Two-dimensional System

Chapter 827: Space gate opens

Tony Stark is very sad now, and can only silently pour himself a glass of wine to suppress his shock, Rocky has nothing to fear, this guy will be invisible under his Mark suit.

What really frightened Tony Stark was the Uzumaki Goddai who didn't know what he was thinking. Obviously, the Uzumaki Goddai might have known about Loki's arrival on earth ‘earlier’.

Otherwise, how to explain, Uzumaki Goddai did not do it early or late, but at this time let Xiaomo control the energy system of the entire Stark Building?

Now even if Tony Stark called someone to physically shut down the energy system, it would not help.

"Sir~ It was detected just now that the energy in the entire building is flooding to that instrument."

Hearing in the headset, Jarvis's calm, **** tone, Tony Stark almost didn't, spouting the wine in his mouth depressed.

What does Uzumaki Kamdai mean?

Could it be that he felt that it was not exciting enough? God knows after Tony Stark got the news straight. How did he not let himself be strange? Loki, who was victorious in front of him, saw it.

At this time, Loki was admiring Tony Stark's face with a very satisfied expression.

He thinks that now Tony Stark's constipated ugly face is caused by his Rocky.

Take a look, the person who claims to be the smartest on this small broken ball, is not the same as he Loki, to play and applaud?

Because Tony Stark's face made Loki very comfortable, Loki tried his best to make his smile more kind.

So as not to scare the "children" in front of him, after all, Loki is the **** of mischief, not the **** of fear.

The effect he wanted had been achieved, and his shadow was already over Tony Stark's head.

The next Rocky wanted to be like the feared God on the small break. He opened his arms and greeted him with a kind ‘kind’ gaze, he was the first ‘subject’ on the small break~

God loves him Loki, so he naturally loves his "people".

In fact, Loki didn't care if he became a king or not, he just wanted to prove himself to Odin and Thor.

Let them know that Rocky is also okay. Odin, who becomes the king, is so confused. See what your wrong choice has caused Asgard to lose?

He is Loki, but a kind, wise, and wise king.

Proving one's ability is only one of them, and the second is that Loki enjoys this process of conquering very much.

"Tony Stark? I have heard of you. Since I came to this planet, the most heard news is about you."

The Vortex God agent made Tony Stark extremely worried, looking at Loki with a brilliant smile in front of him, it was even more uncomfortable.

"In fact, you don't need to be so lucky, as long as you surrender to me and welcome your new king, all this can be quickly ended~"

Looking at Loki, who had already brought himself into the winning side, Tony Stark's face became even more black.

"Yes, everything will end, but I feel it. Maybe we should end it all in another way, because you provoke people who shouldn't."

In Tony Stark's heart, the flames that burned from multiple aspects stared at Loki without shy.

"Hehe, another form? Do you think you can stop me? And my troops?

Let me tell you~ That is a fleet of five Zetarians, maybe you can't imagine it, but I can tell you, have you seen the dark clouds in the night?

The moment the Qitarians arrived, it was like a dark cloud covering the whole world. "

Speaking of this, Loki seemed to look up to the roof with his head hooked, and he seemed to be able to see through the roof, the beam of light from the Stark building that went straight into the sky.

"It seems that the effect of the Universe Cube will also exceed my expectations. This also happens to allow you to recognize the facts earlier~"

Loki stood up from the sofa with great ease and ease, and walked towards Tony Stark with the scepter of mind.

"Jarvis, tell me what this is, what's the matter?"

"Sir~ The energy overload of the building was detected, and a steady stream of energy is pouring in from all directions, centering on the building. The space cube is expanded through the building, and the size of the space gate is opened.

Sir~ Although, it is very frustrating to say that, but I think it is time for us to write a suicide note first. "

"Shut up, Jarvis!"


After cutting off the whispers with Jarvis, Tony Stark's face became even more ugly, with a screen hanging on the wall in between.

Through the screen, both Tony Stark and Rocky saw what was happening on the top of the Stark building.

The blue beam has broken through the atmosphere, as if piercing the entire sky.

A huge ‘hole’ appeared in the New York sky, and there seemed to be something wrong with my head, and New Yorkers raised their heads.


"God! Are you going to give up your people?"

On the street, Matt Murdoch and Pete Parker were just after school.

Looking up at the sky with his schoolbag on his back, his mouth grows big. Where can I still see the blue sky and white clouds over New York at this time?

After getting the blue light and piercing the sky, the sky disappeared. What appeared in front of them was:

The endless universe, and the locust-like army that is about to pass, and the number is unclear...

"Could it be...this is what Mr. Kamashiro said?"

Pete Parker's eyes are almost staring out, is it the end of the world? They can actually see such a scene?

Looking at the spaceships and cosmic people who seemed to be able to touch them as soon as they raised their hands...

If, just now, Tony Stark had only a pale face, then now he is like eating shit.

"Look! How do you resist? Even fate is on my side."

To be honest, even Loki was taken aback when he saw the scene now. He didn't expect the airborne gate to be so big.

Almost as big as his fleet of five Zetarians, he only needs to take a step forward, and he will be able to come directly from outside the Nine Realms and arrive neatly on the small break in the next second.

Tony Stark stared at Loki bitterly. He wanted to spit on this guy. If the Uzumaki God was not behind and brazenly did those ‘little moves’, how could you be so arrogant?

With the energy of the entire Stark building, it is absolutely impossible to open such a large space door.

"We will still stop you!"

"Stop me? Who else can you rely on? A stupid big guy? Or your useless SHIELD?"

"Avenger! There is nothing wrong, there are also the Avengers, unfortunately you offended the whole, the Avengers!"

On the street, Pete Parker suddenly felt a force coming from him, and he staggered and looked at the little friend beside him.

"What are you doing? Don't hurry up and do what we should do?"

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