Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 10 White Walkers

Stayed in the Worm Valley for a while and caught a few inferior poisonous insects.

It's not that there are no inferior poisonous insects in the Worm Valley, but you need to go deep inside, which is much more dangerous than the outside.

Without full confidence, Su Jie doesn't want to risk his life.

Seeing that the sky is getting dark, Su Jie packed up the bamboo basket and set off on the return journey with today's harvest.

The Worm Valley is about ten kilometers away from the Guiling Palace. The environment is high in the mountains and dense in the forests, and the narrow and winding roads make the return journey difficult.


Suddenly, Su Jie's ears moved slightly and heard a strange sound.

It was like the wind blowing the leaves, but mixed with subtle and imperceptible breathing.

Su Jie turned around suddenly and looked at the dense forest behind him.

The light was blocked by the dense trees, and the surroundings were shrouded in haze. A pair of scarlet eyes loomed in the forest and quickly approached Su Jie.

"White Walker. It's not dark yet."

Su Jie's face suddenly changed, and he quickened his pace, from pacing to sprinting.

The strong wind blew behind him, and the terrifying roar coming from behind was getting closer and closer.

Su Jie continued to speed up. Fortunately, he was not far from the Guiling Palace. After running out of the dense forest in the deep mountains and valleys, the Guiling Palace was already visible. There was a large open space around. As long as he fought here, he would immediately attract the attention of the disciples, and he didn't have to worry too much about safety.

The afterglow of the sun, which had not completely set over the mountain, shone on the earth. Su Jie was panting, and sweat was flowing like rain. He rubbed his knees with his hands and panted for a long time, looking at the dense forest behind him.

In the woods, a strange figure stretched out branches like dark clouds, staring at Su Jie with blood-red eyes. The malice and cruelty in the eyes made people shudder.

The figure was tall, with arms hanging down from his knees like an ape, and his skin was withered and pale, like a moving corpse, with a fierce roar coming from his throat.

The so-called White Walkers are special demons whose corpses are affected by the turbid air of the earth veins and are then affected by bloodthirsty instincts. They are also called ghouls, corpse ghosts, etc.

The White Walkers hide during the day and come out at night. They like to eat people and are cruel. They mostly act alone, but sometimes they hunt like wolves.

Each White Walker has a strong body strength and can easily tear apart a tree that can be hugged by a person's waist. They move as fast as the wind, and ordinary disciples are extremely difficult to deal with.

In the mountainous area where the Ghost Ridge Palace is located, there happens to be a turbid air vein underground, which also leads to a large number of White Walkers.

Fortunately, they will not move during the day, and under normal circumstances, the disciples of the Ghost Ridge Palace will deliberately avoid them.

Su Jie looked at the alien. The intelligent alien obviously knew that the area around the Guiling Palace was very dangerous. The alien stared at Su Jie for more than ten seconds before he growled twice and went back into the dense forest.

"Something must have gone wrong."

Su Jie's eyes were solemn. The aliens usually did not come out during the day. This was their habit.

In the past, Su Jie had never seen aliens during the day. He just heard that some disciples and black market merchants missed the time to return to the base in the mountains and were hunted by aliens at night.

With confusion in his mind, Su Jie did not dare to stay outside any longer and quickly returned to the Guiling Palace base.

As soon as he returned to the grotto, Su Jie saw many disciples gathered together. They were all disciples of Qiu Laodao, and the number of people had exceeded two hundred.

In the Guiling Palace, the relationship between the master and the disciple is a bit like the relationship between the mentor and the graduate student in Su Jie's cognition.

The master teaches the disciple, and the disciple serves the master.

However, Taoist Qiu is notoriously stingy and greedy for money. He takes more money but does less work. Most talented disciples will not choose to become his disciples. This lineage has the fewest disciples in Guiling Palace.

"What's wrong?"

Su Jie stepped forward to ask, not understanding why they gathered here.

"Master called us to see him for something."

A disciple explained, and someone beside him lowered his voice and said, "I guess it's probably related to the actions of the White Walkers in the past two days."

"White Walkers, but they appear during the day?"

Su Jie's heart moved, and he immediately thought of his previous experience.

"You bumped into them? Then you are lucky to be alive."

The man looked at Su Jie with some surprise.

"Friend, can you tell me more about it?"

Su Jie looked at the disciple who was talking. He was about fifty years old. Outer disciples of this age had no hope of breaking through.

While talking, Su Jie handed over a human-faced moth. This poisonous insect that Gu insects like to eat is a hard currency among outer disciples.

"I remember your name seems to be Su something..."

The man quickly accepted the human-faced moth and smiled.

"Su Jie, what's your name?"

"Hehe, my name is Gu Weinian. If you ask other disciples, even inner disciples, they may not know this, but you've asked the right person."

Gu Weinian smiled complacently, and then said: "In the past two days, the White Walkers have changed their habit of hiding during the day and coming out at night. They roam in the dense forest during the day. So far, more than a dozen disciples have been killed when they went out, and some black market merchants have suffered heavy losses.

And 20 years ago, a similar situation occurred. It was because the turbid air in the ground veins rioted, which caused the White Walkers to riot as well. The activity pattern was abnormal, and many people died that year."

"So that's it, thank you Brother Gu for clearing up my doubts."

Su Jie frowned. If the situation is so bad, it will be dangerous to go out during the day in the future.

"Be careful when you go out in the future, don't follow the footsteps of those unlucky guys, who were hunted by the White Walkers and didn't even leave a complete corpse."

For the sake of the human-faced moth, Gu Weinian's attitude was quite kind.

"I know, I can't avoid that kind of thing, so I won't offend you."

Gu Weinian nodded, with a tone of an experienced person: "It's good that you know, unlike some young people who think they are invincible just because they have learned some tricks, and they don't know how to challenge enemies far superior to themselves."

Just as he was talking, a man and a woman came out.

The man was wearing a blue gown and a badge representing the inner disciple. He was as cold as ice, and his facial features and muscles looked particularly stiff.

The woman was extremely beautiful, wearing a revealing veil, with a small waist and long legs, and her snow-white skin was looming, which was extremely charming and seductive.

These two people were the only two inner disciples among the disciples of Qiu Laodao.

The man's name is Pei Haibing. He was promoted to an inner disciple half a year ago. He has reached the sixth level of soul cultivation. He is not practicing the Hundred Poisons Refining Gu Sutra that Ghost Ridge disciples often practice, but another kind of magic skill called the White Bone Transformation Dao Method. When he attacks, he is extremely cruel and terrifying.

The woman's name is Yu Wenxian. The name sounds quiet and elegant, but her dress and style are a world away from her name. She is more poisonous and cruel than Pei Haibing, and has more experience.

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