Two-dimensional System

Chapter 983: Destination arrived

It can be seen from this that it is not just Tony Stark who is right, Peter Parker is very optimistic.

The same S.H.I.E.L.D. has high expectations for this child, that is, Little Spider-Man, I am afraid that Pete Parker is the "heir" selected by Tony Stark.

I am afraid that SHIELD has already robbed people, and Pete Parker has been accepted as a little spider agent of SHIELD.

This should be due to Tony Stark's protection of this junior.

S.H.I.E.L.D. had no way to attack this Pete Oh Parker, until now Tony Stark has withdrawn from the arena.

In other words, S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers are still rules, but from a perspective, S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers have reached the point where no one can use them.

Otherwise, it won't be just a student, Pete Parker, a good neighbor in Queens, speeding up his growth to protect the world.

If nothing else, even if the other party knows, S.H.I.E.L.D. will not disarm Pete Parker, and contact Pete Parker to Spider-Man.

Of course, this is only S.H.I.E.L.D.'s own belief, and few people know the identity of Spider-Man Pete Parker.

Similarly, no one would easily believe that the superhero Spider-Man is only a child?

So, S.H.I.E.L.D. wants to use this crisis as a sharpening stone to experience the little Spider-Man Pete Parker?

Let this person have already been processed and polished by Tony Stark, and only the final quenching is left?

Moreover, Spider-Man Pete Parker is not unknown in SHIELD.

A few years ago, when no one believed him, Spider-Man stopped the "Birdman" alone and robbed the Avengers' material plane.

Successfully protected Iron Man's arc reactor, and Iron Man Tony Stark, designed and developed other equipment for the Avengers.

It is conceivable that if the birdman of that year had really succeeded in hijacking that plane.

Now I am afraid that the "Iron Man" is flying all over the sky, the Black Widows are all running around the streets, even the big pants of the Hulk.

I don’t even know which little girl to become a special collection~

Don't say who will bear the consequences like this, just think about it and make your scalp numb~

In particular, if the technology of the Iron Man Arc Reactor is reversed...

Indispensable, the energy war of the Fourth World War is about to begin.

But think about S.H.I.E.L.D.'s approach, whether it's the ‘care’ of Pete Parker or it depends on Tony Stark’s face.

Without saying hello, just give Pete Parker, the little Spider-Man, turn on the Hell Difficulty.

I'm afraid the same is true. Between SHIELD and Spider-Man Pete Parker, there is a Spider-Man’s ‘old father’ Tony Stark.

"But ~ even so, it is really difficult for you to find a way to arrange this little hero."

"Although it sounds weird, I take it as your compliment to us~"

"You are happy~"

The food critic leaned his head on the car window, looking at the landscape in front of him.

"Then since you have arranged everything and the little hero has been arranged properly, what do you want me to do!?"

Really, after knowing that the ‘protagonist’ this time turned out to be Pete Parker, the food critics were also curious.

You have all the actors in place, and you, Maria Hill, have to do something extra, leaving him outsiders.

Is it possible that you really fell in love with me?

"Is it prepared? After all, I don't know who the person hiding behind the black queen is, just like I said, the other party is directed at S.H.I.E.L.D. and you.

And your ‘ability’ at least, even if you can’t get information, you should be ‘judged’ by the other party, otherwise the other party won’t.

Let S.H.I.E.L.D. target you so clearly, from this we can see that your ‘ability’ may bring us any unexpected surprises? "

After speaking, Maria Hill didn't forget, and winked playfully at the food critic.

is it? control?

A touch of disdain appeared at the corner of the food critic's mouth, can he regard illusion as a control ability?

However, as Maria Hill said, the other party did come at her. This is from the other party's "unintentional", the ability of food critics in front of S.H.I. I can tell.

‘Very good~ Calculate me? Mystery guest, if you know who is the one you calculated, would you cry? ’

Maybe it’s the skill of ‘control’ that really makes the mysterious guest jealous, right?

Think about it, the mysterious guest is also a guy who uses ‘illusionism’.

It’s a grudge to "walk along"~

His abilities are in contrast with his holographic system and the ‘illusionism’ displayed by vision. If his enemies, including him, are all controlled by himself.

So, how can he become a "god"?

If you think about it this way, food critics are not, and cannot understand the mysterious guest.

On the contrary, there was some sympathy for this guy. It is estimated that when the guy saw his live broadcast, he noticed his ‘control ability’.

Was it almost unbearable and just cried out?

"Okay, here we are~"

Food critics took a look at it. This is an ancient town with nice scenery and surrounded by water.


The food critic got out of the car and followed Maria Hill into an ordinary store.

Maria Hill uttered a secret code to the boss, and still in front of the food critic, it seemed that she didn't mean to avoid it at all.

"Hello sir~"

After that, the secret agent boss opened a secret door, and Maria Hill walked in with the two food critics.

"What are we doing here?"

This is a basement made of piles of stones. It can be seen that the environment here should have been like air-raid shelters.

"This is where Director Fury last appeared. I brought you here because I want you to use your abilities to help me inquire about something.

At least I want to know who is lying~"

Thinking about the distance from the place where I live broadcast, the corner of the food critic's mouth twitches.

In this world, this black braised egg boss, really has enough to run.

Came here for a long time just to come and play missing?

In this unknown ‘base’, various instruments are also placed. What is the use of these things, food critics don’t know anyway.

Maria Hill walked to one and placed her palm on the console in front of the control table.

It happened to be aligned with the palm above, and Maria Hill's identity was confirmed by scanning.

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