Two-dimensional System

Chapter 834: Shindai: Nine Lama Mode·Open!

The Uzumaki Goddai decided to do it because in the Goddai realm, there was a big hole in the sky in New York, and there was a layman from the Zetaru on the other side.

They had all come here, leaving only a unique and out-of-the-ordinary personal spacecraft, staying on the other side of the space gate and nothing happened.

The other thing is that not far from the Stark Building in New York, Uzumaki Kaminari suddenly noticed a few uninvited guys.

The moment these guys arrived, they were caught by Xiao Mo. According to the equipment on these guys, after Xiaomo's calculation, it is estimated that they come from the future.

What are these guys from the future planning to do?

Judging from the actions of these people, Uzumaki Goddai was angry in an instant, and Tony Stark, a fool from the future, went to his Stark building under cover.

The goal was the Universe Cube. Steve Rocky killed the old popsicle and sneaked close to the Stark building, but the old popsicle seemed to be looking for something.

Uzumaki Kamidai, through the future behavior of Tony Stark, looked very ugly, and he could tell that this guy was hitting the mind gem scepter.

So what purpose does the "Hulk" in the New York Temple have? Do you still need to spend more brain cells on behalf of Maelstrom God?

It's simply unforgivable. Did these guys' attention hit their heads?

Uzumaki Kamdai, who was feeling very upset, did not immediately burst out like a friend who was snatched from the toy.

Instead, he walked out the door of the villa calmly, looking at the door opened by the Kun fighter who did not want to land.

A 24K pure black and shiny head, almost blinded by Uzumaki Goddai's eyes, just appeared in front of Uzumaki Goddai.

"let's talk?"

Feeling the "hostility" of Uzumaki Goddai, the director of the black marinated egg with a numb scalp can only bite the bullet.

The next second after seeing the Uzumaki Goddai, even if the Uzumaki Goddai was expressionless, a thought appeared in the consciousness of Director Black Lagoon.

I don't know who it is, he has provoked the Uzumaki Goddai, who seems to be angry at this moment?

Don't ask what the black marinated egg is about, you can see that Uzumaki Goddai's anger is felt, and the black marinated egg controls his soft feet.

Let yourself be ‘friendly’ as much as possible, without a trace of ‘embarrassing’ towards Uzumaki Goddai.

call out!

"Ah! Mom messed up..."

Immediately after a ray of light flashed, Director Hei Lao Dan felt a pain in his knees, and the pain caused Director Hei La Dan to subconsciously speak his'mantra'.

The director of the black braised egg kneeling on the ground, supporting him with his hands on the ground, preventing Zai from falling to the ground.

The pain caused the black stewed egg chief, the cold sweat on his forehead to drip to the ground like running water.

The pilot who survived and didn't die, looked at the Chief Black Lagoon unbearably, crippling his knees. Push the wheelchair on the Kun fighter to the side of Director Hei La Dan.

Looking at the expressionless Uzumaki Goddai, he swallowed, with a resolute expression of fearlessness, he helped the director of the black braised egg kneeling on the ground into the wheelchair.

Looking at the director of the black braised egg in the wheelchair, Uzumaki Kamdai's head couldn't help but recall. I used to bother myself many times before, and someone who was also bald in a wheelchair~

I don't know why, in Uzumaki's mind, he thinks that the wheelchair matches the bald head well?

"Now, we should have a chat ~ Uzumaki Goddai actually, we should have seen each other long ago."

Compared with Phil Colson's helplessness, unwillingness and fear in the face of himself. The director of the black marinated egg who had his legs abolished by the hands of Uzumaki Goddai, the Uzumaki Goddai did not, from the eyes of the black marinated egg, he saw the other party's emotions other than'sincerity.'

Sure enough, before persuading others, he had to be crippled, and Uzumaki Goddai ignored this guy.

The other party's purpose here, Uzumaki Goddai also probably knew a little bit, but he didn't have any interest in talking with the black braised egg.

It wasn't that I was afraid, but because it was unnecessary, the Director of Hei Bao Dan planned to beg him to take action.

Even if Uzumaki Goddai was not for him, he had already planned to make a move, but he didn't expect that this guy could send his ‘feet’ for thousands of miles?

Uzumaki God's gaze moved away from the black braised egg, and he owed one more thought.

The message passed from Xiaomo, before this black braised egg came back, there was a signal from the universe.

The reason why the other party came to beg him was that the rescue of Chief Hei Bao Dan had not yet arrived.

Looking at the Uzumaki Goddai who ignored him, the sincere black-brown egg chief had a look of embarrassment.

‘What is he going to do? ’

Not only in the director of the black braised egg, but also through the satellite, here is the SHIELD.

Tony Stark, who noticed Uzumaki Kamidai through Jarvis, and moved a little, came out of the room, and the young Wanda was also looking at Uzumaki Kamidai.


I saw Uzumaki Goddai slowly walked forward, raised his hands together, and everyone had a question mark.

"Is this guy praying?"

Uzumaki Goddai closed his eyes, calmly adjusted his state to a fighting state.

After all, Uzumaki Goddai hadn't made a full shot for many years.

Fairy Mode·Open!

"Nine Lama~ I need your help, are you ready for a big fight?"

In the consciousness space, the vortex gods appeared, a scent of birds and flowers, sunny butterflies flying, everything is so harmonious in a world.

In this world, a little fox is sleeping soundly with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and his cute fox ears move when the butterfly flies.

Hearing the voice of Uzumaki Goddai, this petite nine-tailed fox opened his cute fox eyes.

"Really, the old man is very delicate~ you can relax~"

This cute little fox sat up cross-legged with a yawn and sleepy expression, muttering in his mouth and touching his hands together.


At the same time, the outside world is in full view.

With his eyes closed, the Uzumaki Goddai burst into an orange light, and the light seemed to be like a coat, wrapping the Uzumaki Goddai.

The fox'ears' formed by two chakras, and the orange pull wind cloak formed by the nine lama chakras.

Nine Lama Mode·Open!


Uzumaki Goddai opened his eyes again, and Uzumaki Goddai, whose temperament changed completely, smiled confidently.

He raised his head to look at the vast number of Qitarians in the sky, looked back at the few people of Xiao Wangda, gave Xiao Wangda a thumb, and smiled at them.

call out!

Being immersed in, is this the Uzumaki Goddai, the original true face?

The dazed little Wangda trembled, and his eyes followed the Uzumaki Goddai in front of him, where he disappeared in a flash.

It seemed that the heart raised his head in response, and the next moment the Uzumaki Goddai was carrying five behind him. The black jade that they had seen before appeared above the Stark building.

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