Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 109: Killing (5 updates, 10,000 words, please subscribe)

As a medium-grade four-refined poisonous insect, the Thousand-handed Centipede is not afraid of any evil ghosts.

For insects, they do not have the rich emotions of humans, and do not understand the concept and meaning of the word "ghost".

The Thousand-handed Centipede's ferocious insect beast leaned down, opened its bloody mouth, and was about to swallow the female ghost alive.

The female ghost wanted to retreat, but the speed was too slow, and the Thousand-handed Centipede's mouth had already closed.

How could the disheveled female ghost resist the terrifying bite force of the Thousand-handed Centipede? She was bitten to pieces in an instant.

But the strange thing was that the bitten woman did not bleed, but her body turned into a circle of messy black hair, and a new female ghost grew from the black hair spreading on the ground.

Not just one, but several female ghosts, they had a common cold breath, and seemed to know that the Thousand-handed Centipede could not handle it, and turned to walk towards Su Jie step by step.

The Thousand-Handed Centipede was extremely angry. The cracks on its mask opened, and purple rays of light burst out instantly. The surging high-temperature rays penetrated the thick fog, melted the soil and rocks, and burned the black hair spreading everywhere on the ground into ashes.

The female ghost's body blurred for a moment, and she let out a painful scream. Several female ghosts collapsed one after another.

It turned out that these hairs were the real bodies of the female ghosts.

Qin Qing's smile disappeared, and his face became stiff.

The appearance of the Thousand-Handed Centipede caught him off guard. His own female ghost was obviously not an opponent.

However, Qin Qing still had a backup. Dozens of red stones were thrown out by Qin Qing and fell on the black hair.

The red stones dimmed, and all the essence was absorbed by the female ghost. The black hair grew rapidly and began to entangle the Thousand-Handed Centipede again.

"This is. Yuan Lingzhu."

Su Jie looked at the stones and recognized that these were the Yuan Lingzhu seen in Nanyang City.

He looked at the female ghost again. The female ghost was fierce and fierce, fighting madly with the Thousand-Handed Centipede.

"Absorb fear to strengthen and heal!"

Su Jie was shocked and looked at Qin Qing and said, "You occupied Nanyang City and turned the city into a breeding farm. You absorbed fear to cultivate evil spirits. You are so arrogant. Aren't you afraid of attracting the righteous to suppress you?"

This sense of déjà vu made Su Jie understand everything.

Su Jie planned to use the pig farm to cultivate ghosts, and the Tianhun Sect was even crazier. They turned a city into a breeding farm and absorbed fear to cultivate evil spirits.

The ghosts wandering in Nanyang City at night were clearly tricks by the Tianhun Sect. The purpose was to make the people afraid and absorb the fear energy into the Yuanlingzhu.

If they really wanted to kill people, the Tianhun Sect could have massacred the city long ago.

Such a crazy big move, I don't know where the confidence of the Tianhun Sect came from.

"As long as no one can leave, no one will know this secret."

Tan Jing was about to laugh when she saw the Thousand Hands Centipede burst out again.

The body of the Thousand-Handed Centipede burst strangely, and the huge body split into small centipedes. The forehead of each small centipede cracked, and tiny short purple rays burst out, chasing the strands of black hair running around on the ground.

After evolving into a medium-grade poisonous insect, various abilities were greatly enhanced, and the Thousand-Handed Centipede could use it in this way.

Although the power of the purple rays of each small centipede was much weaker than the main body, it was more than enough to deal with those women's black hair.

Just when Qin Qing felt that it was difficult, a silver light pushed the air apart, blasting out a long vacuum tail, and flew in front of him in an instant.

At the critical moment, the black hair under Qin Qing's feet dragged his body, and his position shifted. The White Bone Sky Sword pierced through the air and threw a handful of blood.

Looking at Qin Qing again, half of his cheek and ears were cut off, and the white gums and tongue were exposed to the air, which contrasted with the torn scalp on the back of Su Jie's head. They looked like a pair of brothers in distress.

However, thanks to the ability shared with the Thousand-Handed Centipede, Su Jie's scalp had already stopped bleeding and healed, and new flesh and hair grew rapidly. Although he did not have the exaggerated self-healing ability of the Thousand-Handed Centipede, regeneration of broken limbs was just a piece of cake for Su Jie.

"You want to make me bald, your method is really evil!"

Su Jie touched the back of his head and hooked his finger at Qin Qing.

The White Bone Sky Evil Sword was as powerful as thunder, like a supersonic missile, chasing Qin Qing.

Qin Qing swallowed the pill to stop bleeding and heal his wounds. Seeing the White Bone Sky Evil Sword flying over, he quickly took out a jade bottle from his storage bag.

