Two-dimensional System

Chapter 819: The weak, poor and helpless Banner

"Master, Loki has already started to act, and the dumb guys like Hei La Dan can't even see Loki's'conspiracy'.

Actually, in the aircraft carrier in the air, my own people started to riot in the county~"

Xiao Mo delivered a mischievous voice to Uzumaki's ears.

Seeing that they are still celebrating this with joy, Little Wanda and Pilcher are going to play in the universe.

Uzumaki Shindai got up without a trace, and came to his basement without disturbing the happy mood of Wanda and Pilcher.

Because what happened next may not be so friendly.

It is very likely that it will have a devastating blow to their yearning for the universe and enthusiasm.

The next episode will prove one thing, that is, aliens are not that friendly.

‘Hopefully, Wanda and Pilcher, don’t be scared by what comes next. ’

"Hehe~ Master, you underestimate Little Wanda and Pilcher, their children are not so vulnerable~"

When there was no one, Xiao Mo was directly confined in front of the Uzumaki Goddai, and domineering and unreasonable, occupying the position of the Uzumaki Goddai.

Cocked his feet on the table of Uzumaki Kamiyo, Uzumaki Kamiyo didn't care much about it, although the villa belonged to him.

But this villa also belongs to Xiaomo~

"I hope~ show me first, what is going on in the air carrier?"

Uzumaki Goddai's face turned straight. He didn't want to go to the air carrier. His appearance disturbed the director's Avengers plan.

But who would have thought that even if he didn't show up, the plan seemed very bumpy.

In front of Uzumaki Goddai, what was happening on the aircraft carrier in the air appeared, and the director of the black brine egg was mixed.

Captain America Steve Rogers and tycoon Tony Stark are accusing each other of not. What made Uzumaki Kandai even more eye-opening was that Bruce Banner, who was extremely embarrassed, was also involved in the dispute between these guys?

‘What the **** is going on please? ’

Uzumaki Goddai frowned and realized that things were not that simple, especially the observation ability of Uzumaki Goddai.

It can be seen clearly in the eyes, expressions, and tone of speech. Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Director Black Lagoon, and Bruce Banner, the emotions of these people are not'normal'.

For a few individuals, the reason why the quarrel was even more ridiculous was that Tony Stark and Bruce Banner felt that SHIELD was unreliable.

Director Black Braised Egg definitely had something to hide from them, and it happened that Tony Stark came to the air carrier, looking for a chance to invade the air carrier system virus.

For Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, and Steve Rogers, they unearthed the secrets hidden behind the scenes at the same time.

The sound of the siren in the control room sounded innocently and also made Chief Black Lao Dan's face turn blue, and his hands lined up on the railing fiercely.

"Sir, someone has hacked into our system and our information has been leaked out~"

"Shet! Mom messed with Fak!"

Hearing the reports of his subordinates, he didn't need to investigate further, the Chief Black Braised Egg would already know who did it.

The enraged Director of the Black Braised Egg, sparks with lightning along the way, came violently, and Tony Stark asked him why he had invaded SHIELD! ?

It's fine to invade usually, you don't know or I don't know, everyone opens one eye and closes the other and pretends that nothing happened.

However, you are still in front of Rocky Enemy in front of so many people. (The most important thing is that the director of the black braised egg caught Loki, and locked Loki in, in order to avoid accidents, he prepared a cage for a big guy.)

Thinking that he could finally exaggerate, Director Hei Baodan is now defiant, and his pride has floated beyond the nine realms of outer space.

Nowhere can I feel that the surrounding air is no longer so ‘refreshing’ and ‘clean’ before.

Faced with the accountability of the director of the black braised egg, how could Tony Stark swallow so hard?

What's more, he has also shared all the intelligence and information he has with Bruce Banner and Steve Rogers, his most unhappy one.

Tony Stark believes that even if they can't predict a piece of it, they will definitely not stand on the side of the director.

Because the three of them may have contradictory personalities, but their goals are the same.

That is: peace!

Even if Tony Stark had countless problems, he could just hold back the huge losses and shut down the weapon development department.

You can already see that Tony Stark himself is right, how deeply painful these ‘dangerous’ weapons that should not ‘exist’ are!

(It is estimated that while clearing the time when I was left outside, I was afraid of being bombed by my own missiles.)

As soon as the director of the black braised egg looked at it, the good guys, the three guys who were still looking at each other before looking at each other, when did they pass into a pair of pants?

Director Hei La Dan made a big alarm in an instant, and he definitely couldn't let the three guys join hands and lash out.

Director Hei Lao Dan relied on his own, three-inch tongue, Tony Stark, Steve Rocky, and Bruce Banner who was not good at talking.

The three of them smashed down one after another, not to mention that this guy is worthy of the intelligence chief, the boss of millions of agents.

With oral skill, it can be regarded as a special ‘superpower’.

In short, the director of the black bitter egg moved back to a city, without victory, but also split the improvised group of Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner and Tony Stark.

In order to divide the three people, the director of the black bitter egg has even been frantic and will directly stand by.

Standing on the sidelines, being a crowd eating melons, smiling at the lively Thor.


Thor pointed to himself with a suspicion of life, but he couldn't imagine that he was just eating a melon.

Why did the war burn on yourself?

However, Thor still underestimated the determination of the director, who was extremely dark-hearted.

'Humph! Still want to be like this, fish in troubled waters and eat melon? Don't look at who you are eating melons! ’

You have to pay for melons, right? If you just let you be late easily and free late melons, how will this team bring along?

Where do you put your prestige? Even if you are an alien, even if you are an alien, he is a prince.

But now this is a small break, not your Asgard, what is more important is that the place you occupy now is still your uncle and mine!

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