Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 107 White Mist (3rd update)

"They have already left Nanyang City. They left at the very beginning. The carriage carrying goods was blocked for a long time. Those wealthy people don't care whether we live or die."

Rong Shibao mocked, with a lot of resentment accumulated in his heart.

"They all ran away. So many ghosts entered the city at the same time. It's not normal no matter how you think about it."

Dong Hongtian looked helpless, thinking about the wealthy families and the practitioners in these cities who took the lead in running away. How could ordinary people fight against the ghosts?

Su Jie frowned in thought, pointed to the red stone hanging in the room, and said, "Mr. Rong, I want to ask, where does this stone come from? I saw that when those ghosts came near just now, this stone would light up red. The light is an alarm, right?"

"You are quite observant in this young life."

Rong Shibao took a second look at Su Jie and explained: "This is the amulet given to us by the Miaomo Sect to keep us safe. It's called the Yuan Lingzhu. It has the blessing of the Miaomo Master on it. It will remind you whenever there is a ghost approaching. Now every household in Nanyang City has it."

"Can I see this Yuanling Pearl?"

"Be careful, don't break it for me."

Rong Shibao hesitated for a moment and stood on the side watching Su Jie take action, fearing that Su Jie would break him.

Su Jie stretched out his hand to get this Yuanling Pearl, which was warm and moist. Unlike ordinary spiritual stones or blood marrow crystals, there was no spiritual power in it.

On the contrary, Su Jie felt an extremely special energy on the Yuan Lingzhu, which was full of evil feelings.

While holding it in his hand, Su Jie used his spiritual power to examine it carefully and found that the energy in the Yuan Ling Bead was slowly increasing.

According to the law of conservation of energy, energy will not be generated out of thin air. Su Jie's eyes scanned back and forth in the room, and finally focused on Rong Shibao, Dong Hongtian, Chen Yun and others.

What's more, they saw strands of gray-black energy pouring out of their bodies and entering the Yuan Lingzhu. The same was true for Su Jie himself, but he floated out much less.

"This is fear energy."

Su Jie was shocked and suddenly understood something.

This Yuanling Pearl is absorbing the energy emitted by everyone's fearful emotions.

Recalling what Rong Shibao said just now, that every household is issued with this kind of Yuan Lingzhu, a bold speculation appeared in Su Jie's mind.

Su Jie suppressed his thoughts and put the Yuan Lingzhu back in its place.

"Don't make too much noise when you sleep tonight, otherwise you will attract ghosts and all of us will die."

Rong Shibao picked up the broom and suppressed his nausea and swept away all the vomited hair, nails, smelly fish and shrimps on the floor. If he had known that people would die, he might not be willing to take in people like Su Jie.

After doing this, Rong Shibao continued to stay in the living room, seemingly keeping vigil.

"We will take turns keeping vigil tonight."

Su Jie and others looked at each other and made a decision immediately.

Since there is a lot of ghosts outside, you have to leave Nanyang City during the day, so you have to stay overnight tonight.

A night of silence.

The next day, when the sky broke and the sun rose, many people got up with dark circles under their eyes.

There was quite a lot of noise last night, and from time to time you could hear various sounds of ghosts walking in the streets of the city.

Everyone was awakened countless times, and very few people were able to fall asleep peacefully under the uneasy tension.

Walking out of the house and into the yard, all the horses were gone. Only the dried black blood on the ground proved what happened to them last night.

On the streets, there were many more pedestrians in the city.

It was already sunset when Su Jie and the others entered Nanyang City yesterday. It might be that it was approaching night and they were afraid of ghosts, so there were very few pedestrians on the streets.

But now it's morning. Vendors setting up stalls on the street, children running and playing, noodle shops, pharmacies, and restaurants are all opening their doors to welcome customers, and the sound of selling can be heard far away.

Just like what Rong Shibao said, ordinary families like Nanyang City have their whole life's hard work here. Many people still have fields outside the city. Even if it is haunted, they can only choose to endure it silently.

If you really want to leave your home and career and go to a strange place, you may encounter bandits, bandits, and all kinds of difficulties and humiliations. The danger may be greater than staying in Nanyang City.

During the day, these people living in the ghost town still have to go out to make a living. Fortunately, there are no ghosts during the day, otherwise you would not see such scenes on the streets.

"Master Rong, let's take our leave now."

"Listen to my advice and leave the city as soon as possible and don't come back."

Not even bothering to eat breakfast, Su Jie and others said goodbye to Rong Shibo, went to the market and bought some horses, then ran out of the city gate and left this haunted city.

Nanyang City was still about two days away from Green Valley Plain, and Su Jie and others worked hard to get there as soon as possible.

However, things went against expectations. Only forty miles out of the city, the official road was filled with heavy fog.

These thick fogs are like smoke and waves, and they are as vast as water, making people's vision extremely restricted.

"It's very foggy."

Dong Hongtian slowed down to prevent the horse from going through the air and hitting a tree.

"With this damn weather, it would be better to go out later."

Gan Huren's clothes were wet by the fog, and he complained a little about the bad environment.

"Stop complaining and just wait until the sun rises."

Dong Hongtian turned over and dismounted, holding the reins and moving forward.


Chen Yun led the horse to Su Jie and whispered: "How to do it."

"Don't alert the enemy."

Su Jie remained calm and watched the situation develop.

The martial arts practitioners couldn't see anything in the thick fog in front of them. Su Jie and Chen Yun were magic cultivators, so they could tell at a glance that something was wrong. This was a formation.


At this moment, something seemed to be surging in the thick fog.

In the team, Cui Bingyuan and Gan Huren fell to the ground without even a groan.

The horses they were holding were also panicked and ran into the fog.

"Who is it? Be careful."

Dong Hongtian was shocked and drew his sword in a hurry.

But he heard a few chuckles in the fog.

"Don't kill them. They practice martial arts and are in good shape. Take them back and train them into armored corpses."

"Brother Qin, don't worry. We just knocked them out."

"This swordsman has some strength. Leave it to me."

Dong Hongtian's face was solemn, and he said angrily: "Who is playing tricks? Come out if you have the guts."

At the same time, he looked at Gan Huren and Cui Bingyuan who were unconscious on the ground, and said to Su Jie hurriedly: "Brother Xu, the enemy is not good. You take Brother Gan and Brother Cui to withdraw first, and I will stop them."

"Okay, Brother Dong, be careful. I will take them to a safe area and come back to save you."

Su Jie nodded, winked at Chen Yun, and the two carried Gan Huren and Cui Bingyuan on the ground and rode away like flying.

Dong Hongtian's face turned black. Although he did intend to cover the rear, Su Jie ran too decisively. He didn't even struggle to stay, and just ran away and sold him here.

"Your friends are running really fast, but it doesn't matter. They don't even know where the center of this water wave and white fog array is. It's futile for them to run away."

Accompanied by the sarcasm coming from the fog, the white fog in front of Dong Hongtian surged like a tide, and the outlines of human figures loomed in the white fog and rushed in front of Dong Hongtian.

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