Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1094: Tens of thousands of hostages

Thanos allowed Bruce Banner to see that his power is not'invincible', so he urgently needs power to improve himself. This is a normal way for an ordinary person.

The emergence of Uzumaki Kamidai made Bruce Banner realize what a ‘gully’ feeling is, and Bruce Banner hit Uzumaki Kamidai.

It's like Uzumaki Goddai, in the ninja world, he always likes to use his own chakras to make marks on others.

When Uzumaki Kamdai easily abused him, Steve Rogers, and Tony Stark. In the Uzumaki God, he traded infinite gems with them, and snapped his fingers without burden, and Bruce Banner was just wary of Uzumaki God.

When the Uzumaki Goddai ‘easily’ used six infinite gems to kill Thanos. Bruce Banner left his only heart of awe in the body of the Uzumaki God.

So this heart of awe is like a beacon in the dark, and Bruce Banner will never feel it when the Uzumaki Goddai disappears.

But when the Uzumaki Goddai once again, used the transformation technique to appear in front of Bruce Banner in another form, as long as the Uzumaki Goddai domain was not closed.

It was like a lamp with a headlight turned on. Bruce Banner could not admit that no one other than Uzumaki Goddai could put such pressure on him.

‘That’s right, it’s just this feeling, this guy who looks like a very hilarious guy who played in the second grade is Uzumaki Kamidai...’

Bruce Banner crossed his eyes, and Maria Hill, who stood in front of them, stared scorchingly as if, ignoring them, and not caring about their food critics at all.

General Ross?

Maria Hill looked at the menacing appearance of the two, as long as they were not blind, they knew that the purpose of the two came here is food critics. It's just that Maria Hill gave the two of them, and the purpose of stopping them was very clear. That's to figure out why Bruce Banner, Hawkeye Button, came to look for food critics.

After all, he is here. If the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. people are here, they won't come back when they see themselves here. Or not, I came here so aggressively, saying that I was looking for food critics.

Unless, it's hard for food critics to do anything behind their backs? But this is impossible~ The food critics have no time to commit crimes at all. They spend the whole time with the food critics. Even if it is parted time, it is only the few minutes when they go to the bathroom and change clothes.

In this short period of time, what can the food critic have done?

But when I heard that Eagle Eye Button pointed to the food critic’s finger, Maria Hill became even more puzzled. What is the connection between General Rose and the food critic?

Looking at Bruce Banner with a sad and complicated face, Maria Hill felt that things didn’t seem to be that simple anymore. Bruce Banner, an "honest person", looked like this. Obviously, food critics and General Rose were involved again. Others In trouble.

"General Ross? What does he want to do..."

Having said this, Maria Hill seemed to think of something, suddenly raised her head and looked at the man from General Rose.

When Maria Hill thought about it this way, she seemed to understand how the food critic and General Rose were involved.

"But, even if General Rose wants to be right, if the food critics take action, why are you here in such a hurry?"

Maria Hill would never allow anyone, especially Hawkeye Button and Bruce Banner, before she understood all the situation clearly. The people on their side annoyed food critics.

Look at the unlucky, super virus little Spider-Man, look at it again, there are tens of thousands of soldiers who can't stop, this undoubtedly does not prove how expensive it is to annoy food critics.

Moreover, in Maria Hill's heart, the food critic is the object of her own wooing, that is, she recognizes it. General Rose, no matter what the purpose is, he first sent out thousands of his minions, and then he didn't know how to convince them, Hawkeye Button and Bruce Banner.

The two of them came to look for food critics, for what purpose Maria Hill cared very much. If you have to let Maria Hill stand in line, the food critics will be the adults in the Black Braised Egg Bureau, and the unswerving first choice after the disappearance.


Hawkeye Button gave him a cue in the eyes of Bruce Banner. He and Bruce Banner were left and right, so Maria Hill couldn't help her to get past Maria Hill to catch the food critic.

But who knows Maria Hill, this woman is so bluffing, she just shoots without saying anything. Hawkeye Button’s strategy did not succeed. The key was not Maria Hill’s pistol, but Bruce Banner, a pig teammate. As expected, he dropped his chain at a critical time and was shot by Maria Hill.’ The horrified Hawkeye Button glanced fiercely, and it seemed that the same fat green Bruce Banner had dropped.

I really don't understand this big guy. Even at this time, he still took into account so much. If it weren't for the critical moment, the Hulk Bruce Banner stood still.

Cooperating well with yourself, the two of them can easily cross over. Maria Hill successfully went to the food critics and took this guy away.

As for the conversation in the car, the food critic is Uzumaki Kamdai. To be honest, Hawkeye Button’s answer is:

Whether he does it or not, do it first.

To a certain extent, Hawkeye Button's temper is not much better than Tony Stark's temper. These two guys are both intuitive and immediate regardless of the consequences.

Dunbar's immediate matter has been resolved, so the issues that arise later can be resolved later.

If none of the immediate problems can be solved, wouldn't they just waste their time, and even if they don't talk about opportunities, they won't be able to do anything in the end?

"Are you serious? Hill, we don't have time. We can't let General Rose be killed by the superstar. We need food critics to stop it, and the superstar will kill General Rose."

"Don't move! Barton explained clearly. If you don't let me, I won't let you pass. There is already a mess of porridge here. You can't come over and add to the chaos at this time."

Maria Hill frowned. The life of General Rose is life, so are the tens of thousands of lives in front of him not life?

Didn't you see these tens of thousands of soldiers, are they all hostages in the hands of food critics? Why don't you have any eyesight?

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