Two-dimensional Yellow Hair System

Chapter 32: The person taking the blame, Kariya Matou

Taiji Yagami and Saber looked at the scene in front of them in surprise. The spearman's sudden assassination of Gilgamesh really caught Taiji Yagami and Saber off guard.

However, with the arrogant temperament of the spearman, he would actually hide in the sewage waiting for Gilgamesh to patrol and assassinate him. This kind of thing always has the air of conspiracy.

Water splashed everywhere, and Taiji Yagami and Saber stood watching from a distance. Taiji Yagami didn't want to get involved in this kind of sewage anyway.

During the explosion, Gilgamesh and Diarmuid were still fighting fiercely.

No, it should be said that it was Diarmuid's unilateral defense.

Attacking a police officer is a serious crime, not to mention that Diarmuid's attack was intended to kill Gilgamesh, so at this time, Gilgamesh could attack freely.

"Dang Dang Dang..."

After Diarmuid blocked a series of blocks, he jumped back and dived into the sewage again.

King Gilgamesh's treasure house was opened wildly, bombarding Diarmuid's approximate position in the sewage. After several waves of bombardment, he realized that Diarmuid had disappeared, and then he put away the king's treasure house bitterly.

After Diarmuid's attack, Gilgamesh was in a much more embarrassed state.

Her hair was no longer hanging down as neatly and casually as before, and the sewage was still dripping down drop by drop. The police uniform on his body was also balled up by the sewage and was no longer as clean as before.

The injury to his upper body has recovered, but the injury to his thigh has never recovered.

The inevitable Huang Qiangwei, after being injured by Huang Qiangwei, the injury cannot be recovered.

It was this irreparable injury that made Gilgamesh walk with an ugly limp.

And if Diarmuid's gun was slightly pointed upward, Gilgamesh's male dignity would be gone!

This is a big loss that Gilgamesh has never suffered before. How can he bear this according to his proud temperament?

Glancing at Taiji Yagami and Saber, Gilgamesh couldn't take action directly due to Joan of Arc's divine judgment because it was illegal...

But Gilgamesh already had a grudge against Taiji Yagami and Saber in his heart.

He believed that this was definitely a conspiracy that Yagami Taiji and the Lancer had colluded with long ago.

Gilgamesh's entire body disappeared. He is so arrogant that he will never tolerate his limp appearance in the eyes of the public.

Yagami Taiji and Saber looked at each other, then shrugged helplessly.

Fuyuki City, Miyama Town.

Diarmuid leapt forward again and again, and then stopped at the door of a residence.

The sewage on his body has dried, and the accompanying soil has been blown away by the wind, but the stench has not faded away.

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Diarmuid opened the door of the residence very humbly.

The houses in Miyama Town are not big. After all, in Fuyuki City, Miyama Town is almost equivalent to a slum.

But the slums have something that most houses in the new city don't have, which is houses.

Under the moonlight, Diarmuid clearly saw a figure he hated.

Dressed in black, with a tall body. An expressionless face, a cross hanging on his chest.

If anyone else saw him, they would just think he was a serious priest.

At that time, in Diarmuid's heart, this person was as poisonous as a snake and a scorpion.

Kotomine Kirei!

When he's not paying attention. The assassin had already controlled his master, Kenneth, who was seriously injured, and his master's fiancée, Sora.

It was precisely because of these two men that Diarmuid had to do the unusual thing of hiding in the sewage and attacking Gilgamesh.

"How is the result?"

Kotomine Kirei's calm tone was slightly high.

"I made a mistake and couldn't kill him, but Huang Qiangwei, who was destined to be destroyed, poked the King of Heroes in the leg."

Diarmuid reported to Kotomine Kirei and said, "Then, you must release my master as agreed!"

Kotomine Kirei and Kenneth signed a self-imposed certificate.

This is a spell established between magicians to fulfill a contract.

After both parties sign, they will not be able to do anything that violates the contract.

Kotomine Kirei's condition is that he will never harm the lives of Kenneth and Sora, and at the same time, he will release them after Diarmuid's mission is completed.

Kenneth's condition is that after Kotomine Kirei releases him and Sora, he will immediately withdraw from the Holy Grail War, give up Diarmuid as a servant, and return directly to England. At the same time, he will not reveal anything about the Holy Grail War to the outside world. .

The signed mission was for Diarmuid to kill Gilgamesh. Even if Gilgamesh's life could not be taken, it didn't matter. As long as it could leave permanent damage on his body, that would be enough.

"Of course I will release your Master!"

Kotomine Kirei smiled at Diarmuid and said, "It's just that your master still needs to complete one thing, which is to give up his identity as master... In other words, use his three command spells!"

