Two-dimensional System

Chapter 808: Steve: I still lack a shield~

Indeed, from the satellites and surveillance cameras, only Loki and the staff in his hand were captured.

They did not see that there was something else in Loki's hand.

However, this does not mean that the Cosmos Cube is not in it, they don't know the universe people, but they have seen the Uzumaki God Generation.

It was like a magic trick out of thin air, and I saw it when he took out things, the method by which the things in the hands of the Uzumaki God General disappeared out of thin air.

I just don’t know, is such a method the only thing, the Uzumaki God Congress, or is such a ‘magic method’ standard for every cosmic person?

If this is the case, their primary goal is still to get Loki.

Hearing Natasha Romanov's extremely regretful reply, the director of the black marinated egg licked his face and looked at it, asking whether you want to deceive the honest people?

Want to fool the honest people here and be subdued by you? I'm afraid you haven't seen it before, what is the anger of honest people!

If it weren’t for my family’s Tina to persuade herself, I’m still at home now, and build a small Hulk with Tina~

In the past, I wanted to die because I felt that there was no hope in life. Bruce Banner thought he was a monster all his life, and also the old man.

The obstacle of General Rose is inside, and Bruce Banner doesn't want to let it go. It is difficult to be a man with his sweetheart in the middle.

But now, General Rose is gone, there is no scum left by Uzumaki God's Thunder, and the people who hinder him and Tina are gone.

There was hope in life again, and Bruce Banner felt that, apart from whether it was Hulk, he would come out and make a fool of himself, and his life was still happy.

If this time next year, there is a little Hulk, it will be even more perfect, and Bruce Banner feels that he has no regrets in this life.

Moreover, Bruce Banner has restrained Hulk recently and never let Hulk come out.

Not doing things by oneself does not mean that Bruce Banner can accept the provocation of S.H.I.E.L.D. If you bully the honest people, the honest people will get angry when the time comes. Don't blame me for not warning you in advance.

"Haha~ Dr. Banner, don't be angry. We have not yet determined whether the Universe Cube is on Loki. So, to be on the safe side, no one here knows more about gamma rays and is more professional than Dr. Banner."

Regardless of whether the director of the black bitter egg is true or not, or he really simply wants to delay time.

However, Bruce Banner was more willing to accept the explanation of Director Hei La Dan, and the tension instantly dissipated.

Maria Hill, who had placed her palm on her waist, and many nervous S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

They all breathed a sigh of relief, and moved their hands away from the match. This place is tens of thousands of meters high. Here they have nowhere to escape.

If Hulk came out to kill the Quartet, they wouldn't even have a place to call for grievances.

These little actions of the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents thought that Bruce Banner didn't know it, but they didn't expect that they would be seen in their eyes.

The mistrust between the two parties is well known to everyone, but they have not smashed their skin.

"Dr. Banner, please, I'll take you to your studio~"

Phil Coleson, a good old man, pushed his wheelchair to Bruce Banner at the right time, not to mention the harmless smile of this guy, plus the fact that he was sitting in a wheelchair.

The lack of aggression and threat did make Bruce Banner relax his vigilance, and Phil Coleson was a blessing in disguise.

Now even the director of the black braised egg, looking at Phil Coleson's temperament, is also shocked.

This is absolutely harmless, but can arouse the desire of unknown people to protect. In everyone's heart, subconsciously, there is protection for the ‘weak’, or is it unwilling to bully a poor bug in a wheelchair?

"Please don't worry about Dr. Banner, we just want to establish a win-win cooperation with you."

"I hope so~"

Along the way, Phil Coleson, who was manipulating a wheelchair, was right, and Bruce looked up and down with a weird face, Banner, telling S.H.I.E.L.D.'s long-cherished wish to cooperate with him.

Moreover, they also stated the conditions, as long as Bruce Banner is willing, they S.H.I.E.L.D. will provide him with a job.

Every month, there will be a lot of salary, and recovery of deep knowledge, far beyond the status and reputation before this.

Bruce Banner, who has been ups and downs, is calm, even though Phil Coleson is very ‘unique’. But this does not allow Bruce Banner to let go of his grudge against official organizations.

Fame or something, what does he want with seven doctoral certificates in the past? The results of it?

I originally thought that cooperating with the military could better benefit mankind.

Who knows, the purpose of those guys is only to create weapons of war? And he, Bruce Banner was unlucky and became a victim.

Bruce Banner, who originally opposed human experiments, has long since ceased to be Wu Xia Amon.

Listening to others say a few words, lofty ideals and visions for a better future.

Will be enthusiastic together, brain congestion and IQ off the assembly line just like that, promise to follow S.H.I.E.L.D.'s so-called "protect mankind"?

Of course, if S.H.I.E.L.D. is not an official violent organization, as Tony Stark has ‘proved’ it (closes the arms manufacturing department)’s own organization.

If you invite him, Bruce Banner just feels that he has a certain development platform, and Bruce Banner doesn't mind agreeing.

Phil Coleson, who is good at observing words, naturally sees that Bruce Banner is lacking in interest in them S.H.I.E.L.D.

After knowing what Bruce Banner's inner thoughts were, would he bow his head and sigh with emotion:

"Is it really a successful SHIELD, and a defeated SHIELD?"

Following in the hall, Bruce Banner, the self-propelled humanoid "nuclear bomb", left, and all the tight strings were finally loose.

Even Steve Rogers relaxed himself, his muscles tightened after encountering Bruce Banner.

Of course, this is also the director of the black bitter egg, deliberately separating Bruce Banner from the arrest of Rocky this time.

No one knows what will happen if you take Bruce Banner. By the time, don't, Hulk has become Rocky's teammate, and they are really tragedy.

Director Hei Lao Dan has his hands on her back. At this moment, Director Hei La Dan is so proud:

"Steve, you go with Natasha and bring Loki back?"

"I can do it alone."

Steve Rogers glanced, and Natasha Romanoff, who was not far away, did not underestimate women, but was unwilling to let women join the battle subconsciously.

"Natasha is in charge of flying the plane for you. Do you have any other requests?"

"Uh~ then I need a shield~"

Steve Rogers's complexion changed. Without Natasha Romanoff flying a plane for him, would he play the Quinn?

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