entrusting the control of their own land, bowing their heads as ministers, and proclaiming that the Church of Light Source will be established as the state religion.

Three months have passed, and the cutting-edge personnel sent by the Light Source Security Company have cooperated with the national police to crusade the gastrula, and gradually recovered the lost land.

Four months have passed, and Light Source Technology has made a major breakthrough in the research on the vaccine of the original enterovirus, which can unconditionally cure any cursed child!

Five months have passed, and the world has returned to peace and formed a whole, and no borders will be divided since then, because they have the same belief!

Six months later, news came from Mount Everest that Lan Yuan Yanzhu, who had been tested, killed Sagittarius and killed Scorpio two days later.


Ye Feng, who is closed in the secret room, doesn't know how many system prompts he has received. At this time, he is in the critical period of refining faith crystals. He only needs to achieve the supreme **** position based on the beliefs of the creatures in this world, and he can transform the entire world. The plane is in the bag, and this will be his private world at that time. Not only can he enter and leave at will, but he can even change mountains and rivers with a single thought. Of course, the greater gain is the increase in strength, and he has become a seventh-order existence, even if he encounters fantasy The dragon **** of the township can also be slapped to death!

"Ding! This plane's loli's happiness value reaches 86%..."

"Ding! Lolita's happiness value on this plane reaches 88%..."


"Conditions completed! The side quest "Late Savior" has been completed, congratulations to the host for gaining control of the Black Bullet plane! "

The final chapter of the three hundred and thirty-sixth chapter, the new **** of the plane!

"Conditions completed! The side quest "Late Savior" has been completed, congratulations to the host for gaining control of the Black Bullet plane! "

With the end of the system prompt, Ye Feng only felt refreshed for a while, and felt that he was connected with this azimuth plane. Holy light. This is the feeling of heaven and earth, celebrating the first **** born in the true sense.

The holy light illuminated the earth, all human diseases disappeared, stumps grew again, and withered trees sprouted new shoots. Everyone was bathed in miracles, kneeling on the spot and thanking the gods for the grace.

On this day, all the acquaintances who knew Ye Feng in the center of the light source gathered together. Whether it was the Son of Heaven who was dealing with things or the returning Lanyuan Yanzhu, they stood on both sides anxiously and seemed to be waiting for something.

(cedb) Finally, Ye Feng opened the door and walked into the hall, and then Lan Yuan Yanzhu jumped up and fell into his arms immediately.

"Mr. Ye, I succeeded!"

Ye Feng rubbed the other party's head and praised "not bad", although it was only two words, it still made the other party happy for a long time. Using the authority to control the plane, he had already discovered the situation of Lanyuan Yanzhu. The gastroenterovirus in his body was completely refined, and there were no longer many restrictions. Instead, it became the key to open the door of evolution.

He deserves to have the aura of the protagonist and is favored by heaven and earth. No matter how bad things are, the final direction is perfect.

After Lan Yuan Yanzhu retired, it was the Son of Heaven, the first woman Ye Feng had had an intimate relationship with when he first came to this plane. After the two looked at each other, the Son of Heaven revealed a heartfelt smile. At this time, she was no longer the ruler of Tokyo in the eyes of others, but a little woman snuggling up to her lover.

"The teacher is still as romantic as before, it's really not serious!"

Tian Tongmu looked at Ye Feng even more contemptuously, turned around and left with a snort, while Sima Weizhi repeatedly shouted "Wait for me!" and then chased out. Qianshou Xia Shi covered his face and chuckled, and ran to Thor's side and held Tina's hand, saying that he wanted to play together? Hiruko Xiaobinai saw this scene, waved the two swords in his hand, licked his lips and smiled evilly: "It seems to be very strong, let's kill each other, it must be very interesting!"

As soon as the voice fell, Sister Bai Chuan provocatively said: "Bullying children is not a skill, why don't we try two tricks?"

At this time, the two eavesdropping loli outside the door accidentally pushed open the false door, and then rolled around on the ground. They were taken in when the light source house opened the door, and they happened to complete Ye Feng's collection task.

The two loli laughed in the face of the crowd, and ran out to find the eldest sister Mibu Asaka to play.

Afterwards, Ye Feng stopped hiding and told the system. Because all the tasks that can be done have been completed at this azimuth, so there is no regret left, and I plan to go to the next azimuth.

He completely mastered the plane of the black bullet and became his own back garden. Next, he picked up the girls in the system space and introduced them to everyone. The two parties happily discussed their own deeds, which made Ye Feng embarrassed and continued on the journey after saying goodbye.

ps: Let’s end the black bullet plane. To be honest, Xiaoji is in a mess, because it’s an unpopular show that everyone doesn’t like to watch. How should I put it, writing the black bullet is just to make up for the regrets many years ago, after all, this is a The story of abusing loli, the old thief of Zidian still abandoned the pit, and I was very angry when I saw it at the time, so I chose to write this volume, of course, the ending is obvious...

Regarding the plane of the next volume, I originally wanted to write about Xiaobu, but the protagonist is already very strong, and it is not suitable for wandering in this daily plane, so I turned to Gensokyo, Xiaobu... Let's write a side story.

ps: Xiaoji's expectation for this book is more than one million words, so she will not abandon the pit for the time being, at least fill in all the pits, and work must have a beginning and an end...╮(╯▽╰)╭.

Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty-seventh Flowers Blossoming Under the Westward Demon

"My concubine's name is Youyouzi of Xixing Temple. She is hated and hated by the world, and symbolizes the representative of the evil spirit of death. Are you really willing to be my concubine's friend?"

A girl with long pink hair and a blue and white kimono under the withered westward demon, supporting the dry tree trunk, slender fingers stroked the sword mark that had experienced the baptism of the years, and there was no trace on her weak face. The resentment of injustice, but a kind of willingness to accept punishment.

The young man put his hands on his chest, shook his head and said disdainfully, "If you can treat such a beautiful girl as a ghost in hell, then everyone in the world is blind!~"

The pink-haired girl was amused by this remark, she covered her face with a very elegant smile, and every move revealed the temperament possessed by a noble daughter, but the situation of the eldest lady of the aristocratic family was not very good.

In the dilapidated courtyard, there are many cherry trees planted in front of a slightly refurbished brick house. The strange thing is that there is a withered cherry tree standing in the center, which is much larger than the similar ones nearby, making it stand out from the crowd. Existence, and the pink-haired girl stood there quietly, propping up the trunk, as if communicating with the dead cherry tree, I don't know when I found the _ youth standing behind her.

The two sides didn't speak at first, and the young man was not polite. He lay on the spot under the cherry blossom tree in full bloom, took out the rice wine and drank it, and the young man didn't answer until the pink-haired girl couldn't hold back her curiosity and asked.

The young man is Ye Feng, the pink-haired girl is named Xixingji Yuyuko, and the withered cherry tree is the Westbound Demon. When he first came here, he had already guessed the identity of the girl. After all, it was a temple located in the back mountain of Xixingjia, silently guarding the Xixing Yao, who was regarded as taboo by Xixingjia, and the identity naturally came to his mind.

At this time, more than 300 years have passed since the last time I left Gensokyo. With the merciless passage of time, many familiar things have also changed, and the history of the island country has also jumped from the Nara era to the Heian era. This is an era when a hundred schools of thought contend onmyoji, and it is also an era when monsters are the most active!

Among them, the status of the three great onmyoji families cannot be shaken, but because of the great Onmyoji Ampei Seimei, Tuyumen is the most prominent, followed by Huakaiyuan and Xixingji.

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