Two-dimensional System

Chapter 866: Shindai: How many Skuru people are there? How many lives do you have?

Listening to Uzumaki's frantic laughter, not only the director of the black bitter egg, but also the surrounding Steve Rogers and Tony Stark were confused.

The question asked by Director Hei La Dan, they didn't think it was funny, and it was very ‘reasonable’.

Only, Eagle-eyed Button thoughtfully, the black widow Natasha Romanov's pupils shone brightly, as if she understood something.

Lianshan hung up, with an inexplicably complex expression, and he glanced sympathetically at his teammates on both sides.

Xiu's eyebrows frowned slightly, seemingly worried about what he did, finding this group of people to be his teammates?

Tony Stark's IQ is very high, but he really doesn't understand what Uzumaki God is laughing at.

Steve Rogers felt that this was a very serious question. Hulk was sitting on the edge of the Stark building, dangling his legs and watching the scenery.

I feel that Uzumaki Kamdai is smiling so happily, can I also learn Uzumaki Kamdai smile?

Perhaps this is the reason why Uzumaki Goddai is stronger than him?

Is it because Uzumaki God's laughter is so attractive to him?

At this moment, Hulk seemed to have found his own giant's direction. Yes, he didn't see Uzumaki God's laughter, did he laugh all the ‘sham’s’ around him?

"This? Is it funny?"

With the laughter of Uzumaki Goddai, what followed was the speed of the naked-eye change of Director Hei La Dan's face.

Originally it was perfectly black, but now the black belt is cyan, you can see the laughter of Uzumaki Goddai, is it true that the director of the black bitten egg is angry.

Especially the last words of Uzumaki Goddai, like a gold thorn, directly pierced the heart of Director Black Lagoon.

Shi can be killed and cannot be humiliated. You Uzumaki God is meowing for me, but he can’t afford to provoke him. If you don’t give an explanation, I am... I...

Oh~ Forget it~

"Isn't it funny?"

Not far away, Thor, who was holding his beloved hammer, nodded with sentimental feeling. He felt that Uzumaki God's smile was not a problem.

Or, this is the legend that the emperor is not in a hurry, and the Uzumaki Goddai is someone they can guess.

According to their Asgard's strength, whoever has the big fist is the law of ‘daddy’.

Uzumaki Goddai can not only laugh, but can even do whatever he wants...

Because in Thor's opinion, the group of people like Hei Baodan is indeed not qualified to talk to Uzumaki Goddai to swear or something.

This is very ‘excessive’, and if it’s his own, Thor is absolutely impossible to agree to such an unreasonable request by the black braised egg.

Even if the black marinated egg is already a dead person who is about to die, this does not mean that if you insult the strong, you can still be forgiven.

The Uzumaki Goddai had to pour the gems, and what they wanted to do with the gems was their freedom.

Since you don't like it, you see that the Uzumaki Goddai gets the gems, and you are worried that the Uzumaki Goddai holds the gems to do things you don't want to see.

Then, you can stop the Uzumaki God, instead of making a'request' to a strong person as a weak person.

Steve Rogers and Tony Stark, the director of the black braised egg, may think that Uzumaki is the best, ‘make it clear’ this is responsible for everyone.

Then I didn't hear what was wrong with the tone of Director Hei La Dan.

Director Hei La Dan's tone is complicated, but very'excessive'.

While begging the Uzumaki God to ‘raise your hands high’, the tone also contained a ‘tough’ tone that you are not allowed to do so.

Do you think that you are about to die, what you say is good?

Think that the Uzumaki God will meet and see your "poor" sympathy? Or is it to test the true ambition of Uzumaki Jindai?

So that everyone around you can see, and take precautions against Uzumaki God in advance?

Uzumaki Kandai can tell you: No!

You are just using your cleverness to dig holes for others. Is it possible that you are still thinking that after you die, you have to ask Steve Rogers.

Or is it Tony Stark inheriting, your betrayal?

"This is definitely the funniest joke I have ever heard, even in the world I came from. It is absolutely impossible. Someone will make me laugh like this.

Who do you think you are? Who am I?

Even if I don't have invalid gems, do you think it is really difficult for me to destroy the world?

Without six infinite gems, would I have no power to destroy the world? "


After holding his stomach and laughing wildly, the Uzumaki Goddai asked coldly, and the director of the black braised egg shivered with his soul.

After hearing Uzumaki's'answer', both Hawkeye Button and Natasha looked like this.

After that, I looked at the man in front of me complicatedly, who used to be so wise, the Lord of SHIELD.

The adult’s heart looks messed up, otherwise he wouldn’t be so unwise. Let’s see what the mentally retarded ‘problems’ are.

"Also, let alone how long it will take me to destroy the world.

You have nothing to do with me, although you know me well, as long as I say something, you will definitely not regret it, but you really made a mistake and pay attention.

You should not use your careful thoughts on me. Because what you get is only a strong man you will never be able to provoke, even if you think I can’t tell, are you just an alien? "

Braised eggs: ...

The small black ball behind the Uzumaki Goddai flew to the palm of the Uzumaki Goddai.

Looking at the Qiu Daoyu in the palm of Uzumaki God's hand, the black stewed egg chief in the wheelchair, he really felt that his heart was turning into a mess.

Steve Rogers:? ? ?

Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Hawkeye Button:...

Hulk: Ծ‸Ծ

The Qiu Dao jade in the palm of Uzumaki God's hand floated and flew slowly towards the black brine egg.

For a person who knows he is going to die, this is the most painful thing. If you want to kill, hurry up.

But you are so prepared to make people feel so tortured by being a scum?

Where can there be something more painful than the countdown in the heart of the dying person, the time of his own death?

But all people dare not speak out because they can all feel it.

In front of him, Uzumaki Kandai with an indifferent expression, although he didn't seem to be delivering goods.

But don't question whether Uzumaki Goddai is a strong man, and don't doubt the anger of the strong man in the same way.

You can't afford to provoke such anger, and you can't bear it.

Take a look at the black braised egg in front of you. He is the best ‘model’ for everyone. When did the Uzumaki Goddai say that he would destroy the world?

Really eat radish, worry about you crossing the boundary!

However, the thing that the Uzumaki God Generation wanted to kill and punish people was just when Daoyu was only a few minutes away from the black braised egg.

"How many Skuru people do you think are there in this universe? Or how many lives do you have?"

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