Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1049: The answer that God doesn't know

Super Little Spider-Man stands in front of food critics, as restless and helpless as a kid who made a mistake in front of a teacher.

Even though there is a layer of mask, food critics and Maria Hill, and even everyone on the Internet seem to have seen the wronged child who is aggrieved and pitifully looking forward to the teacher of the "class teacher".

"Oh my God~ I know that Little Spider-Man should be young, but I really didn't expect to see such a Little Spider-Man."

"It feels like looking at this little Spider-Man now, it's like seeing her own child. This is what my daughter looked like when she made a mistake."

"I previously suspected that this little Spider-Man was a shorty, dwarfism or something. But now, I wonder if the little Spider-Man is an adult?"

"I'm afraid I'm still just a junior high school student? Otherwise, why did the food critic before the group of students start their hands. Do you remember the reaction of this little Spider-Man?"

"Remember~ I'm very excited. If you think about it this way, this little Spider-Man is about the same age as my freshman in high school."

Super Virus Little Spider-Man, I don’t know that the battle between him and food critics and the two before, let everyone know him Super Little Spider-Man again.

And now Super Little Spider-Man doesn’t know that, because of his behavior, everyone who is watching the live broadcast on the Internet now knows the approximate age range of this Little Spider-Man.

Moreover, look at Super Virus Spider-Man, this kind of character should be that kind of good student in school.

Of course, everyone on the Internet saw this point. Everyone knew it in their hearts but didn't say it. They chose silence in a unified manner.

Suo Ran said that the performance of Super Virus Little Spider-Man was very disappointing, but after all, he was also a child and was disappointed with Super Virus Little Spider-Man.

It was only with the super virus Little Spider-Man, the enemy he encountered was a food critic, a man who was underestimated by all people at the beginning.

Who can imagine that the fighting power of food critics is so great, not only the ability is weird and powerful. I'm afraid that even if it is Steve Rogers, Hulk Bruce Banner, or Iron Man Tony Stark, I am afraid that I can't please in front of food critics.

Everyone can see that the Super Virus Little Spiderman and the food critic are not on the same level. It is really impossible to let the Super Little Spiderman leapfrog the food critics...

Not to mention the Super Little Spider-Man who is not at the full level, even the Iron Man, Captain America, and Hulk who are already at the full level have too high a chance of facing food critics.

No reason, and no basis, although none of these people have ever played. Tony Stark should be okay. In their opinion, Tony Stark is at least a very talented person with a very talented IQ. The illusion of food critics is not necessarily useful to Iron Man.

As for what optics is involved, technology or something compared to Iron Man Tony Stark, there is no better way to deal with food critics, right?

At least there is a high probability that Tony Stark will not be deceived by the food critic's illusion.

As for the words of Captain America Steve Rogers, although it may not be possible to see through the illusion of food critics, Captain America’s battle-tested experience, coupled with Steve Rogers’ terrifying perseverance and resilience.

In response, the illusion of food critics should have a chance, not like Super Little Spider-Man.

As for the Hulk Bruce Banner, the most powerful warrior, he should have been a good food critic, but the opposite seems to everyone.

The most powerful Hulk, Bruce Banner, should be Tony Stark in Steel and Steve Rogers, Captain America, among the three who have the greatest failure rate against food critics.

After all, everyone knows that the Hulk hasn't been brought together by Bruce Banner. This guy Hulk is a guy who only knows about sabotage and has a very single mind. A person with such a single mind is so easy to get angry and only knows how to blindly use his own violence.

Although there is a powerful way to say, but if you really have to face food critics, I am afraid that whether it is the illusion of food critics or the illusion of food critics, the Hulk Bruce Banner will be able to play tricks. Turn around.

Not only that, I am afraid that the Hulk Bruce Banner at that time will be even more embarrassed and defeated than the super virus Little Spider-Man who is extremely embarrassed now.

Maybe, they will be confused by food critics. Food critics are more than just illusions.

This guy also has two brushes for his mentality. It can be said that he is a food critic with mentality + illusion ability + phantom.

This is definitely an invincible, complete BOSS. As for the savior of the Uzumaki Goddai, confronting food critics, the people on the Internet really don't know who will win and who will win.

After all, the abilities and strengths of the two people are bottomless, especially when the Uzumaki Goddai appeared, all kinds of big moves would kill Thanos and his men in seconds.

No one knows where the limit of the Uzumaki Goddai is, and no one knows what other methods the Uzumaki Goddai has. Not to mention anything else, it was that they circulated the battle scene of Uzumaki God on behalf of the Black Thanos from the Internet. Even the ‘mortal’ of Uzumaki Goddai’s last knife that cut everything off knew it.

No matter who it is, it is impossible to stop it, so the strange and powerful, bottomless food critic, and the equally terrifying, mysterious and powerful Uzumaki Goddai.

If these two people are fighting, who is more powerful?

They exhausted all their brain cells, and they couldn't imagine it. No one knew when Uzumaki Goddai faced the illusion ability of food critics.

Can the Uzumaki Goddai be able to resist it? The food critic's illusion ability, don't let the Uzumaki Goddai appear and be controlled by the food critic's illusion ability, then it will be really fun (funny).

When food critics use illusion skills against Super Little Spider-Man, they look at the food critics with ease and no effort. Everyone should know that food critics are dealing with Little Spider-Man, and food critics have not used all their illusion skills.

Therefore, the food critic and the Uzumaki Goddai, the battle scenes of these two people are too high in dimension. "Mortals" can mean that, I am afraid that the gods do not know the answer...

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