Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 120 A Massive Number of Ghosts

After signing the contract, Song Chengde couldn't hide the smile on his face.

He incurred huge personal debts because of building cars.

Now with this acquisition, he can not only pay off the bank loan, but also make a comeback with a sum of funds, so he is naturally very happy.

Otherwise, if the bank really took over the auction of Muhua Company, he probably wouldn't be able to save three melons and two dates.

"Mr. Su, be wary of Yikang Company. The disturbance at the farm gate today may be their fault."

Before leaving, Song Chengde reminded Su Jie.

"Oh, Yikang Company?"

Su Jie looked at Liu Yingying, wanting to ask what was going on.

"Yikang Company is also a large-scale breeding company. The company's current market value is 12.5 billion. When we participated in the negotiation to acquire Muhua Company, the other party also intervened and made an offer. However, the price was very insincere and they were out of the game immediately."

Liu Yingying has done a lot of homework. She has consulted a lot of information about the breeding industry, and all the major large companies have some knowledge.

"The CEO of Yikang Company, Yu Duanchong, has been competing with me in this industry. In addition to my own reasons for the crisis of our Muhua Company, I suspect that Yikang Company is also involved. To add insult to injury, they thought of acquiring my company at a low price. company."

Song Chengde explained and said that he was definitely not talking nonsense.

Liu Yingying blamed herself a little and said, "Mr. Su, I didn't recite the tune well."

If you know that Muhua Company is being maliciously competed by rivals, you should think more carefully about whether to acquire it. After all, the other party is likely to regard Su Jie, who thinks it has stolen your business, as a new rival.

"It doesn't matter."

Su Jie waved his hand and said to Song Chengde: "Mr. Song, if you have any information about Yikang Company, please send me a copy."

"No problem. Yu Duanchong, the boss of Yikang Company, is quite aggressive. You'd better be careful."

Song Chengde readily agreed and reminded him again.

He didn't talk about Yikang Company before because he was afraid that Su Jie would not dare to take over. Now that the acquisition has been completed, he dared to speak out boldly.

Su Jie smiled disapprovingly and said, "It's just business competition, we are very good at it."

"How old are you, you are so good at being a ghost!"

After hearing Su Jie's words, Song Chengde secretly cursed in his heart, thinking that the young man was just arrogant and arrogant, and he might suffer a lot.

After all, according to Song Chengde's understanding, Su Jie runs Tianyuan Home Furnishing. Although he has been making waves in the home furnishing market in recent times, he relies entirely on high-end materials to crush his opponents. There is no exciting business war at all, and he has never been engaged in the breeding industry. I don’t know how deep the water is.

"Then I wish Mr. Su a prosperous business and become a leader in the breeding industry as soon as possible."

Song Chengde didn't say anything more. Anyway, he decided to quit this business, and he didn't have much feelings for Muhua. Otherwise, he wouldn't have packaged it up and sold it so quickly. What happened next would have nothing to do with him.

Watching Song Chengde leave, Liu Yingying said with some worry: "I will immediately tell the people below to be alert, lest Yikang Company really makes any noise."

"Well, go ahead and do it. You don't have to worry too much. Small tricks don't matter, but if it goes too far, I will take action."

Su Jie's eyes were deep and what he said shocked Liu Yingying.

"Mr. Su, don't you think that this is the country, and if you use guns to kill people, the noise will be too great for us to stop."

Liu Yingying felt very guilty, thinking of what Su Jie had done in the Mande area.

Anyone who offended Su Jie ended up in a miserable state. Could it be that Su Jie also wanted to do this in China.

But China is different from the Mande region!

The Zen Kingdom itself is divided and chaotic. If the Hua Kingdom kills people, it will not be so easy to ignore it, but it will be easy to get yourself trapped.

"What are you thinking about? I'm a law-abiding entrepreneur. How could I do such a dishonest thing? I won't do anything casually."

Su Jie smiled, but there was one thing he didn't say, that is, if you want someone to die, you don't necessarily need to use a knife or a gun.

Guangyi County, Muhua No. 1 Breeding Farm.

When the acquisition was completed, Su Jie immediately started his own transformation work.

It took a few days to hire a construction team to completely transform the place according to my own vision.

In the slaughterhouse, several altar-like things were built, with high-strength glass in between for protection.

There are some statues of Chinese gods enshrined on the altar, such as the Jade Emperor, Guanyin, Guan Erye, etc.

There is a soul-calling flag hidden in the statue, not just one, but several.

Anyway, summoning flags are cheap and simple to make, so Sujie made more to complete the full coverage of the slaughterhouse.

"Well, not bad, it looks very comfortable like this."

Su Jie stood in front of the altar, lit the incense, placed it on the incense burner, and nodded with satisfaction at his masterpiece.

There are also some workers working around, but in fact many people are secretly watching here, complaining behind their backs, thinking that Su Jie is too feudal and superstitious to build some kind of altar here, and they are not temple owners.

"Mr. Su, several other slaughterhouses have also built altars in accordance with your requirements."

The person in charge of the breeding farm reported nearby that Muhua Company has multiple breeding and slaughterhouses, some of which are not in Guangyi County, and have completed similar transformations.

"What do you think? Does this altar look good?"

Su Jie wiped the statues. These statues were not ordinary. They looked like statues on the surface. In addition to soul-calling flags and spiritual stones, they even had some simple restrictions modified inside.

In this way, even without Su Jie's control, the soul-calling flag can automatically absorb souls.

"Well, I think the workers have some small opinions. They are doing the work of killing pigs all day long, and it is a bit unnatural to look at these statues."

The person in charge of the farm laughed twice and carefully expressed the workers' demands.

"No, I specially invited these statues. It is precisely because of the heavy killing that the altar is needed to suppress evil and eliminate disasters and protect peace."

Su Jie smiled and shook his head. At the moment when Su Jie was speaking, on the pigs that had just been slaughtered in the slaughterhouse, a series of soul light balls flew into the statues like swallows returning to their nests, and were finally absorbed into the soul-calling flag.

If there were practitioners from the Tianyuan world here, they would definitely curse when they heard Su Jie's words.

Because Su Jie's move was a terrifying means of extracting souls and refining yin, and what about suppressing evil and eliminating disasters, these soul-calling flags are the biggest evil things.

The person in charge twitched his mouth, thinking it was the superstitious quirk of the new boss, and looked at the statues on the altar in silence.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he felt that these statues really had an inexplicable aura, as if they were looking at him faintly, and a gloomy atmosphere made him feel a little uneasy.

"Illusion, I'm not superstitious."

The person in charge shook his head and looked again, and found that these statues were completely ordinary.

But what he didn't know was that inside the statues, strange human figures were twisting wantonly on the banners, and the faint black banners, more and more ghosts were taking shape, and the strange and cold eyes were chilling.

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