Two-dimensional System

Chapter 918: The biggest enemy is yourself (part 2)

Originally as a Steve Rogers, who had rich combat experience and experienced countless wars of all sizes.

Is it absolutely impossible to let this kind of mistake be made only by recruits, in a daze on the battlefield? Lost? Isn't this too long for my life?

Bucky threw a stunned Steve Rogers to the side.

It was done on the ground, Steve Rogers, my little friend from childhood to adulthood, a perfect wall winter!

And Steve Rogers, who was pushed to the ground, seemed to wake up from a dream. He stared blankly at his eyes with a sullen face, quite a good friend Bucky who hates iron and steel.

‘I’m...what’s wrong? ’

Then it seemed to be a little ‘awake’, not only to myself, this good friend, but also to myself when I fell down.

He also gave himself a slap, as if he was about to awaken the stunned good friend, Steve Rogers was not only not angry.

As if he had realized something, his face changed in an instant, and suddenly he looked like a neuropathy, and smiled at his friend Bucky with a comprehensive smile.

"You know? Bucky, I want to understand!"

Bucky: Uh! ?

"You mean, what do you want to understand? Don't look at it. What kind of environment is around you? No life!?"

Faced with Bucky, who was concerned about him, Steve Rogers lay on the ground and happily patted Bucky on the shoulder.

Not only comforted my little friend, but also motioned, my good friend Bucky, I know you are protecting me with your body, but you should give it a hand.

You don’t want to see what the occasion is when you’re so cold. Is it really good to do this in front of such a person?

What do you think of others, who can protect themselves without life, Bidong?

What if those people are jealous and envy hate, just like these appearance heroes, they are dazzled by hatred?

"Hehe~ Don't worry, Bucky has nothing to do because I have figured it out."

"What the **** are you the same? You look very wrong since you first opened."

Bucky looked around cautiously. There were mutilations covering them. The weapons of those alien creatures couldn't hit them because of the wrong angle.

This person leaned aside, and he was really scared to death just now.

Unexpectedly, Steve Rogers would be on the battlefield, just like an old monk entering Ding, a sage mode.

Bucky was curious to listen to it. His little friend Steve Rogers didn't even want his life, what exactly he realized.

"Bucky, didn't you say that these aliens are wrong?"

"Yeah! These guys, just like that..."

Bucky, who was in the ‘dark’ once and now, is the most sensitive to these aliens’ emotional states.

He seemed to have seen it when he was brainwashed by Hydra and the hypnotic whispers controlled him.

But, who is controlling these aliens? How is it controlled? And what exactly do those who control them want?

Bucky didn't know these, referring to his friends who could tell him what was wrong.

Who knows, it's okay if I don't say it. When I say that Steve Rogers, who has no ‘desire to fight’, is like losing his ability to move.

When I thought that I almost killed my little friend, how did you say Bucky was not angry?

"Yes! These guys are under control, and I also found out what is controlling them."

what! ?

Bucky was stunned. Doesn't he know what his little buddies are capable of?

Now, Steve Rogers discovered so quickly, who was behind the scenes, controlling the alien heroes and letting them kill each other? "You know? Who is it? What is the purpose?"

Steve Rogers didn't answer right away, his face was bitter and ashamed, and he tightly tightened half of his hand, a broken gold shield.

"Listen up, Bucky is the one who controls them."

What! ?

"Steve, are you sure? Are you kidding?"

"No~ Bucky, you know, I never make a joke. It's hard to tell you clearly about this. But what I want to say is that they are in control. They were in the ‘last second’ time."

Bucky: ...

"Trouble, can you speak human words?"

WTF? In the last second, I controlled the aliens now and let them kill each other?

"I know it's hard to understand, it's like the things I have experienced. It's amazing that I never thought about being able to go back in time.

If it wasn't for my own personal experience, if it wasn't for me to see it again personally, to be on the scene again.

If someone is in front of me and tells me something about the past and the future, I will definitely think that person is a lunatic.

However, for the sake of infinite gemstones, I had to believe it and experienced it back in time. "

Bucky: ...

"So what's the point?"

Bucky spread his hand at Steve Rogers. Could it be possible to go back in time and have something to do with these appearances who killed red eyes?

"Time and space are magical. Relatively before this, I don't know much about it, and I can't even say it at all."

Bucky nodded, he expressed understanding, after all, you were just a scumbag...

So at least, for the little buddies who don't seem normal right now, which way to think about the good things and still have a little self-knowledge?

"But the past we return to is not the past of our own world, but another world that we are experiencing at that time.

Uzumaki God is right, both worlds are experiencing the same event at the same time.

In that world, there are also us, but Bucky, what we can represent, may be this second.

In the last second, in this second, and in the next second, we are actually three people. "

Bucky:? ? ?

Good guy, as soon as you explain it, give it back to me, explaining that the three "sisters" came out?

"What does the current situation have to do with us?"

"Bucky, this battle itself shouldn't happen. We are not just fighting with ourselves in the past, one second. Similarly, we are also fighting with ourselves in the next second. We are actually ourselves. Fight with yourself."

What? thing? Those strange-looking aliens, they acted on us first.

Do you care that these ugly guys are your own'triplets' brothers?

Bucky was completely dumbfounded, now there is no need to doubt, he can definitely diagnose Steve Rogers, the little friend who grew up with him.

He can't stand the ‘blow’, his head is showy?

"Hey! What are you doing? Are you really going to die?"

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