Two-dimensional System

Chapter 199: Mr. Danzo, what's wrong with you! ?

Three days ago, the fire in the Konoha database was very strange, not only in the dark part of Bofeng Shuimen, nothing was found at the scene.

The root ninja at the back also didn't know anything, and everyone didn't know, another news.

That is, not only the database was on fire that day, but even the sample storage in the hospital was destroyed by unknown.

These were originally two unrelated matters, but after they were linked together, Shimura Danzo involved another matter.

That was the battle that was discovered outside Konoha village three days ago.

Until now, Konoha has not been able to find, where is the unknown force fighting.

It's just the number one suspect, the Uchiha clan, who has been investigating openly and secretly during these three days.

All the Uchiha clan members who were employed on that day had an alibi, and they all had one or two companions who could prove it.

They were in their posts that day, so who else belonged to the Uchiha clan fighting outside the village of Konoha?

Shimura Danzo had a number one goal, but he didn't dare to think about that person.

That's terrible, and it doesn't make sense, if the other party is that person.

In the battle position, the blood stains absolutely left cannot be Uchiha's.

Therefore, the clue is here, and no one can explain these contradictory speculations.

Now it's finally his turn?

Under the dim ground, Shimura Danzang's face was uncertain, but his eyes were shining with an unknown fierce light.

First of all, this gaze is full of anger, which no one can question.

"Why are you still in a daze? Don't you hurry up to organize people to investigate? And close all roads and gates. Opening the barrier will never allow the opponent to escape."


The sweaty root ninja was happy that he had escaped and was not killed by the angry Shimura Danzo.

He didn't dare to stay any longer, for fear of letting go of the enemy.

Shimura Danzo, who couldn't find the enemy, brought all the anger to their heads.

It is their responsibility to take care of themselves.

Along the way, the root ninja couldn't figure it out, and all the defensive traps and barriers were intact.

None of them have been damaged by humans or have fallen into disrepair.

So? How did the enemy get in? This is what the root ninjas are most embarrassed about.

You have to give us death, and explain clearly how to die, right?

The root ninjas who had to order, quickly occupied the major passages, and the enchantment was like a box, wrapping the entire root.

All the root ninjas, ready to fight, just wait for the enemy to appear.

There is another unsolved case haunting Shimura Danzo, the root ninjas, and that is.

Is it possible that such a large database will be quietly moved by one person?

‘Yes~ That’s right! They are made by a gang, and we have discovered the truth. This thief will never escape! ’

"how is the situation?"

"Master Danzo, we have already sealed off, and no one was found at all entrances and exits."

Only then did Shimura Danzo's gloomy face improve slightly, and he looked around for a week without saying anything, and finally left a sentence when he left.

"It was found that the enemy didn't need to keep his hands, just one mouth was enough, and the rest were killed."

Not killing is not enough to dispel hatred, you just need to stare at Konoha. Even the old man's beard dare to pull the wool?

Is the old man unable to lift the knife? Or is the old man's knife not sharp enough?

Coming to the gate of the database blankly, Shimura Danzo forced himself to calm down, but anyone with sharp-eyed eyes found that Lord Shimura Danzo's slightly trembling hand holding a cane.

‘Danzo-sama, you must be strong! ’


The angry iron rod fell on the floor again, the entire underground floor trembled, and a lot of dust fell.

"How big is the old man's database? Where did all the information go!?"

All of them lowered their heads and looked at their toes. No one dared to look up and look at Shimura Danzo.

They are still searching for thieves one by one, and no one can withstand the flames of the old man of Shimura Danzo before every result comes out.

And when Shimura Danzo was furious and had nowhere to vent, a root ninja with anxious steps on his face staggered and came to Shimura Dan's hiding.

"It's not good, Danzo-sama...Arsenal..."

"Say! What happened to the Armory!!?"

Gen ninja raised his head with difficulty and looked at Shimura Danzo, whose face was so dark and red, that he knew that this was caused by the rapid flow of blood caused by anger.


"Master Danzo... the weapons depot is also stolen, and what we have accumulated over the years...the money is gone..."


With anger attacking his heart, the angry old Shimura Danzo finally failed to make it through.

A mouthful of old blood gave the unlucky root ninja before him, an old blood came to wash his face.

The root ninjas around saw that Shimura Danzo was so angry that he vomited blood, they all supported Shimura Danzo with worry.

For fear, this old man is angry about something. If they are out of anger, they fainted and knocked out in the end.

"Let go of the old man! Take the old man over!"

Pushing away the root ninjas who were supporting him, Shimura Danzo's white clothes were stained with red plum blossoms.

Staring at the red cannibalistic one-eyed, he said hoarsely to the hapless root ninja, that the four of them must understand when they die.

‘The old man is so spicy, a good weapon arsenal, how can I say it’s gone? ’


But when Shimura Danzo came to the armory, he looked at the neat and clean armory that even rats disliked.

Shimura Danzo still couldn't accept this fact, and the iron rod in his hand fell to the ground.

"Quick! Take the old man to the other storage rooms."

Is it still too small to look down on this group of thieves, and even the weapon arsenal was not spared?

And who is the other party and why do you know the root so well?

Could it be an inner ghost?

Didn’t you say that house thieves are hard to guard against? can......

This is impossible. Each root ninja is personally selected by him, and each root ninja is branded with a seal technique.

There can be no inner ghost, and Shimura Danzo's heart can't help but plummet.

A chill came from the tailbone, from the bottom to the top. Could it be that his roots have been spotted from earlier, somehow?

‘Fear! Who is the other party? ’

As the doors of the secret rooms opened one by one, Shimura Danzo's face became darkened while the ninjas were brightened.

The most intuitive thing is that Mr. Shimura Danzo, who was originally a handy man, seemed to be either empty or ruined in a mess.

Gradually, he became numb, and when he reached the last secret room, all the secrets of Shimura Danzo were stored.

With the last trace, so little luck, trembling and cautiously pushing the door open.

"Master!? Master Danzo! What's wrong with you!!!?"

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