Two-dimensional System

Chapter 868: Jindai: Hell has been lifted for you

The black marinated eggs in the space station, the Skuru people couldn't figure out how the Uzumaki Goddai found them?

To say that this place has never been born before, let alone how to get here, the black marinated egg hasn't told anyone.

In the plan of the black bittern egg, this space station is its main base camp.

Thinking of something like S.H.I.E.L.D., there are already a hundred holes in it.

Moreover, I have inherited the legacy of the predecessors, and everyone is happy if I do well, and all my hard work is someone else’s dowry if I do not do well.

How could such a black person as the director of Heibaodan silly and ‘work’ for these people obediently and in vain?

However, this space station is different. From scratch, it was built with my own eyes and personally participated in the planning.

It can be said that this space station is the real child of Director Hei La Dan.

And these desperate people who need him to ‘shelter’ the Skuru are their most capable assistants, and they will never betray themselves.

Look at yourself a long time ago, let the thinking person copy yourself, and then manage S.H.I.E.L.D. for yourself.

And his black marinated egg bureau is here, ‘vacation’ in the space station.

Otherwise, do you think that a black stewed egg chief can work 28 hours a day without sleeping?

Think of you as just a black stewed egg boss? The pattern is broken, it is too young.

The stand-in for the Black Braised Egg Bureau seat, but the entire Skuru people, who work alternately in a row, can also help the Black Braised Egg Director to work from the beginning of the year to the end of the year.

So, why in another world, when Thanos’ snapped his fingers, the black marinated egg seat, turned into a dregs and disappeared?

Isn’t it because there are so many adults in the Black Braised Egg Bureau...

In that world, the universe couldn't hold it anymore. Taking advantage of Thanos's snapping fingers, he came to help the adults of the Black Braised Egg Bureau gradually increase their numbers and burdens.

The jade for seeking Taoism in the hands of the Vortex God, although it was not the finger of Thanos with six infinite gems.

However, it is still possible to let the entire Black Braised Egg ‘Team’ without a little bit of pain turn into dregs.

Under the gaze of everyone, the Uzumaki Goddai had many speculations about what technique the Uzumaki Goddai would use to cast this jade for seeking Taoism.

Slowly raising his palm, he saw the one on the palm of Uzumaki Goddai, which turned into a black light and disappeared over New York with a whistling sound.



Immediately, the director of the black braised egg in the wheelchair let out a scream.

Everyone's eyes were attracted by the black marinated egg, and they saw a painful black marinated egg, and took one out of their ears.

Tony Stark was dumbfounded by the invisible headset.

I looked at the black marinated egg in a puzzled manner. When did your black marinated egg carry such advanced things on his back?

It’s hard to imagine that this little thing was developed by a department like SHIELD?

Isn't their air carrier developed only with their own help?

At this moment, Tony Stark felt a deep deception, and this black marinated egg was dishonest.

It's too dark!

The most important point is when there is an earplug in the ear of the black braised egg.

Tony Stark's artificial intelligence, Jarvis was on the top of his Stark building, and he couldn't discover it.

How can you make Tony Stark calm down? In this way, the conversation between the black marinated egg and Uzumaki Goddai.

Still wondering if the Uzumaki Goddai was a bit too much, the black brine egg was so aggrieved.

Right now, Tony Stark only wants to give two words: Hehe.

At first glance, this headset didn't agree with them on a channel.

Otherwise, why is there the sound of snowflakes coming from the headset, and there is no movement in their headsets?

Their headsets are also connected to S.H.I.E.L.D., the channel on the air carrier?

After looking at it, the black braised egg has a desperate expression, wishing to eat the whirlpool **** alive.

Is it possible that this black egg is really just an alien?

Then, the **** of the vortex, the jade for seeking Taoism that was just shot out, wasn't it the Skuru people who destroyed it?


In this case, does it mean that what Uzumaki Jindai said just now came true?

The Uzumaki Goddai really did, what he said, annihilated the Skru people in the entire universe?

Is it right? In the entire universe, all the Skuru Vortex Gods don't know. But what he perceives, except for the ‘black marinated egg’, which is worse than death in front of him, the Skuru people.

All the ones that didn't fall were turned into ashes. Perhaps besides that, in a corner of the universe, there are still one, two or three. Are the Skurus hiding?

Uzumaki Goddai didn't know, but the moment he started with Uzumaki Goddai, it represented the Skuru people, the black braised egg chief, and the Uzumaki Goddai.

The grievances and grievances between them all turned into a full stop, as for the next.

Who will be the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.? It may be a white marinated egg, or a double reed marinated egg, or a darker marinated egg.

Come to pick up S.H.I.E.L.D., these have nothing to do with Uzumaki God.

"Evil... Devil... You must not die!"

Dry tongue.

The black braised egg, who had lost his legs, was in an accident and passed Qiu Daoyu who stopped in front of him.

At the same time, he also fell to the ground, and the black stewed egg chief lying on the ground seemed to be an evil spirit crawling out of hell.

Using both hands together, he lost his mind and bit towards the Uzumaki God.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who was pushing the director of the black braised egg did not react to it after a while.

As for Director Black Braised Egg, Uzumaki Goddai was just a finger hook. The jade of Qiu Dao floating in the air fell down.

It happened to fall on the back of Director Black Braised Egg, and Director Black Braised Egg seemed to be frozen.

After exhausting his last strength, he lifted up toward Uzumaki Kamdai, and finally moved his arm toward Uzumaki Kamdai's mouth.

Finally, he glared his eyes, staring at Uzumaki Kamdai with crimson eyes, contacting the last silent words.

I'm in hell, waiting for you...

Uzumaki Goddai dismissed him, and he was not afraid of himself when he returned to hell. Even **** would give you a blow to you?

At that time, if **** is gone, you can't even stay in hell. What do I think you do?

Of course, Uzumaki Goddai would not do such a thing, and **** did not provoke him.

Poor Mephisto's body is still in **** now, shivering and afraid to set foot on the small broken ball.

The people of the Avengers looked at Director Hei Ladan with complicated eyes, and disappeared bit by bit.

Unexpectedly, in the end things turned out to be such a development, I am afraid that even novels would not dare to write this way, right?

So, what will Uzumaki Kamdai deal with, Carol Danvers who is playing ‘glass’?

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