The night was as dark as water, and the earth was already asleep.

In the cave area, the night wind blew, except for the occasional cry of an owl, the cold and dark cave area was silent.

When the time came to the early morning, a black shadow appeared under the human bone lamp post, sneaking carefully and appearing in front of a cave door.

After groping on the stone door, a small snake emerged from the black shadow's fingers, drilled into the keyhole, and opened the closed door lock.

The black shadow seemed to be very familiar with the environment here. Although the room was dark, he found the box where valuables were stored with ease. When he was about to open it, a voice came from a distance.

"Brother Peng, why do you have to do this!"

Along with this voice, the oil lamp in the room lit up.

Su Jie was standing quietly by the bed, looking at the black shadow that appeared in the cave, and sighed.

The black shadow turned his head stiffly and smiled bitterly.

"You found me. I wanted to do it without anyone noticing. It seems that this is your fate!"

"Brother Su, don't blame me. My leg is injured. If I can't get it healed before patrolling the mountain, I will die. I need money to heal my leg."

Knowing that he couldn't hide it, the black shadow took off his hood. It was Su Jie's neighbor Peng Shiwen.

"Hey, that's not stealing! If you tell me well, maybe I will lend you money."

Su Jie shook his head in pain, as if he saw a child who went astray.

"Will you lend me money? Then I will borrow it from you now, only 20 blood marrow crystals."

Peng Shiwen was stunned, and a look of joy appeared on his face.


However, the joy on Peng Shiwen's face did not last for less than a second, and Su Jie immediately refused.

"I thought about it carefully, and I still don't lend it to you."

Su Jie looked like he was thinking seriously. He would never lend money.

"We have been brothers for so long, don't we have any friendship at all? You just watch me jump into the fire pit?"

Peng Shiwen seemed to have not expected this answer, staring angrily.

Su Jie waved his hand and said, "No, I'm not that cruel. I won't watch you jump into the fire pit. I will close my eyes."

Peng Shiwen: "..."

The next moment, Peng Shiwen was furious: "Okay, okay, I knew you were this kind of person a long time ago. Since you are not kind, don't blame me for being unjust. You have to give me money today. If you are not cruel, don't practice magic. I'm going to risk it."

He seemed to have never considered that if he stole Su Jie's blood marrow crystal, Su Jie would not be able to buy resources, and how dangerous it would be to go into the mountains.

"I'm curious about one thing. Why did you choose me to steal? Is it because I'm weak?"

Su Jie was not angry at all, and still looked at the other party calmly.

Peng Shiwen's eyes were fierce, and he said coldly: "Nonsense, with such poor qualifications like you, who else can I find if not you?"

"Then you found the wrong person!"

Su Jie smiled and hooked his finger.

Peng Shiwen's nose was inexplicably hot, and two lines of black blood flowed out, and at the same time, his internal organs were in great pain.

"When was the poison administered? This is... Five Internal Organs Black Blood Incense."

With a trace of fear in his eyes, Peng Shiwen looked behind Su Jie.

There was an incense stick lit there, and the incense with poisonous smoke floated out. Because it was dark in the room, he had not noticed it.

"In order to wait for the poisonous smoke to take effect, I had to chat with you to delay time. I didn't expect you to be able to bear it."

As the poisonous smoke lingered, Su Jie spoke, and a black and purple centipede sprang out from his waist and abdomen, which was one and a half meters long, and instantly pounced on Peng Shiwen.


Several poisonous snakes as thick as chopsticks emerged from Peng Shiwen's fingertips, biting and poisoning the Thousand-Handed Centipede, but they failed to bite through the chitinous shell and were swallowed by the Thousand-Handed Centipede.

A palm-sized golden toad jumped onto Peng Shiwen's shoulder, and its long tongue split into several strands in mid-air like a crossbow arrow, piercing towards Su Jie. This was Peng Shiwen's destiny Gu worm.

