Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1002: Who is calculating who?

Maria Hill planned to use her life to block the angry fools, whether these angry fools would tear herself to pieces.

Maria Hill really didn't care so much anymore, at least in Maria Hill's opinion, she died here like this.

And in this way, even if these guys don't understand, he really killed the hero.

Still killed a devil in heroes, these are no longer important.

It's just a pity that I still failed in the end, and the adults of the Black Braised Egg Bureau personally pushed S.H.I.E.L.D. into the abyss with their own hands.

In front of so many people, he killed the mysterious guest who was a hero. It is conceivable that the people of the entire world are now like S.H.I.E.L.D.?

But it doesn't matter. If you die, you can get world peace. Maria Hill felt that she had done everything she could do the best.

He killed the black hand behind the scenes and embraced hatred for the director of the black brine egg, but he also died in his position, even at the last moment, he did not leave his position.

She is worthy of S.H.I.E.L.D., and she is also worthy of the trust of Director Hei La Dan, and perhaps her own death can alleviate people's hatred for S.H.I.E.L.D.

All of these were just right, and they were all within Maria Hill's expectations, so Maria Hill did not escape in the slightest, and calmly faced the impending death.

The only pity is that I have also provided water for the food critic.

But it doesn't matter, all of this is under the control of Maria Hill, as long as you think of food critics, you can't be so free after this.

Enjoying the food leisurely, the whole world shouted at him and had to join S.H.I.E.L.D.

In S.H.I.E.L.D., the food critic's analytical ability, control ability, and observation ability beyond ordinary people can be used well.

On Maria Hill Yanjue's face, a touching range could not help but appear at the corner of her mouth.

As for, can food critics escape? Maria Hill didn't doubt it at all, after all, this guy was originally.

Faced with so many S.H.I.E.L.D. agents holding weapons, the containment is also calm. Obviously, coupled with their own actions, food critics are involved in the world.

The food critics wanted to leave, and it was very easy. S.H.I.E.L.D. had no Maria Hill, and the life and death of the Black Braised Egg Board seat was also unknown.

But in the end, she also brought food critics for S.H.I.E.L.D., and Maria Hill believed that after she died.

S.H.I.E.L.D. will stand up again under the leadership of Phil Coleson, and know how to reuse it, and cultivate food critics to become an excellent agent.

Maria Hill thought so, and of course she did it, everything is just so right.

Maria Hill stood in front of the food critic and said to the food critic:

"Hurry up~"

Afterwards, he calmly faced his eyes, trying to tear his own crowd apart.

But it's a pity that Maria Hill has calculated everything, but it hasn't. Some people don't plan to follow the script she wrote.

Looking at the people who fell suddenly one after another, Maria Hill's eyes widened, especially when she heard what these people said: sleepy? feather! ?

Maria Hill raised her head in confusion and looked at the blue sky. Where are the feathers mentioned in these people?

Recalling the last sentence the guy behind me said: I'm sorry, I can't make you mess up.

Maria Hill turned around, her eyes were puzzled, and she looked at each other complicatedly, not very sure:,

"You did it all?"

"if not!?"

Food critics are also very bachelor, and they have never shy away from admitting what they have said before.

"You shouldn't do this..."

Maria Hill was so uncomfortable being held back, is it so difficult for this guy in front of him to accept his love?

"Don't do it? It's so difficult, I want to kill them!?"

Food critics spread their hands, and you tell me apart, get these guys, or kill them all.

Tell me what else can I choose? Maria Hill threw down the weapon in her hand, the energy in it had been used up.

Even if Tony Stark retired, he had very strict restrictions on his arc reactor, and even S.H.I.E.L.D. did not fail.

And to be able to support, such a weapon comparable to alien technology, the energy required to consume is not affordable by ordinary energy.

"I think you should run~"

Seeing that she could not die for the time being, Maria Hill no longer struggled with the failure of her plan, and glanced at the people on the ground.

There were still ups and downs in the chest. Before thinking of these people, although they fell suddenly, it is clear that the food critics did not kill them.

It just used control methods to make these troublesome guys fall asleep temporarily.

"I am running by myself? I will leave you here alone? That won't work. I said there is still a contract. I need to talk to you about the contract. I can't just let you die here."

Compared to Maria Hill, the happier person is obviously a food critic.

He didn't even think that Maria Hill would become a cross-street rat that everyone shouted and beaten, wrong ~ It should be said that the entire S.H.I.

This world has no room for Maria Hill. Think about the members of this world, in order to calm the anger of the civilians.

A little Maria Hill, will they keep it for their status and reputation?

This idiot can also think of the answer, when Maria Hill was repelled by the world and had nowhere to go, food critics thought.

It was when I changed my vest and told Maria Hill about the contract in my mouth.

"Contract!? You guy is mysterious, what is that contract!? You are so confident that I will sign a contract with you?"

"I believe that when my contract is placed in front of you, you will not refuse~"

Looking at her face with a fascinating smile, Maria Hill looked like I believed in your evil. I really don't know where your self-confidence came from.

At the same time, in my heart, I am also more curious about the contract that food critics say, so that food critics can be so confident.

Moreover, the origins of food critics do not seem to be that simple. Maria Hill does not know what to do next.

When my heart was empty, I was forcibly intruded by this mysterious contract that had not yet been met.

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