Two-dimensional System

: Thank you for your support in October and November.

Today, the author is in a complicated mood, because the author has persisted in it for more than a year. I also met you and new readers.

Thank you last month and thank you this month. The author originally wanted to stay together until December, but something happened.

Let the author have some feelings about life, so the things of the day are still done on the same day, do not leave regrets.

On the 27th, the author's new book stopped for three days, originally wanting to take a good rest.

But suddenly I heard a bad news. One of my uncles left forever. He was sick and left.

My uncle is still very young, and her departure made me think a lot. Maybe tomorrow the author won't have any more bacteria, sitting in front of the computer all day typing on the keyboard.

Will go out and spend a few hours to exercise and exercise, but the author will not TJ.

Because writing books is the author’s hobby, and I really want to create a world that I want. The reality may not be as beautiful as we imagined, but we are still looking forward to it. We are working hard and on the road to make this The world is getting better.

The content idea of ​​the core theme of the author's novel "Flying Self in the Second Element" is that we can't change the world, but we should not let the world change us. The world may not be so beautiful, but we can create a beautiful world. We should not be the world but beautiful, we should be our beautiful, and the world is beautiful.

(Thanks for ranking in no particular order)

Thanks to the friends who still support genuine and subscribed, thank you for your silent support.

Thanks to the friends who persevere every day and vote for the author's bacteria: containment breach, Qiao Xiaoba, A Zhai, I am not funny, Xia Ji Ba Yue, 3600, Queen Wu Yan, Devli sleepy, you always Like this, SlientAnole, Bloodwing,

Monthly ticket thanks: 1918, flying hope, half tea

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