Two-dimensional System

: Happy National Day

Thank you all for your support to the author in September.

The following rankings are in no particular order: Bancha, Yansen Xinmiaoyao, Feixiang Milk Tea, Happpppppy, Containment Breach, Twisted Grass, Ulobolos, Chinsefieng, Tail Numbers: 0082, 2785, 9587, 6759, 2588, 1945

Wait... from my friends: rewards, recommended tickets, monthly tickets, and subscription support from many unknown friends.

Don’t worry, the author won’t have a holiday on the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival, and I’ll go home to eat and update everyone~

If you like the Diaomin system of the second element, please collect it: ( The literature of the Diaomin system of the second element has the fastest update speed.

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