Diarmuid had already been mentally prepared for this kind of thing.

Passing Kotomine Kirei, Diarmuid entered the residence inside.

Kenneth was sitting in a wheelchair. Many of the magic circuits in his body were inoperable, and it was very difficult to move even slightly. Seeing Diarmuid coming in, he had a complicated expression.

Behind Kenneth was his fiancée Sola. After seeing Diarmuid coming in, her face was rosy and her eyes could almost drip with water. Even if Kenneth was right there, even if she was at a critical moment of life and death. She couldn't resist her turbulent heart.


Kenneth whispered his name softly: "I'm really sorry. I have always been very prejudiced against you."

Diarmuid raised his head and looked at Kenneth in surprise, unable to believe that such words came from Kenneth's mouth.

"You are the best Servant!"

Kenneth said: "Not long ago, I had a dream. In the dream, I saw your life, and I learned about your beliefs... If possible, I really want to give you something that can A place where you can fight heartily..."

Kenneth has always been very distrustful of Diarmuid. The main reason for this distrust is that Diarmuid said that he did not want the Holy Grail.

No Servant wants to obtain the Holy Grail, he must be lying!

After having this idea, Kenneth Fugou Dilumudo has been wearing colored glasses.

Now I finally understood everything about him from the dream, but Kenneth felt it was a little too late.

"I'm sorry that you were humiliated because of us!"

Tears welled up in Diarmuid's eyes. This was the first time he was understood and recognized by others. With this understanding and recognition, Diarmuid felt that he would die without regrets.

Kenneth sincerely apologized to Diarmuid, and then showed Diarmuid the Command Seal in his hand.

"As agreed, I will use these command spells three times!"

Kenneth looked at Kotomine Kirei outside the window, and then whispered to Diarmuid: "The first command spell is that you will keep Kotomine Kirei's affairs a secret and will not leak it to anyone!"

Following Kenneth's order, the command spell in his hand weakened by a layer of patterns.

"The second command spell! May you be able to show your talents in the Holy Grail War and have a prosperous military fortune!"

Kenneth said, the command spell in his hand once again weakened by one layer, but Diarmuid's whole body seemed to be blessed, and the spear in his hand had a faint flow of brilliance.

"The third command spell! I hope you can..."

Kenneth looked at Diarmuid and found it difficult to continue. After using this command spell, the two people will no longer have a master-slave relationship. Diarmuid will probably disappear in the Holy Grail War and be sent back to the Seat of Heroes by the world's power. on, and he himself will also withdraw from the Holy Grail War.

"I hope you can meet a good Master!"

The third one is said to be a command spell, but it is better to say it is a blessing.

After using the three command spells, Diarmuid suddenly felt that he was out of tune with the world, and that the will of the world was resisting his existence in this world.

After feeling it carefully, Diarmuid would be excluded from this world within an hour at most.

The Command Seal is the visa that allows a Servant to live in this era. Without the Command Seal, the visa has expired. The next step is repatriation.

Although it was only an hour, Diarmuid did not think about quickly finding a suitable host. Instead, he insisted on sending Kenneth to the plane.

This is also a protection for Kenneth.

Diarmuid did not trust Kotomine Kirei, and he was afraid that Kenneth would encounter Kotomine Kirei's evil hands on his way back to England.

After all, they and Kotomine Kirei are only bound by a contract, and Mine Kirei can use many methods. Bypass the contract to kill Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth.

"What a good and dedicated guard!"

As he watched the plane fly away, Kotomine Kirei's voice came to Diarmuid's ears. At some point, Kotomine Kirei had appeared at the airport.

"You really want to kill Kenneth..."

Diarmuid held the spear tightly, with undisguised murderous intent towards Kotomine Kirei.

"He has already been escorted onto the plane by you, so there is no need for me to continue chasing him."

Kotomine Kirei said: "On the contrary. Your loyalty moved me, so I want to show you a way to survive!"

"Don't try to kill me. You can't kill me. If I were you, I would rush to the Holy Church quickly in the limited few minutes!"

Kotomine Kirei's smile was filled with joy.

"There is a magician from the Matou family there in the Holy Church. He has lost his followers, has a huge source of magic power, and has the magic imprint passed down from generation to generation by the Matou family. That will be your new destination!"

With that said, Kotomine Kirei turned around and slowly disappeared into the shadows, leaving Diarmui alone there to measure himself.

"Hey, yes, I've investigated it clearly."

Unbeknownst to Diarmuid, Kotomine Kirei called Tokiomi Tosaka: "It was Matou Kariya who did it!"

A scapegoat was placed on Matou Kariya after a change of hands, by Kotomine Kirei. (To be continued.)

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