Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 131: On the edge of evil (second update)

Pugang Breeding Farm.

Yu Duanchong stood in the pig house, his eyes dull and lifeless, looking at the pig carcasses on the ground, his whole figure seemed to have lost his life, like a walking corpse.

Groups of workers were checking the pig pens one by one, trying to find the lucky pigs that had survived. Unfortunately, they were only disappointed again and again.

There are also scientific researchers wearing white coats and masks who are conducting autopsy tests to find the cause of the swine fever outbreak.

In the open space of the breeding farm, batches of pig carcasses gathered into hills, which was shocking to those who saw it.

"It's over, it's all over."

Yu Duanchong muttered to himself, looking at the pig-raising empire he had built, which was collapsing at an unimaginable speed. He couldn't breathe, and his heart ached. He had a serious heart disease, and now Stimulated.


The accompanying secretary was shocked and quickly gave Yu Duanchong medicine. After a while, Yu Duanchong finally recovered, but the pain on his face was even sadder than when he had angina pectoris.

"Dad, we are coming."

A large number of people came to the breeding farm.

Senior executives of Yikang Company and other members of the Yu family also received the news and rushed here.

But when they saw the current situation of the Pugang breeding farm, one by one of these people's eyes were straightened, and panic quickly spread into their hearts.

Pugang Breeding Farm is the core of Yikang Company, accounting for 80% of Yikang Company's revenue.

Today, four million pigs have died in the farms. This alone has resulted in a direct loss of more than 7 billion.

The current market value of Yikang Company is only more than 12 billion.

It can be said that the destruction of the Pugang breeding farm was a disaster for Yikang Company.

Judging from the market value, Yikang Company seems to be losing money, but in an asset-heavy operation like pig raising, it owes bank loans and raw material dealers for goods. It has to buy the pigs and collect funds to repay it.

But with the current situation of Yikang Company, it is still unknown what can be used to negotiate repayment and whether the company can continue to operate.

"Why were the swine fever infections not discovered in advance? What do the people in the farms do for food?"

"The agreement we signed with several companies including Xunlan Commercial Supermarket will deliver 120,000 pigs for slaughter the day after tomorrow as agreed. What are we going to give them now?"

"Watson Bank still owes more than 2 billion in loans, and they won't let us go."

"If you hadn't been neglecting your duties all day long and put more thought into the company, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened, and such a severe swine fever infection wouldn't have been discovered."

"Fart, you still have the nerve to criticize me. You stayed in the bar all night yesterday, so what qualifications do you have to criticize me?"

A large group of Yu family members felt that the sky was falling apart, and they started to blame each other and complain.

"Lao. Lao Yu, tell me something!"

Wang Huilian looked at her husband, hoping that he, the backbone of the family, would pay attention.

The rest of the Yu family also put aside their quarrels, and all looked at Yu Duanchong, hoping that he would stand up at this critical moment.

Yu Duanchong looked pale and remained silent until his wife called out.

"Chen Shang, are there any test results for swine fever this time?"

After regaining some composure, Yu Duanchong immediately called the company's chief swine disease expert and asked what kind of swine fever he was infected with.

"Sorry, Mr. Yu, this is a swine fever virus we have never seen before, and the cause cannot be detected yet."

Chen Shang, who was questioned, replied that when swine fever broke out, they immediately conducted detection and conducted various related tests, but until now, they have not been able to find the cause of swine fever.

"Did someone poison you?"

Yu Duanchong asked again, somewhat doubting whether Muhua Company did it. After all, they had just used this trick on Muhua Company not long ago.

"It's impossible. This is an unprecedented swine fever virus. No similar cases have been found in the world. We just happened to be unlucky."

Chen Shang shook his head and gave a very firm judgment.

"There is a zoonotic risk."

I don't know what he thought of, Yu Duanchong's eyes flickered, and his eyes showed a frightening heartbeat.

Chen Shang was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said: "There should be no risk. Although the indicators on the pork seriously exceed the standards, it will not be transmitted to people again."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, Old Chen. Now you go down first."

Yu Duanchong sent Chen Shang away, then looked at his clansmen with an evil look on his face, gritted his teeth and said:

“From now on, the Pugang breeding farm is not allowed to enter and exit, and the matter of swine fever is completely blocked. Every employee’s mobile phone is collected, and the hush money is sufficient to make them shut up.

Second child, your brother-in-law is helping with the Epidemic Prevention Bureau. You should go back immediately and ask him to cooperate with us in issuing a batch of animal quarantine certificates. We will not treat him badly afterwards.

Huilian, you are personally in charge of the slaughterhouse. We must process these pigs and send them to the market as soon as possible, and the price can be kept as low as possible. "

Hearing what Yu Duanchong said, everyone in the Yu family was shocked.

"Cousin, this is illegal!"

A member of the Yu family was trembling all over. Thinking about millions of pigs with plague flowing into the market, his scalp was numb.

"So what if you break the law? Do you want to go bankrupt?"

Clenching his fists tightly, Yu Duanchong looked ferocious, like an evil ghost.

Others have their own interests in mind. If the company goes bankrupt, they will lose everything.

In an instant, each of these people fell silent, and there was no longer any objection.

After living a life of luxury, they were bankrupt and left with nothing. This gap was difficult for most people to accept, and the mentality of taking risks began to prevail.

"Brother, I understand. I will go to my brother-in-law's house in person."

The second son of the Yu family immediately agreed and supported his eldest brother's decision.

"Go to the third layer of the safe on the second floor and take the two boxes of cigarettes. There are small yellow croakers in them. Make sure he cooperates with us."

"Dad, I will find a channel to sell the pork."

Yu Shichang also took action and looked for the people he knew.

Other members of the Yu family also made suggestions. Anyway, the plague pigs would not kill people. Compared with this, Yikang Company was more important and must not go bankrupt.

After Yu Duanchong issued one order after another, everyone was assigned work.

After everyone left, Yu Duanchong smoked a cigarette with a cold look in his eyes: "No one can bring down my Yikang Group, no one."

Stubbed out the cigarette, Yu Duanchong quickly got in the car and left. He wanted to take care of it himself.

Yikang Company has such important assets, and is related to the livelihoods of so many people. As long as they persuade people with reason and emotion, Yikang Company will not fall.

And these people did not notice that not far away, several small flying insects were hovering on the treetops, and the pinhole cameras tied to their bodies quietly recorded this conversation.

In the farm, more pinhole cameras were quietly operating, recording the scenes of pigs in the farm from illness to death.

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