Two-dimensional System

Chapter 1138: Steamed Bun

In these people, who have no safety factor at all, look at the "disabled" people in this place. Even if people with these tools are immortal, they are not much better. They might as well die. At least in their opinion, if they are these people, they would rather die than live so ‘painful’.

These tools that have been discarded by food critics, they will live all their lives. Now this time, in the shadow of being controlled by food critics, they can't sleep all day and finally live miserably... ..

Look at these pitiful to useless, more miserable descriptions in this world, poor tool people. You touch your conscience and tell us that you still think that food critics are not a scourge of the world? Is he still a super villain with a special charm rather than an extremely dangerous world destroyer?

Do you want a dangerous guy like a food critic to eliminate it without nuclear weapons and keep it for the New Year? This guy should be expelled from the small broken ball forever, so that they can have a completely free, enjoyable breathing, and a stable world...

These people think that as long as the food critics are still there, one day in this world, no! Even the food critic, a day in this universe, is dangerous for them.

It seems that they can't die for the time being, and the eagle-eyed Patton who is ‘red light’ is their biggest shame on the small break.

If you scream, just scream. You lied to them so many tears. As a result, you are living ‘better’ than anyone else. Who can bear it?

If you see this guy in the future, they won't give a spit, and they all feel sorry for the tears that were cheated by Hawkeye Button at that time.

Tears are precious diamonds, and each group of tears is full of their most primitive and eternal love~

Some people even printed out the profile picture of Eagle Eye Button with a printer and posted it on the door of their shop or building.

On the printing paper, it is clearly written: Dogs and Hawkeye Button are not allowed to enter!

This shows how much the hatred of Hawkeye Button in these hundreds of millions of people is. As for those clamoring that food critics can't continue to live to harm the world, or that food critics are alive is the biggest mistake, and ask big countries to use nuclear weapons against food critics.

But no one paid any attention to it. You said so nicely, how harmful are food critics, can they not know? But are you going to die with food critics with nuclear weapons?

What evidence do you have, or what basis do you have to prove that nuclear weapons are useful to food critics? Are you sure before nuclear weapons fall on the heads of food critics~

The food critics took control of themselves and used their own authority to let them not waste all the nuclear weapons in their hands. All fall on their heads?

Therefore, these clamoring people can choose to ignore it directly. These people have no brains. If he can bring food critics into his camp, wouldn't he be good?

Why just think about destroying food critics humanely? Whether it's a beauty trick, status or money.

In your own power, you have a person like a food critic, or you have one in your family who want a food critic.

Are you still worried about your own power, or your family, or the safety of your country, is it still something they need to worry about?

That's not a problem at all. Having a food critic does not mean ‘sit back and relax’? They only need to provide food critics and treat them like their ancestors.

Is it difficult? Is this unacceptable? Isn't he the deepest wisdom to defeat a soldier without fighting?

Maximize interests and win-win interests. How can one have its own race, and it is more precious to pass on forever?

In other words, after this, food critics, if they give birth to a son and a half in their family, wouldn't they be in their own family?

At that time, go to expand the family...

Tsk tsk ~ In short, ‘mortals’ get food critics, which is equivalent to the ascension of chickens and dogs, and nobles have to lose food critics, and then they have to own the world with their families.

It can be announced in advance that their family is the only "nobleman" in this world, and their family will rule the world.

This is the best part of possessing the illusionary superpower of the food critic, plus the control ability.

Although that clamor is the second of three, it occupies most of the people in the whole world. But does the person in this clamor really want to die for food critics?

I'm afraid it's not necessarily true, if given a chance...

Hundreds of millions of people who are watching the live broadcast, no longer look at Hawkeye Button, the greatest shame of a small break, and they all look at food critics. They are all curious about what else food critics will do next?

In particular, I saw the food critic smiling and looking at Maria Hill, who was regarded by them as the worst bad woman in the world.

Actually, ‘squeaky’? Damn, Maria Hill, is it possible that this woman has already done what they wanted to do but did not do?

"Go! I want this woman, news from the eighteenth generation of ancestors."

"Great! Ms. Maria Hill, but we are from the U.S., so in other words, the food critic who was fascinated by the most beautiful lady in U.S., can you now declare that the U.S. got it?"

"Hahaha! Sure enough, our country should be the master of the world, and we should be the ruler of the whole small break."

"Huh! What's so special about this woman? I miss us with such a face. Don't the Big Smectas have as many as they want? Go! Go and give me orders now, from now on, give me this woman As a female of our Big Smecta, a unified template!

Any woman who wants to be employed must have the looks of this woman! "

"Yes! You are really wise~"

"Hahaha~ Go and find out, maybe this woman is us, the bloodline of the Great Smecta?"

Ok! ?

"Damn, if this woman wants to have a body without a body, is it possible for this woman to be confused, what kind of'technique' did food critics use? Our Yamato clan is the world, the most technologically advanced family, to use technology to defeat this woman , To compete for food critics!"


"Well! Monarchs, the Yamato clan depends on you..."

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