The jade bottle blew out a yellow strange wind, accompanied by the sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling.

When this strange wind blew, the stones and trees turned into sand and gravel powder.

The White Bone Sky Evil Sword was hit by the strange wind, and the sword body was shining brightly. The sword power was still terrifying, and it rushed to Qin Qing against the strange wind.

"Collect it for me."

Qin Qing pinched the spell, and the jade bottle changed from blowing to inhaling. Trees and rocks were uprooted, and the White Bone Sword was swallowed into the jade bottle.

The jade bottle is a low-grade high-level magic weapon, extremely powerful and terrifying. Anything swallowed, even gold and silver, will be melted into powder, but this does not include the White Bone Sword.

The jade bottle vibrated hummingly, and a crack appeared at the bottom of the bottle. The White Bone Sword was about to escape.

Qin Qing's face was ashen, and he threw out a few talismans and pinched the spell.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

One coffin after another fell to the ground, and several green-faced, fanged, black and sharp nails, hideous and terrifying zombies jumped out of the coffins.

The skin of these zombies was as hard as steel, and they were extremely powerful. Their movements were not as clumsy and stiff as those in movies and TV dramas. Instead, they were as agile as leopards, and they were a bit stronger than the White Walkers.

The large number of ghosts in the sky stopped fighting with the human-faced moths and rushed towards Su Jie.

Then Qin Qing took out a blue treasure umbrella with many ghost figures engraved on it.

At this time, the umbrella opened, and the ghosts came alive, glaring at Su Jie from the umbrella, and Su Jie could not move at once.

Fortunately, Su Jie has grown too much now. The Thousand-Handed Centipede roared, and hundreds of thousands of small centipedes flew up into the sky, protecting Su Jie layer by layer, leaving no gaps for him to drill through.

Although the ghosts have the ability to penetrate entities, they are facing the middle-grade four-refined poisonous insects. The swarm of hundreds of thousands of small centipedes will annihilate the ghosts who dare to rush in.


The White Bone Sky Sword completely pierced through the jade bottle, extremely light, and danced like a flying swallow through the clouds, turning into a stream of light.

Several zombies that were running fast paused, and their heads rolled off their necks.

Even if their bodies were harder than steel, they were like paper in front of the White Bone Sky Sword.

After advancing to the sixth level of the Soul Condensation Realm, Su Jie was finally able to truly unleash the power of the White Bone Sky Evil Sword. Nothing could stop it, and all methods could be broken with one sword.

This is the flying sword, the flying sword ranked first in terms of offensive power among the magic weapons.

The White Bone Sky Evil Sword continued to fly and shot in front of Qin Qing.

Qin Qing raised the ghost-faced treasure umbrella to block it, but the treasure umbrella, which was not mainly for defense, was easily pierced by the White Bone Sky Evil Sword, and the several layers of protective spirit shields on his body were penetrated continuously, and finally pierced through Qin Qing's heart.

Uh uh!

Qin Qing's pupils contracted, staring at the White Bone Sky Evil Sword in disbelief, vomiting blood from his mouth: "Top-grade flying sword, how is it possible."

He recognized the grade of the White Bone Sky Evil Sword, the top grade among the lower-grade flying swords, more precious and powerful than the lower-grade high-level magic weapons, no wonder all his various defenses could not stop it.

"Why bother? I didn't want to make it so bloody, but you insisted that I stay."

At this time, Su Jie stood on the head of the Thousand-Handed Centipede, which was 30 meters high, flying in the air hundreds of meters above the ground, looking coldly at Qin Qing who was at the end of his life below.

"We stop here."

Qin Qing still dreamed of begging for life.

"That's not what you said before."

Su Jie smiled coldly, and the White Bone Sky Evil Sword flew and cut off his head with one sword, completely cutting off the life of this inner disciple of the Heavenly Soul Sect, who was at the eighth level of the Soul Condensation Realm.

But the battle was not over yet.

With the death of Qin Qing, the female ghost was still alive.

Su Jie shifted his sight and looked at the female ghost who was being chased and killed by the Thousand-Handed Centipede.

Most of its black hair was burned by the Thousand-Handed Centipede. After Qin Qing died, the female ghost did not leave, and her creepy eyes were still staring at Su Jie.

Feeling a cold energy hovering over him, Su Jie patted the head of the Thousand-Handed Centipede and said simply, "Kill it."

The Thousand-Handed Centipede hissed, hovered in the sky, lowered its head, and its mask cracked.

The dazzling purple light shone through the thick fog, completely covering the female ghost's body, turning it into ashes in the extreme high temperature.

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