Two-dimensional Yellow Hair System

Chapter 21 Tony’s Prisonmates

Tony followed the incarnation of Taiji Yagami in the cell to study the Party Constitution and ideas. He not only taught himself, but also helped Guer spread this knowledge to several criminals who were also imprisoned in the cell.

In this case, Tony must study this in depth enough to be able to use this idea to change other people's minds before he can influence these determined criminals.

However, during the conversation with Gu Er, Tony was attracted by his profound philosophy from time to time, and felt that what he said inadvertently contained many levels of meaning, and even some truths could be explained in technology. It can also be used in biology, and it seems to make sense in mysticism.

"Hey, brother, I think you have the most normal mind. What crime did you commit that got you imprisoned?"

Tony greeted a man with a military look.

"I smashed up Broadway and got jailed."

Blonsky said to Tony.

Tony looked at Bronski in front of him, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, already understanding the identity of the person in front of him.

It was he who transformed into an abomination, and then smashed Broadway, and then was woken up by Taiji Yagami on the street, and was finally arrested.

Tony knew the news at the time and watched the video of the scene, but most of what he saw was his face incarnated with hatred, but he had no idea that he had such means.

"If you could incarnate hatred..."

Tony looked at the cell and felt that it couldn't hold him.

"In fact, this cell is very strong, so no matter how crazy I am, there is no way I can escape from it."

Bronski spread his hands and said helplessly: "After all, we have someone here who can suppress any situation..."

What Bronski was referring to was, of course, Gu Er.

Even if he transforms into an abomination, he is no match for Gu Er in front of him. Someone has already told him this.

Tony nodded, understanding this, and then turned to look at the prisoner on the other side, a man with a raised head, who looked like his brain had been modified in some way.

"This is Dr. Seyel Stern."

Bronski introduced to Tony: "In fact, I am able to look like this with hatred, thanks to the help of Dr. Stern. After Dr. Stern encountered what happened that day, his brain was transformed. It was the same as before. A thousand times more and now the smartest man in the world.”


Tony said firmly on the side: "One of the smartest people may not be as smart as me."

He can doubt everything. Tony has never had any doubts about his own brain. This is a brain like a genius. Not to mention that this Selior Stern is a thousand times smarter. Even if he is ten thousand times smarter, he is still at most five times as smart as him. Five open.

This is the confidence of being the world's number one genius.

These words made Serior Stern feel unhappy, and he turned around and looked at Tony.

"I'm sorry, I've always been like this. By the way, Dr. Bruce Banner's research on Hulk and biology is far beyond ordinary people, and he is also one of the smartest people in the world."

Tony waved his hand to Seriel Stern and said firmly.

After working with Bruce Banner for a while, Bruce Banner found a way in biology and then corrected the gap in his chest. Tony admired this very much.

"Are you trying to see whose brain is smarter?"

Serior Stern looked at Tony and asked seriously.

"You can try it!"

Tony was also in high spirits.

This is a rare entertainment item in prison.

Seeing this, Gu Er next to him reached into the void with one hand, and then pulled out two party histories from a certain library, and threw them in front of Tony and Serior Stern respectively.

"Whoever can memorize it backwards first without missing a word, I will give him a day off and let him rest outside for a day!"

As soon as Gu Er finished speaking, the prison became less peaceful.

"This isn't fair, I have to take part in the assessment too!"

"Yes, we also need to take part in the assessment!"

The other three people in the prison shouted one by one.

The identities of these three people are relatively simple. They are villains rather than super villains. One of them has super unlocking skills and is very accomplished in this area. No matter what kind of combination lock it is, he can figure out the doorway in a short time. The reason why he is locked up in this prison is because the crime is too serious. In addition, this prison is tightly guarded, and even picking the lock can ensure that he cannot leave.

The remaining two are criminals with super fighting skills, one with a long gun and the other with a short stick. They rob banks every now and then. They have committed countless crimes under the American Empire, and that is why they are locked up here.

"You fools like you, please don't get involved in the things that highly intelligent businessmen play!"

shouted Serior Stern to the three punks.

