People on the Internet did not really understand at the beginning why Bruce Banner, Fat Green, would act like this.

However, it is not like Hawkeye Button, who knows nothing. I saw it from the beginning, after the endless abilities of food critics.

Everyone knows that Bruce Banner does this. It's not that Bruce Banner has a small heart to slap his teammate Hawkeye Button and the arrow that he shot at the food critic.

The flashing arrow of the Hawkeye Button before, got angry when he did it. And the main reason for all this is because of a superpower called the Food Pinglujia.

In the live broadcast room on the Internet, after the picture stopped for a few seconds, it ignited once earlier. Before that, they saw Hawkeye Button and Bruce Banner appearing in the live broadcast room picture, just looking forward to the Hawkeye. Eye Button and Bruce Banner appeared for what purpose.

Especially Hawkeye Button, his menacing look is definitely not in line with food critics. Or maybe...Many people are speculating that it may be the two previous food critics and Maria Hill who killed the super hero Mr. Mystery together.

Bruce Banner and Hawkeye Button, the two big bosses in the Avengers, are already on their way to the town. Hawkeye Button and Bruce Banner, must have come for food critics to kill the mysterious guest.

It just so happened that Super Virus Little Spider-Man wanted to do the same, but he didn't succeed. Although it was unsuccessful, it was a good time for Hawkeye Button and Bruce Banner.

Of course, to talk about delaying time, everyone in the live broadcast room on the Internet knows that the longest delay is still in the live broadcast room screen, the tens of thousands of soldiers lying on the ground with happy faces and grunts.

Even though these tens of thousands of soldiers seem to be completely abolished, but their ‘credit’. Those of them who used their eyes to see this scene deeply remembered it deeply. As long as they saw it, there was no one. I dare to swear that I will forget it in my life. The tens of thousands of people all cast their eyes with blissful relief.

The colors and tastes of these people will become the ‘sign’ of an era, and their success has been delayed until the time when Bruce Banner and Hawkeye Button arrived.

At the same time, because of the tens of thousands of them, everyone has become more aware of the magical superpowers of the great devil, the food critic, and the magical functions.

This guy can not only create ‘illusions’ and ‘projection’ clones, but food critics can even ‘control’ tens of thousands of soldiers with his illusions?

In my mind, I recalled how the tens of thousands of soldiers were ‘controlled’ by food critics. All people have discovered the fact that even if food critics control tens of thousands of people at the same time, they are not under pressure.

Not even a drop of sweat was left behind, and at the same time, there was no trace of ferocious expression on his face. Some people were still asking questions in the live broadcast room. Want to know how many people can be controlled by food critics at once, and what is the upper limit of food critics?

So, what are the things that food critics cannot control? As a result, when these guys were thinking like this, they saw Bruce Banner, the green fat man, and Hawkeye Button, the big guys in the Avengers.

This makes the heart full, and the puzzled person starts to get excited. The food critics still have the illusion ability, what has not been shown?

The control ability of food critics, if you meet Bruce Banner and Hawkeye Button, will there be such a magical effect? Will Bruce Banner be controlled by food critics?

These questions filled the screens of the entire live broadcast room in an instant, and General Rose had been paying attention to these. Naturally, I also see in my eyes, for these idiot questions.

General Rose sneered with disdain. These guys were just there. If the Hulk is so easy to eat ass, the food critics will control it. Then he is still playing a fart~ If you say it is a food critic, it is possible to control the kid Eagle Eye Button.

After all, Hawkeye Button is not a black history that has not been controlled by others, but he wants to control the Hulk Bruce Banner?

If possible...General Ross said that he had done that more than ten years ago. To control the Hulk Bruce Banner, then it means that I control the entire Hulk army...

However, Hulk and Shit giants hate the Hulk and told him the fact that the Hulk is uncontrollable. After he became an old silver coin giant, he had a clearer understanding of the power of giants.

Food critics control tens of thousands of soldiers. This is nothing to General Ross. This is the gap between ordinary people and superpowers.

The insurmountable chasm, if these tens of thousands of soldiers are placed in front of them, they can be easily settled without hiding them.

But if it was replaced by: Bruce Banner?

General Ross would not believe anything until... General Ross used his eyes to watch Bruce Banner, after the strange behavior of Fat Green.

The question mark on General Rose's head began to explode several times faster, and at the same time, the depths of his heart were already turbulent.

This this this...

A terrible idea was born in General Rose's mind. Why did Bruce Banner do this?

Reminiscent of the tens of thousands of uncontrolled soldiers, does this answer still need to be considered?

General Rose opened his mouth and looked at Hawkeye Button who was angry. The three arrows shot out again were directly punched and fanned by Bruce Banner.


General Rose, who was eroded by cold sweat, opened his mouth, and slumped on the chair behind him. The battle between the food critic Bruce Banner and Hawkeye Button was not over yet.

However, after Bruce Banner was taken under control by food critics, he did not know what methods he used. This battle between the three is also heading in an unknown direction.

Hawkeye Button seems not to believe in evil, and continues to shoot arrows at food critics. At the same time, because Bruce Banner seems to have recognized his father, Bruce Banner wants to sacrifice his life for the food critic.

Hawkeye Button gritted his teeth hatefully and started to run around, hoping to find a way to deal with food critics during the exercise.

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