Two-dimensional System

Chapter 854: Banner: Don't do it! Can you release Tony?

Regarding the tongue twisters that Uzumaki Kamdai went around, Steve Rogers, who was not very good at his brain, and Scott Lang were a little dizzy.

How come the stars in this broad daylight appear? Fortunately, there are Bruce Banner and Tony Stark next to the two, watching Steve Rogers fainting.

This time, Bruce Banner really stretched out his hand to support the two of them, not to let them faint to the ground.

But the words of Uzumaki Kamdai are not very complicated for the smart Tony Stark and Bruce Banner who has seven doctorate degrees in physics.

The two of them were in the Uzumaki God, and when they finished speaking, there was a clear understanding in their eyes.

Uzumaki Goddai did not ask, all four of them understood. Seeing Tony Stark and Bruce Banner both understood, Uzumaki Goddai was very satisfied, nodding to the four with a flat smile on his face. .

"It seems that you all understand, then I don't have to say anything more~"


Tony Stark looked in front of him, knowing that the Uzumaki Goddai, who was like his old father, couldn't help it.

He had been holding this fire in his heart long ago, and was stimulated by such a beating words from the whirlpool God, who was humble and humble.

Why can he bear it?

"Huh! We also need a simpler way. Anyway, the gems are in your hands, right? So as long as we defeat you, we will naturally get the gems!"

"Tony! Don't..."

Before he discovered something was wrong with Bruce Banner, and said don't do anything, the nano suit on Tony Stark was already fully armed.

Then a hammer-like thing appeared in Tony Stark's hands. This thing is said to have hit Thanos in the face?

Seeing Tony Stark just like that, rushing towards Uzumaki Kamdai, Bruce Banner knew something was going to happen, but he still had to'hold up' the two guys in his hand.

It was too late to reach out and stop, Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers, and Scott Lang could only watch Tony Stark rush toward Uzumaki Kamdai.


The same was a snap of his fingers, and Steve Rogers instantly lost his eyes and became dizzy. He picked up the shield and threw it at Uzumaki Kamdai.

It's just that the Uzumaki God is still there, just smiled indifferently at the three Steve Rogers.

I saw that the Uzumaki Goddai did not flash much, standing indifferently, Tony Stark had already arrived in front of the Uzumaki Goddai.

Steve Rogers' shield caught up with Tony Stark's speed, tacitly attacking both sides of Uzumaki God.

The Uzumaki Goddai's retreat was sealed, as long as the Uzumaki Goddai dodged Tony Stark's attack.

Or if you don't dodge, you will be hit by the shield thrown by Steve Rogers. The difference is that if you don't dodge too much, the shield will hit the neck of Uzumaki Kamiyo.

If Uzumaki Kamiyo dodges, the shield will hit Uzumaki Kamiyo's chest.

But it's a pity that they were stunned by their Uzumaki Goddai's actions. Even when Thanos dealt with them, he was'very serious' at any rate, but Uzumaki Goddai looked like he was dealing with them?

If you didn't understand it before, then when Tony Stark was only a short distance away from Uzumaki Goddai, but he could never get close to Uzumaki Goddai.

It's as if the distance between Tony Stark and the Uzumaki God Generation is as if they are separated by a universe.

Uzumaki Kamidai did his hand at them, but it wasn't actually at the four. Bruce Banner only saw the Uzumaki Kamidai stretched out his hands towards Tony Stark.

With both hands supporting Tony Stark up and down "close up", so Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers, and Scott Lang exclaimed that they had seen them in their entire life, and they had never seen them before. s method.

"Tony!" X3

A transparent cubic ‘box’ put Tony Stark in it.

As the Uzumaki Goddai closed his hands, the cube containing Tony Stark, in front of Bruce Banner and Steve Rogers, gradually became smaller and finally became a "box" about the size of the universe cube. ?

"Don't worry~ he's okay~"

Bruce Banner and the trio were worried about Tony Stark, but they were scared, what else is Uzumaki Kanyo. Means traps they don't know are waiting for them.

In the same way, the Jinjin shield that flew to Uzumaki Goddai, before he defeated Uzumaki Goddai, let him hold the Tony Stark cube in his left hand.

He stretched out his right hand to face it, flew towards his shield, and flicked it gently in the air~


Steve Rogers is said to be able to hit the target with or without a gold shield.

So accompanied by Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers, and Scott Long, they flew to the horizon under the gaze of the three~

At this moment, Bruce Banner and Steve Rogers really didn't dare to move.

Not to mention the methods of Uzumaki Goddai, Uzumaki Goddai's ‘hand’ really holds a ‘hostage’.

Who knows, the Uzumaki Goddai will crush the small ‘cube’ containing Tony Stark like he wants to crush the cosmic cube. What will be the consequences of Tony Stark?

They didn't want to gamble, and they didn't dare to gamble with the life of Tony Stark with Uzumaki God.

"Wait! Don't get excited! We can talk, we are not enemies, on the contrary we may still be on the same line. In the near future, this world will face a terrifying enemy..."

Steve Rogers was really panicked, and raised his hand to'stop' at Uzumaki Kamdai, speaking without knots.

Let Bruce Banner on the side stunned, when did Steve Rogers speak so neatly?

This is probably the one that Steve Rogers speaks the most, the fastest and the most neatly standard, right?

Can’t tell, Steve Rogers, in addition to his good friend Bucky, also has a care for Tony Stark?

"Don't worry, I won't shoot you. If you want to shoot, you are dead early."

Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers, Scott Long:...

The three of them touched the cold sweat on their foreheads, and looked at the Uzumaki Goddai who tossed ‘Cube’ on their hands. They were frightened to death.

I don’t know if Tony Stark, who was tossed by the Uzumaki Goddai in the cube, could not stand it...

If you weren’t the enemy, you said it earlier~ Look at the three of us carefully~ I'm so scared that I will jump out~

"It's good not to do it~ It's good not to do it!"

"Then look...Can you release Tony? It doesn't look good to see him inside?"

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