At the same time, more than a dozen small snakes crawled out from Peng Shiwen's trouser legs and quickly marched towards Su Jie.

This was Peng Shiwen's Gu worm trick. First, he used the toad tongue of his destiny Gu worm to bind the enemy, and then let the small snakes bite and inject the enemy with deadly snake venom.

Su Jie knew the opponent's moves, and his body did not move, but the flesh under his ribs squirmed.

Several pale arms emerged from the flesh, and the forked tongues were tightly grasped.

Then Su Jie waved his sleeves, and a large group of silver-winged golden cicadas and Yinhuo blood bees whistled and flapped their wings.

The former flew at high speed and cut off the tongue, while the latter raised its tail high and sprayed fire at the snakes on the ground, burning a group of small snakes and emitting bursts of meaty aroma.

These were the contests between inferior Gu worms. The biggest threat was the Thousand-Handed Centipede that moved swiftly and completely ignored all attacks and pounced forward.

"Low-grade Gu worm, the spiritual power of the third level of the soul, you hide it so deeply."

Peng Shiwen's pupils shrank violently, feeling the threat of death, and reached out to press the golden toad on his shoulder.

I don't know what means were used, but the golden toad suddenly expanded in size, and then turned around and ran without hesitation, abandoning its own Gu worm.

Because Peng Shiwen knew clearly that no matter how strong the golden toad was, it could not be the opponent of the low-grade Gu worm Thousand-Handed Centipede, and there was a big gap.

The golden toad bulged its belly, and the frog croaked like thunder.


Dozens of forked tongues shot out, and the number increased several times more than before.

The Thousand-Armed Centipede didn't even bother to look at it. The pale white hands under its belly tore off its bound tongue and caught up with Peng Shiwen with a roar.

Peng Shiwen's left leg was injured, and he inhaled Su Jie's poisonous smoke, so how fast could he run?

Before he left the cave, he was caught by the Thousand-Handed Centipede, which rolled him up in circles, and rolled his upper body into a zongzi.

"Spare my life!"

Peng Shiwen showed fear and wanted to beg for mercy.

"If I had known this would happen, why did I do it in the first place? Brother Peng, it was you who taught me that people should not practice magic unless they are cruel, so I can only ask you to die obediently."

As soon as the words fell, the Thousand-Handed Centipede had loosened its strangling posture, crawled back to Su Jie's feet, and fiddled with its tentacles as if asking for credit.

Looking at Peng Shiwen again, he was covered with green handprints all over his body. The poison had already entered his body, and his seven orifices were bleeding, and he was silent.

"You did a good job. I'll give you a delicious treat as a reward."

After patting the head of the Thousand-Handed Centipede, Su Jie caught Peng Shiwen's natal Gu worm, the golden toad, with his pale hands and fed it to it. Although it was not of good quality, it had been cultivated by Peng Shiwen for half a year, and the Thousand-Handed Centipede ate it deliciously.

After feeding the meritorious Thousand-Handed Centipede, Su Jie put it back and wrapped it around his waist and chest.

Then Su Jie thought about it, took the initiative to sprinkle some of Peng Shiwen's blood all over his body, and then rubbed his cheeks, making his face pale and withered, as if he was seriously injured.

After doing all this, Su Jie dragged Peng Shiwen's body out of the cave.

At this time, the sound of the battle here had awakened many people, and there were exploratory sights in each cave.

It is common for fellow disciples to fight in Guiling Palace. After all, they are magic cultivators, but many people were surprised that the winner was Su Jie.

But then everyone saw Su Jie's "miserable" appearance, and immediately understood that it was just a miserable victory with both sides suffering losses. Peng Shiwen was not a powerful person, so no one took it seriously.

Su Jie stood there waiting, because he knew someone would come to deal with it.

Without letting Su Jie wait any longer, two law enforcement teams wearing red uniforms and not hiding their seventh-level spiritual power came over.

The law enforcement team is a special team belonging to the sect, serving only the sect master, different from ordinary disciples.

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