Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1083: gray? More than despair

In the eyes of Uzumaki Goddai, all punishments and punishments should never be physical punishments. The so-called punishment is just a means of letting you learn a lesson and remember the wrong after you have done something wrong.

However, this kind of punishment will never come from the spirit physically, and it will penetrate the abyss. Therefore, the Uzumaki Goddai will not kill the tens of thousands of people in front of him, nor will he mutilate these tens of thousands, let alone let them go cheaply.

No matter what the method is, even if it is physically incomplete, it is to torture the other's spirit with pain and achieve the purpose of the lesson.

But well~ this is just the next strategy that a brainless person will come up with and will only do this.

The Uzumaki Goddai was always just a passer-by to this world, just wanting to have a little time for himself to enjoy himself.

So, no matter whether it is killing or crippling these tens of thousands of people, it will not be solved, the greed that has been bred by careerists such as General Ross.

As long as these tens of thousands of people die, the food critics will still be able to defeat the whirlpool. It will never be peace, but a steady stream of trouble.

So, is there any way to make these people become discolored when they talk about the name food critic?

In fact, it is very simple to do, but it is also very difficult. It just needs to be like this. The purpose of the food critic's illusion and control of hundreds of machines is nothing else.

Let these tens of thousands of people run non-stop, naturally, not just for the evil taste in my heart. Even if this kind of scene is not anyone, who can be so close, and still ‘skills’ by himself, such a scene once was nothing more than a picture in Uzumaki’s mind.

But now these pictures have already appeared, not only dynamic ‘pictures’, but also ‘game’ scenes.

When you see these visual effects, it is only secondary. Food critics really do this, and the purpose of what they want to do is nothing more than to consume the ‘will power’ of these tens of thousands.

Running is commonplace for these soldiers, but in front of these people's bodies. When they are no longer under their control, they keep running, and the thinking in their brains will be ‘tired’, ‘boring’ and ‘sleepy’.

After all, it’s not what they want to do. When is a person’s ‘rebellious’ character maximized? That is to be yourself, and when you do what you least want to do, there will be a feeling of resistance in your mind when doing things.

Why do people forget fatigue and time only when they do what they want to do? However, when a person is free, they will think wildly. Their bodies no longer need them. Their thoughts are controlled as if they are managed by someone. Then what will they think about when they are free?

And when their thoughts think of the most exciting place, but they are unable to speak to the people around them and share their'opinions' and opinions, will this person be brought to life by his own emotions?' Suffocated'?

This is also the first cruel torture of these people by food critics: hold back!

Not only is it holding back urine and shit, but also holding back speechless. I can only start to feel uneasy in my mind, wondering what will happen to me next?

Looking in front of me and around me, so many people are doing the same action (running), and when they can't stop, they can't shout or speak.

The drowsiness caused by physical exhaustion and the suspicion caused by the rapid movement of thoughts, but they have no way to talk to the people around them.

They don't know whether they will be controlled by food critics to jump into the sea collectively, or they will jump into the cliff collectively in line.

Of course, this is not the worst. If this is controlled by food critics, your body will do some unspeakable things...

Tian Lalu ~ They won't forget, but some people watched the live broadcast from the base before they came again.

Naturally, I also know that all of them now, what kind of performance, has been in the world, as long as they stay in the sight of the people in the live broadcast room.

People all over the world are looking at them, what they do, then congratulations, congratulations, they will all become famous in modern history.

All they can look forward to is only hope that ethnic minorities, like they see foreigners, are blind and unable to tell who is who. Those foreigners think they should be the same, and they can't tell who they are.

Of course, this is not the essence of suffocation. The real essence is that they are suffocated and unbearable. It is better to die than to live.

People have three urgency, as long as they have been suffocated, they know that if these two things come, it is called a ‘pain’.

That’s as fast as they can run, but ~ food critics just don’t want them to do what they want. Their nerves and muscles are not controlled, but they have physical sensations, and this kind of "urgency" Without catharsis, his facial expressions cannot move.

In order to release part of the ‘pain’, one can imagine how much torture these people’s willpower will endure?

And this is just one of the essence of the ‘squeeze’ character, another important part, the posture comes from these people, unable to blink the eyes!

Whether it is an ordinary person or a person who has received special training in this area, at best, it is just that it can last longer without blinking.

The longest non-blinking record was only a few minutes, of course, this was under the premise that there was no wind blowing their eyes.

What Uzumaki Kamdai did not only prevent them from blinking, but also experience the stimulation of the wind by running. So everyone in the live broadcast room saw the scene that made their teeth tremble all over, but they were reverent like ghosts and gods. The same was true of General Ross's chin not closing.

I don't know if I hate the food critics' methods, or if I "scared" the food critics' methods, not only is I speechless, my body is still trembling.

He stared at the screen stubbornly, looking at the live room, the video was full of bloodshot eyes, and tears were already streaming down his face.

The pupils of the eyes have long been there, without the aura of the iron-blooded army before, is this the method of food critics?

"Killing...Zhu Xin...Killing Zhu Xin..."

Looking at the food critics who are still carrying a smile on his face, the little child who has to fall to the toy is looking at the soldiers of the major forces who have fallen to this point. I am afraid that I have already wanted to die now, right?

Don't say these people can't speak, General Rose can see from the gloomy pupils of these people...

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