Two-dimensional System

Chapter 929: Both people and ghosts are on the show~

Uzumaki Jindai cocked his feet, admiring the fragments shown to him by the superstar, Uzumaki Jindai watched with gusto.

Although it is two worlds, the Uzumaki Goddai saw that there are different Tony Stark and Pete Parker in this world.

Perhaps the timelines in the two worlds are not the same, and their experiences are not ‘rich’ enough, so there is a slight difference in personality.

Tony Stark or Pete Parker in both worlds have their own characteristics.

Uzumaki Kamdai is not easy to say who is good and who is bad, anyway, radish and cabbage have their own love.

"Is that all there?"

"No~ there is one more thing, it seems to have something to do with Thanos..."


The Maelstrom God Dai didn't expect that Thanos was already dead, how could something related to Thanos happen?

Maybe he saw Uzumaki Goddai and seemed to be very interested in this thing. The superstar didn't sell it.

Pointing his finger to the terminal on his wrist, he clicked the Vortex God twice to see it, and the picture in front of him changed.

Before, whether it was old Steve Rogers, he handed his shield to the old and new alternate in the hands of Falcon.

It was the wedding of Tony Stark and Pepper Potts, and the future that Tony Stark entrusted to Pete Parker.

At the beginning, Uzumaki Goddai was stunned by the sight of the ground shaking and the tornado raging again.

"It seems that because of the snapping of the fingers, other things in the'world' ran into this world..."

Speaking of this, the superstar subconsciously glanced at Uzumaki Goddai, and it seemed that she and Uzumaki Goddai also ran from other worlds.

Looking at the raging tornado, Uzumaki Kandai was expressionless, but with a very weird expression, he tilted his head and looked at the first version of the tornado that seemed to destroy the sky.

Uzumaki Shindai got up from the chair and threw the contents in his hand casually.

"It's a bit like, that's it~"

The expressionless Uzumaki Goddai finally gave such an evaluation. The superstar doesn't know why, it seems that Uzumaki Goddai has such a little "impatient" in his heart?

Is it ‘sarcasm’ and disdain?

"What else? Anything interesting is OK~"

Uzumaki Goddai still wanted to see how many ‘wonderful’ things happened in this world, after all, although this was only a video, it was not the first time Uzumaki Goddai.

I watched these, strange winds and earthquakes on the spot, but Uzumaki Jindai saw something.

As a normal person, Uzumaki Jindai, who plays ninjutsu is as simple as eating, how can he not know the true natural disaster, what should it look like?

After watching these strange winds and earthquakes, Uzumaki Kamdai didn't feel that way. On the contrary, it was like watching a'movie'.

"Recently, a new superhero, a guy called Mystery, appeared. He called these natural disasters the elemental crowd, who appeared shortly before and after these natural disasters. Almost where there are elemental crowds, he is there."

With a sharp and indifferent gaze, Uzumaki Goddai stared at this guy who was flying around in green and emitting green light.

Silence did not make any comments. After all, this is just a clip that was filmed ‘specially’.

On the Internet, people and ghosts are all on the show. Whether it is real or not, you have to meet to know, and from the shooting method...

Uzumaki Shindai yawned and clapped his hands. I don't know if he was applauding the mysterious guest's performance.

However, looking at the expression of Uzumaki Goddai's face, it seems that he doesn't mean to applaud the mysterious guest. So Uzumaki Goddai is slapping mosquitoes?


There are so many wild mosquitoes in this wilderness, which is nothing incomprehensible.

"What else? Is it possible to achieve only these things?"

The Uzumaki Goddai stuck his waist and looked at the superstar, as an interstellar intelligence leader, but you only told me the one.

There is only this little thing on this planet?

"Uh~ there is one more thing. There is a guy named Baron Mordor who seems to be searching for mages all over the world. Then after finding them, all the magic powers on these mages are recovered."


Uzumaki God had never heard of this name, but this guy was very thoughtful.

Uzumaki Kamdai is to appreciate these people with ideas.

But now, the Uzumaki God is preparing to go and see this elemental crowd first, and what the **** this mysterious guest is.

Anyway, if you come to this world, if you don't do something, how can you pass the time?

Uzumaki Goddai didn't want to, he just waited, just didn't know how much fun this world could bring to him.

The only pity is that they didn't bring them this time. Little Wanda and Pilcher came over.

Although there are also Wanda and Pilcher in this world, but the former seems to be a little unhealthy, and the latter has gone to get a box lunch.

Without hesitation, he kept the superstar at home, and Uzumaki Kamdai clapped his hands.

Under the renewed fairy chakra, the realm of the fairy model **** generation enveloped the entire world.

Locking in on the guy he wanted to see, Uzumaki Goddai jumped in space and disappeared in the sight of the superstar, Bruce Banner, and Hawkeye Button.

Watching the Uzumaki Shindai disappear like this, Bruce Banner and Hawkeye Button both panicked.

They are not just for the sake of, their family (love) Natasha Romanov is here waiting for Uzumaki God.

They also have a very important task, which is to'watch' the movements of the Uzumaki God.

Even now, the Uzumaki Goddai is very famous, as the "savior" of the entire world, wherever he goes, someone will automatically recognize the Uzumaki Goddai.

And Uzumaki Jindai is a fan all over the world, and will post the location of Uzumaki Jindai to the Internet.

It can be seen from this that who made the decision of the wise and martial arts spread?

Now, the whole world is reporting on these two things. The first thing is that those who disappeared and returned.

After all, the world has not disappeared. They have disappeared for five years. How much has the whole world changed in five years?

When these people still stayed five years ago, they found that their home was gone after returning.

Of course, people who are more tragic find that not only their home is gone.

Even his wife (husband) has become someone else's, and it can be described as embarrassing and feathery for a while.

And another thing, that is, this time period, it happens to be live broadcast of the wind element of the mysterious guest war.

It seems that people in the whole world know one thing, that is, the mysterious guest is a tragic hero from another world.

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