Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 103: Seeing the Ghost Again (Fourth Update)


Xiao Chang and Dong Hongtian were both a little shocked.

People in the martial arts world rarely buy this thing because it is too expensive and has to be purchased with spiritual stones. Not many people have the financial resources.

Dong Hongtian himself has several pills, which are used to treat trauma.

At first, I gritted my teeth and saved up money for a long time before I exchanged it for the spiritual stone.

Now seeing Su Jie take out the elixir so casually, his evaluation of Su Jie has gone up to another level.

Gan Huren and Cui Bingyuan were each fed a pill, and their twitching and uncoordinated bodies quickly calmed down.

The soul-building pill stabilized their souls. In fact, the injuries to their souls were not serious, and they could recover on their own after a period of time even without treatment.

Although they are practicing martial arts, they have absorbed spiritual energy after all, and their souls have been baptized. Compared with ordinary people, they can withstand soul attacks much better.

"Thank you Brother Xu for saving your life."

Gan Huren opened his mouth, his face full of surprise after discovering that he could speak.

"Brother Cui, what's going on?"

Dong Hongtian immediately asked about the cause of the matter, how could it suddenly become like this?

"I don't know what happened. I entered the house with the intention of borrowing the toilet, but as soon as I opened the door, a cold wind blew in, and I felt dizzy."

Cui Bingyuan himself couldn't explain what was going on, he was confused.

"Me too, but I vaguely seemed to see a figure, but it was too blurry."

Gan Huren interjected and added that he did not even see the murderer clearly about being attacked.

"Is that what you're talking about?"

Su Jie pointed to the beam in the southeast corner of the roof, where a gray air mass was entrenched.

If you look carefully, you can still see the evil face, the empty eyes, the illusory and fuzzy body, with an ominous aura.

It's a ghost.

"That's him, that's what attacked me."

A group of people turned to look. Gan Huren had a stress reaction and yelled excitedly.

The roar alarmed the ghost, and its body spun from the beams and quickly fell towards the crowd.

"Where did you come from, you monster, please die."

Dong Hongtian shouted angrily, drew his sword and struck forward. The sword struck down like thunder, penetrating Yin Hun's body.

The ghost was not hindered and ran straight into Dong Hongtian's body.


Dong Hongtian's movements froze, his steps staggered, and then he turned around and slashed. After all, he had the cultivation level of the third level of Yunling Realm, and his soul could not be torn apart by just one ghost.

The long sword penetrated the ghost again, Dong Hongtian's expression changed, how could this thing miss.

"Try covering the sword with spiritual power."

At this moment, Su Jie suddenly spoke up, reminding Dong Hongtian the correct way to fight.

Dong Hongtian's eyes lit up, and he immediately tried Su Jie's method of pouring spiritual energy into the long sword.

The next moment, a crescent sword energy rose into the sky and penetrated Yinhun accurately.


The ghost whimpered, his body twisted in pain.

Dong Hongtian's eyes lit up, and the sword was like a violent storm, stabbing into Yin Hun's body continuously.

The twisted body of Yinhun gradually faded away, and his attacks became weaker and weaker, finally turning into a puff of smoke and dissipating in the air.


A group of people gasped for air, except Su Jie and Chen Yun.

"What kind of demon is this? It has no physical form and can attack people's souls. I have never seen it before."

Dong Hongtian gasped. Although this lonely ghost did not cause him any harm, his soul was greatly shocked.

"No wonder Brother Cui and I were attacked. If there were a few more, I would have been in danger just now."

Gan Huren slapped his chest with lingering fear, with an expression on his face as if he was surviving a disaster.

Su Jie glanced at the other party. If this ghost is not ownerless and does not have a strong desire to attack, then Gan Huren's strength is not even at the first level of the Yunling realm. He lacks spiritual power to fight the enemy, and it is difficult to survive. Come down, let alone a few more.

"Let's go to the village and see if there are any more monsters like this."

Dong Hongtian was fierce, and his blood was boiling in his body after he had just killed a ghost.

Now that he knew the tricks of the ghosts, as long as they were not in groups, he would be able to deal with them with full confidence.

"Okay, don't let these monsters harm people."

Su Jie echoed, and a group of people set off immediately, including Gan Huren and Cui Byingyuan, who had just improved. It seemed that in order to prove that they were not useless, they rushed to the front.

The whole village is not big, and its population is estimated to be only two to three hundred people.

As a result, after a thorough search, not a single ghost was found, but corpses were found.

In the village, villagers were lying on the ground one by one. They had made no sound and had been dead for a long time.

The reason why the whole village is so quiet is because there are no more living people here.

"This, this, how cruel, that demon actually killed so many people."

Dong Hongtian's palms trembled slightly, and he gritted his teeth and said bitterly.

"I'm afraid the murderer is someone else, and that monster alone can't do it."

Su Jie looked at the corpse on the ground, shook his head and made a different judgment.

What could have caused this effect was probably someone who came here with a soul-calling flag and harvested the souls of all the villagers.

As for why he left an ownerless ghost behind, maybe it was to swear off the evil deeds he had done.

Su Jie watched the legal channel. After committing a crime, ordinary murderers will try their best to hide the evidence in order to escape the pursuit of the police.

However, in the case of serial killers, the murderer may deliberately leave clues to tease and provoke the police.

This ghost is obviously the personal mark of the murderer, deliberately telling others that I did it.

"Heavenly Soul Sect!"

Su Jie thought in his heart, his soul-calling flag was made by Ning Xinyue.

And the soul-calling flag was traded by Ning Xinyue with a magic sect in Jingzhou, the Heavenly Soul Sect.

According to Ning Xinyue, every disciple of the Heavenly Soul Sect has a soul-calling flag, and it is difficult for Su Jie not to associate it with them.

"If the murderer is someone else, then the matter is even more serious."

Dong Hongtian's eyes were sharp, but he couldn't find the murderer at all now. He didn't know how long he had left after committing the crime.

"It's a pity that I couldn't come a few days earlier. If I ran into the murderer, I would let him know that my butterfly sword is not in vain."

Gan Huren snorted twice, causing others, including his friends Cui Bingyuan and Xiao Chang, to look at him and roll their eyes.

Dong Hongtian sighed. Although he wanted to bury the villagers, he was afraid of destroying the scene. He said, "Brother Xu, let's leave first and go to Nanyang City. This village is under the jurisdiction of Nanyang City. Inform the local government and hope that they can send some capable people to investigate and give justice to these unjustly killed villagers."

"Depend on the government?"

Chen Yun said disdainfully. If the government was useful, there would be no murder here. There has been no movement for so long.

Dong Hongtian jumped on the horse and said, "There are still some strange people in the government. Maybe we can find some clues."

Su Jie stopped Chen Yun who wanted to speak, shook his head, rode on a fast horse, and continued to walk towards Nanyang City.

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