Two-dimensional System

Chapter 836: Rocky: Don't come over!

"Who is this guy?"

Regarding the destructive power of the Uzumaki God on behalf of the Zitarians, let alone the director of the black braised egg, the Avengers felt shivered.

Even outside the Nine Realms, on a lonely spaceship, the door of space opened through the Cosmos Cube.

Seeing this scene, the black dwarfs and the others all had a chill in their backs, not to say that the Qitarians cannot kill them.

Not to mention that the Avengers can join forces and kill many Zetaris, even if they are replaced by them, the Black Five Generals can also destroy the Zetaris.

However, Black Dwarf and his subordinates clearly knew that even the Five Obsidian Generals could not do it, just like the Maelstrom Goddess killed the Zetarians.

It was like killing a chicken, without any effort at all, not to mention sweat on his face, not even an expression.

Simpler than yawning? Perhaps this can be done, in all of them, there is only one person: Thanos!

But who is Thanos? The king of the Centaur, but what happened to the planet in front of them?

It's just the unremarkable, unremarkable C53-Special Blue Star. As a result, there are more than just the Avengers on such a planet.

There is also the Maelstrom God Generation, which can be comparable to the existence of His Majesty Thanos?

What is going on in this universe? The black dwarf was extremely thankful that he had obeyed the orders of his Majesty Thanos and did not set foot on the planet C53.

Don't say it's coming, just standing here, looking at the Uzumaki Diana through the door of space, the means to kill the Qitarians.

Just let the black dwarf star full of muscles with fear, and the blue to purple thunder, even the soul of the black dwarf began to tremble.

"There is such a strong person on this special blue star, but it is a backward aboriginal planet, how can He De..."

The subordinates of the black dwarf are shivering even more, not more frightened but more jealous.

Didn't they have such a beautiful planet before? But on their planet, if there is a strong man like Vortex God Generation, how can they still need to leave their homes?

Isn't all the ones here being beaten by Thanos with others? If they can't beat them, they will join. If they don't submit to Thanos, they will be destroyed by Thanos. Do they have a choice?

"My lord, what should we do now?"

Seeing these Qitarians who went to the small break ball, they can't survive. With the guy like Uzumaki God, the Qitarians who go like this are just sending them.

"We withdraw!"

The black dwarf glanced at and hid in the Stark building, Rocky shivering and doing nothing.

Such a person, also accompanied by his black dwarf support?

The strength of the Maelstrom God Generation is no opponent except Thanos, and the black dwarf is unwilling to take his own life for Loki.

The most important thing is that Thanos's order made him leave when the situation is wrong, and whether there is a death order to hold Loki.

Outside of the Nine Realms, the spacecraft where the black dwarf is located did not hesitate to stay longer, activated the spacecraft, changed its course, and left quickly.

After all, no one knows whether the Uzumaki God Generation can take another second. Just crossed the door of space and came to the other end to find them.

The technique of multiple shadow clones!

call out!

These Qitarians, Vortex Gods, didn't bother to go and clean up these guys one by one.

Just let his shadow clone go, and the vortex gods cleaned all the Qitarians and the Qitarians on the top of the Stark building, and then his eyes fell on Loki.

Loki felt the gaze of Uzumaki Goddai, and was frightened. When he saw Uzumaki Goddai fall towards him, Loki jumped even more.

"Don't! Don't come here..."

Thor, who was still skeptical of God's birth, saw that the Uzumaki God Generation had separated several of him and dealt with those Qitarians.

When I saw Uzumaki Goddai, he went to find his brother Loki?

Gritting his teeth, Thor was afraid of Uzumaki Goddai no matter how much he thought that Loki was himself, the only younger brother.

They could only bite the bullet and flew towards the location where Uzumaki Goddai and Loki were.

"Gosh! This..."

In the sky, Mark's suit was already on his body, and the tattered Tony Stark was not looking around, making it clear that the whirlpool **** is the real one.

Each Vortex God Generation is so perverted, except that there are no five black Taoist jade behind him. These whirlpool gods are simply seeing the gods to kill the gods, and all the Qitarians are **** in front of the whirlpool gods.

In the New York Temple, Gu Yi looking up at this scene with his hands on his back, with a smile on his face on his back.

In the Time Gem, the peep of Tony Stark through the Time Gem, this time in the battle.

It should be Uzumaki God himself, who beat Mephisto's light blue ‘giant’ with those blood-red ‘eyes of uncertainty’.

Domineering sweeps the Qitarians, but the current picture is another ‘reality’, and Gu Yi knows that there will be no change in the future.

What I saw was just another possibility in the future, and Uzumaki Goddai was unpredictable.

After all, he did not see the future directly from the Uzumaki Goddai, but borrowed the future of others, and saw the Uzumaki Goddai from the future of others.

How can it be the true whirlpool **** generation?

"That's not bad~"

Randomly, Mage Gu Yi turned his gaze to the other side, a big green man fell in front of Mage Gu Yi from which direction.

"Then what, I'm here to find Stephen Strange..."

Bruce Banner had never seen Gu Yi, and Stephen Strange hadn't even said it. Bruce Banner looked at the big bald woman in front of him, a little confused.

"If you ask Stephen, then he should be in the hospital over there now."

Gu Yi smiled and pointed to the hospital not far away. Bruce Banner was a little speechless. At this time, Stephen was actually a doctor?

How did he become a mage? But Bruce Banner's eyes were not blind, and he noticed the thing hanging on the neck of the ancient wizard.

This thing is exactly the same as Tony Stark described. Bruce Banner pointed at the pendant on Gu Yi's neck with a surprised look.

"Actually, Steve doesn't work anymore, I'm looking for this thing!"

"Sorry, this thing already has a master, I can't give it to you~"


Bruce Banner is dumbfounded, this thing has an owner?

"Master, is it Stephen Strange? If the Supreme Mage is, Stephen, then you should be more, give me the gem of time, because I just want to use it to save Stephen~"

"Sorry, its owner is not Stephen, but someone else~"

"You really won't give it to me? Then I have to do it!"

When Bruce Banner saw Gu Yi, he had so many excuses to prevaricate himself. He made it clear that he was embarrassing himself and did not want to give him the gem of time.

Who knows, at the moment Bruce Banner started his hand, he was hit by the inconspicuous palm of the ancient wizard...

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