After the intelligence has evolved a thousand times, Serriol Stern really doesn't like the brain circuits of ordinary people. For example, he can see and remember things at a glance. Ordinary people need to recite them constantly to increase their memory, and finally they can I can imprint this thing into my mind.

And even so, memory is temporary. After a while, these things will be forgotten if you don't think about them often.

But for him, as long as he sees something at a glance, he can remember it clearly in his mind and apply what he has learned. These things will never be forgotten again and can be mobilized in an instant when needed.


While talking, Tony showed the books in his hands to the three gangsters and said, "Obviously, you don't understand Chinese."

The two of them were more like flipping through books than reading. They quickly flipped through the books in their hands. Its speed is simply faster than the speed of banknotes clattering on the money counter.

Tony Stark can go from knowing nothing about the meteorology industry to a meteorology expert overnight. How can he be so smart?

It's just that Tony just turned it over and read it backwards, while Seol Stern read it along the way.

When the two of them closed the book almost in unison, Tony was able to recite it by opening his mouth, while Selyol Stern still needed to sort out the content a little before he could smoothly recite the book backwards.

A small gap made it possible for Tony Stark to win this game.

Gu Er also kept his promise very much. With a wave of his hand, a portal was formed around Tony, sending him directly to Pepper.

After seeing this scene, Serriol Stern slapped the steel bed and remained silent.

When Pepper saw Tony suddenly back in the room, she was naturally overjoyed. She gave up her previous reserve and stepped forward to hug Tony.

"It's okay, it's okay."

Tony comforted Pepper softly.

After Gu Er's soul left his body and saw Pepper, Tony truly understood the important position of Pepper in his heart, so after returning this time, he couldn't wait to hug Pepper.

"How are you these days?"

Tony asked.

"No, everything is in chaos. The company's stock price has dropped to the limit. People say you are the criminal who assassinated the president. During this time, the company has also shrunk significantly..."

Pepper reports to Tony.

"Don't worry about any of this."

Tony was very free and easy when dealing with these problems, and said: "After I come back, I will have these things again. Pepper, I need you to do me a favor. During this period, try to help me restrain Hammer." Industrial information, Ivan Vanke’s information, there are some things that must be revenged!”

Guji said that Taiji Yagami had been deceived, and Tony Stark no longer doubted Taiji Yagami, but instead focused on Justin Hammer and Ivan Vanko.

These two people gave him a taste of what it was like to fail and be ruined. According to Tony's character, he would never give up on this.

"Besides, it would be best if you could petition Yagami Taiji."

Tony continued: "I know he is the president and is very busy, but he is very busy. Believe me, he is very good at governing the country. Even if you send him a tweet, he will probably respond to you. He Blinded by Justin Hammer and Ivan Vanko!”

When Gu Er's soul left the body, Tony also saw the cooperation between Justin Hammer and Ivan Vanke.

Although all the weapons departments were given to the American emperor, the two people secretly developed more terrifying weapons and loaded them on the mecha.

This is a violation of Taiji Yagami's rule not to allow people to create weapons privately.

And when I heard about Ivan Vanke's plan, it seemed that he planned to create this weapon, hold Taiji Yagami hostage, and then manipulate the American emperor behind his back to achieve the result of controlling the world.

Tony was also worried about this happening.

And many days have passed since things have developed to this point. Tony is vaguely calculating that the super weapons of Ivan Vanko and Justin Hammer should be completed.

After explaining all these things, Tony let go of Pepper and began to make some repairs to his basement.

Regarding Ivan Vanke's strength, Tony must also be prepared to fight.

White House.

Natasha Romanov appeared in front of Taiji Yagami's desk, gently placed the information in her hand on Taiji Yagami's desk, and said: "Ivan Vanko, the Russian scientist I guided over, because of his power, Now I want to kidnap you directly and do it after he equips his weapons."

As a super agent and superhero, Natasha easily learned this information.

"Give him a little more time and give him a little chance."

Yagami Taiji narrowed his eyes slightly and said to Natasha: "After all, it is just a criminal motive now. When he really wants to implement this plan, he will start taking action again."

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