Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 126 Yu Family (First Update)

Xinzheng City, Yu Family Mansion.

This mansion covers a large area and is one of the most famous in Xinzheng City.

When three days passed, Yu Duanchong, who had not received any news, called the family members together again.

"No news about Runming yet?"

Tapping the armrest of the chair lightly with his fingers, Yu Duanchong looked at the others with a dignified look.

"The phone call is not connected, including the friends he brought with him, all lost contact one by one, and there is no news."

Yu Duanchong's son, Yu Shichang, was a little uneasy.

Seven or eight living people disappeared like this, and there was no contact for several days. Anyone would feel strange.

"Runming must have been in trouble, big brother, you can't ignore your nephew, it must be the hand of Muhua Company."

A man with a sad face stood up. His name was Yu Ting'an, Yu Runming's father.

"Third brother, we are still unclear about what happened, don't panic."

Yu Duanchong took a sip of tea and told the others: "Second brother, have someone investigate secretly to see if they can find Runming and the others."

"Okay, big brother."

The other middle-aged man nodded in agreement.

However, Yu Ting'an did not give up and could not help but said: "Big brother, can you let the police..."


Yu Duanchong interrupted Yu Ting'an and put down his teacup, saying coldly: "If we call the police now, if the police find evidence, we will not only fail to save Runming, but also harm him. That is not Xinzheng City, we have no friendship with the police, and we cannot let the police get involved."

Yu Ting'an was a little angry and shouted: "But that is my son, your nephew."

"There are dozens of people in our Yu family, and they all rely on Yikang Group for their livelihood. Do you think I don't feel sorry for them? For Runming, do you want to drag Yikang Group into the water?"

Yu Duanchong slammed the table and stood up, his voice cold and ruthless.

"If you hadn't told Runming to do that, how could my son do that?"

Yu Ting'an was a little resentful, and the other family members couldn't sit still and tried to persuade him.

"Ting'an, I understand your feelings, but you have to put the overall situation first!"

"That's right, Ting'an, listen to your eldest brother, he won't hurt us."

"I still want to get money from Yikang Group every month. If Yikang Company collapses, we will starve!"

With each admonition, the core members of the Yu family immediately took sides.

They all relied on the big tree of Yikang Group. Yu Duanchong's choice was good for Yikang Company, which was also related to their interests. It was not surprising to make such a choice.

Yu Ting'an's face turned pale with opposition from all the family members, and he finally had to bow his head.

The atmosphere in the room became extremely depressing and dull, and a large group of core members of the Yu family now felt it was difficult.

Now that Yu Runming, who went to Guangyi County to work, was in danger of death, the strength of that Muhua Company might not be as simple as they seemed on the surface.

Wang Huilian looked at her husband and broke the silence: "Old Yu, we are too passive now. Why don't we make a phone call and see if we can reconcile with Muhua. And Runming may still be in the hands of the other party. Everything will be fine if we bring him out first."

Yu Ting'an's eyes were bright again, and he looked at his elder brother with hope.

"Stupid, what's the point of calling at this time? If Runming is still alive, the other party will only ask for a sky-high price and threaten the interests of Yikang Company. We have offended him to death. If we want to completely end this matter, we can only defeat Muhua and let the other party see our strength. When the time comes, if Runming is alive, he will naturally be sent back by the other party."

Yu Duanchong snorted coldly. If the Yikang Company he presided over wins this battle, it can semi-invisibly monopolize the pig breeding market in Xiping Province. How could he stop and stop the war for Yu Runming?

What does a life mean in front of billions of interests? Anyway, that is not his son.

"Okay, stop trying to persuade me about this. I have my own way to deal with it later."

Leaving this sentence behind, Yu Duan Chong walked out of the house.

Tianyuan World.

Guiling Palace Black Market.

Su Jie walked on the street, and there were constant hawking along the way. When the disciples saw Su Jie wearing the blue outer robe of the inner sect disciples, they all took the initiative to make way.

A few minutes later, Su Jie came to a magnificent attic, with three brightly gilded signs of "Taixu Pavilion" hanging.

"Sister Cai, come out to receive guests."

Su Jie shouted as he walked into Taixu Pavilion.

"Bah, what do you mean by receiving guests? That's so ugly. This is not Wanhua Tower."

A plump mature woman came over. The tight palace dress skirt could hardly restrain her beautiful flesh, and wrapped her slender waist, flat belly and round and plump buttocks into the most attractive shape.

"Doesn't this make you seem popular, Sister Cai? Sister Cai, you are so beautiful. If you go to Wanhua Tower, those girls will be ashamed of themselves!"

"Mr. Su, you have become an inner sect disciple, why are you still talking about flowers?"

Cai Chun'e rolled her eyes coquettishly and said unhappily.

"So what if I am an inner sect disciple? I have only improved my status, and my appreciation of beauty has not changed."

"Go away, stop making fun of me."

While speaking, Cai Chun'e was also looking back and forth at Su Jie, and she was actually quite shocked in her heart.

When she met Su Jie a year ago, Su Jie only wanted to sell her some ordinary poisonous insects. At that time, Su Jie was short of money. Every time he came, he came and went in a hurry. He didn't dare to look at the talismans and magic tools sold in the attic.

Now, in just one year, he has become an inner disciple. Not to mention that he can call the wind and rain in Guiling Palace, at least he has a respected status.

How can Cai Chun'e not be moved by this way of counterattack and rise of a small person.

"What are you here to buy today?"

Cai Chun'e talked about business and took Su Jie directly to the second floor, where there were all good things from Taixu Pavilion.

"I'm not buying things today, I'm here to sell things."

Su Jie took out a pile of magic tools, materials, pills, talismans, including those broken magic tools from his storage bag. These were the spoils of his last trip. The big and small ones added up to a pile of two meters high.

"So many?"

Cai Chun'e was surprised.

Although there are no high-grade items in this pile, and many magic tools are damaged and difficult to repair, they can only be recycled, but even so, such a quantity is still an extremely considerable fortune.

At present, the aliens are rampant, the trade routes are blocked, and many things from outside cannot be transported in.

However, the disciples of Guiling Palace have a great demand for battles, and the prices of various battle-related magic tools and talismans have risen sharply.

Cai Chun'e made a simple estimate and knew that the value of this batch of materials reached about four or five thousand blood marrow crystals, which was extremely amazing.

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