Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1044: The snap of conscience

Careerists ask themselves, they don't have the relationship with SHIELD, nor Iron Man, but Tony Stark is in it.

Food critics are so merciful to Super Virus Spider-Man because S.H.I.E.L.D. and Iron Man, Tony Stark, are in it.

The super small Spider-Man advantage Tony Stark, optimistic successor among them, even Maria Hill seems to be controlled by the illusion of food critics.

Perhaps the food critics are also another trump card of S.H.I.E.L.D., and the relationship between them and the super virus little Spider-Man.

It seems that it’s not unreasonable for people to play this way, so the problem lies here. They have nothing to do with SHIELD, Tony Stark, or even the Avengers. What kind of courage do they have to provoke someone, they don't know the root or the bottom. Just know the enemy's unfathomable enemy?

The careerists took a deep breath and involuntarily covered their chests with their hands. They felt their heartbeats soaring rapidly.

Shouldn't you prepare the ferry tickets for yourself in advance? If we look at this again, if we are too late, I am afraid that **** will not be able to save them when he comes?

And even if they run away, the food critic is not just one person, behind him is Maria Hill, the deputy director of SHIELD.

Want to find their whereabouts, really don't be too simple, how do they run? As long as they are still on this small break, they will not be able to escape each other's pursuit.

How to do? What should they do? What else can they do? The careerists, who are shrouded in fear and despair, look forward to it now.

Their military plane ran out of gas on the way, or the car tires all broke down, or there was a group of beauties on the way, and the navigator failed. All of their troops got lost?

However, if there is no if, their fantasy has not become a reality. The ruthless facts told them what reality is.

Even if they are the overlord of one party, they must be in high positions. Don't just look down on people.

The Super Little Spider-Man, who is waiting for his fist to come, is very puzzled. At the speed of food critics, the opponent may already be there. The calculation of time is absolute, but why can't it be avoided?

That familiar fist didn't come to his face? What does the other party mean? Could a food critic know that he closed his eyes? Is this waiting for me to open my eyes before punching myself?

The Super Little Spider-Man, who did not feel the blow of his fist, opened his eyes with doubts in his heart. Under the mask, the Super Virus Little Spider-Man also blinked his eyes terribly.

Seeing the fist that was only a few centimeters in front of him, why did the other party stop?

Ok! ? wrong......

Because of the oppressive feeling brought by food critics, Super Little Spider-Man put his heart and soul into fighting with food critics.

I didn't notice that around him and the food critic, after all, not far from the ground, there were the ‘corpses’ of his classmates lying around. The mind of Super Virus Little Spider-Man has grown a lot, but every time I see my classmates lying on the ground, I can’t help but think of them with desperate and horrified faces. , The moment the body fell to the ground.

Did the food critics attack themselves? Could it be the conscience of food critics who discovered it? Knowing that what you did was wrong, and ready to turn back?

Ok! ?

Was the fist that had stopped in front of his eyes finally moved? Super Little Spider-Man was taken aback and realized that his previous ideas were too naive.

However, Super Little Spider-Man did not forget that it was the best time for food critics to attack him.

After all, in the blink of an eye just now, I lost my sense of balance, but that was just the blink of an eye.

The current food critics even thought that they would wait for the fist to come.

what! ? what happened? What about my body? Why can't I move! ?

Super Little Spider-Man has a miserable backup inside, and he is hit by your illusion, and even if he is hit by you. You have no illusion, are you still bullying me like this? You are too bad, right?

After Super Little Spider-Man was about to get out of the way, he took a good look at the food critics, ‘teaching’ plus irony, do you think my little spider stupidly waits for your fist?

Are you afraid that you are thinking about P eating?

But the result...

When looking at the fist stopped in front of him, he moved again, super like Spider-Man trying to mobilize his body to dodge, but in the end he found that he seemed to be now.

The brain still belongs to it, but the body does not listen to its own words. It just stands in place, like being mixed with glue by someone, and things are fixed in place and cannot move?


Super Little Spider-Man is desperate, but what else can he do?

Illusion·Golden Binding の technique!


It was the familiar voice again, but this time Super Little Spider-Man felt the pain did not come from his face.

Even Maria Hill on the side was dumbfounded, looking at the super virus little Spider-Man who was screamed by food critics, a ‘finger’ hit the forehead and flew out.

His face turned dark, and I wanted to stop these two goods, and asked them whether they were acting?

The movie emperors of Haolai, none of you are so flamboyant~

The Super Little Spider-Man, who started from the ground, was just about to continue to cry out, but he felt the pain when he said it was painful.

It's not like the previous punch, which directly gave him the feeling of knocking the ‘cloud’ up, but the forehead he was hit was so ‘uncomfortable’.

The Super Little Spider-Man clutched his forehead, looked at each other incomprehensibly, and at the same time turned his head and looked not far away, the mighty and mighty like a black cloud, the black cloud pressing against them...

The previous Super Little Spider-Man put his heart and soul on food critics, just now. The fist of the food critics did not come, and the super virus little Spider-Man felt it, and many people approached them not far away.

Turning his head now, Super Little Spider-Man looked at everyone with a bloodthirsty aura, with weapons in his hands.

Immediately behind these people are the roaring tanks and the fighters in the sky.

Who is this going to attack! ?

The Super Virus Little Spider-Man was taken aback. Obviously, he had never thought that so many people would suddenly appear, and it seemed that the posture was obviously not good.

Super Little Spider-Man feels the danger coming, and these troops are afraid they will not come...

Thinking of this, the super virus little Spider-Man, looking at someone with complicated eyes...

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