Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 138: Sword Raising Gourd (Fourth Update)

Su Jie recalled the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword, looked at the two approaching people expressionlessly, his eyes deepened, and said: "Stop now, I can still let you go, otherwise the fight will not end so easily. "

Cao Yuan seemed to have heard some joke and laughed: "Haha, you really think you can beat me. Let's do this. If you can hurt me, I will be right in front of you."


With just one word, Su Jie expressed his meaning very clearly.

Cao Yuan sighed slightly and patted the golden gourd on his waist: "Baby, please turn around."



A black light flew out from the gourd's mouth, accompanied by thunderous sonic booms.

The black light went straight to Su Jie's chest, and turned out to be a three-foot-long low-grade high-grade flying sword.

Su Jie used the Qinghong Sword Technique, and the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword came forward, and the two flying swords immediately fought together.

In the mountains and forests, two flying swords, one black and one white, flew back and forth. They were too fast to see clearly, just like black and white aurora fighting together.

Wherever they passed, ancient trees were knocked down, huge boulders exploded, and deep trenches of cracked soil were created on the ground.

The newlyweds in the distance were stunned as they felt that their vision was covered by this beautiful aurora that contained deadly murderous intent.

However, during this confrontation, Su Jie sensed something was wrong.

The opponent's flying sword clearly lags behind the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword in level, but its power is actually much higher than the White Bone Heavenly Evil Sword.

Involuntarily, Su Jie looked at the red gourd on Cao Yuan's waist and thought of a magical weapon.

"This is the first time I've seen a middle-grade sword-raising gourd. Do you think a low-grade top-grade flying sword can run rampant?"

Cao Yuan seemed to see through Su Jie's thoughts and was very confident in showing off his magical weapon, which turned out to be a middle-grade magical weapon.

The sword-raising gourd is a special magical weapon that is matched with the flying sword. It is made of the naturally grown Yuanyang gourd vine. The small gourds picked are refined again and again, adding various materials, and finally refined.

After making the sword-nurturing gourd, put the flying sword into it, and the flying sword will be nourished by the gourd, keeping its sharpness and brilliance, and can maximize the power of the flying sword.

In Su Jie's understanding, raising a sword gourd is like a combination of firearms and bullets.

The flying sword nourished by the sword-nurturing gourd will have a higher speed, distance, power, and controllability.

The sword-raising gourd is not only capable of fostering one flying sword. A mid-grade sword-raising gourd can foster up to hundreds of flying swords, as long as you have the financial resources and abundant spiritual energy reserves.

Su Jie stared at the sword-raising gourd on the opponent's waist. The golden-red gourd was full of vitality and surrounded by spiritual energy. The golden-red texture of the case shone with dazzling luster as the spiritual energy flourished, as if flames were dancing.

"Good thing, I decided, it's mine."

Su Jie licked his lips and felt excited.

"So brave."

Cao Yuan's face darkened and he increased his intensity.

The White Bone Tiansha Sword gradually fell into the disadvantage during the confrontation. In the collisions again and again, the sword body trembled and buzzed. If it were not made of hard material, it would have been cracked.

"Let you see my true strength and be convinced by my defeat."

I saw Cao Yuan pointing like a sword, and more than a dozen flying swords flew out of the sword gourd.

Although these flying swords are only the lowest grade, low-grade primary flying swords, worth more than a hundred pieces of blood marrow crystals, the sheer number of them, and the blessing of sword-raising gourds, formed a huge group of flying swords, and suddenly Su Jie's white-bone Tiansha sword was overwhelmed and flew away.

"These flying swords you see are all accumulated by me through hard work. No one can compete in front of my sea of ​​swords. This is my path of sword cultivation."

Cao Yuan smiled proudly, already having a sure chance of winning.

"You are also a talent for practicing swordsmanship in Ghost Ridge Palace."

Su Jie was speechless. The Cao Yuan in front of him didn't play with insects or flying swords. In this aspect, Su Jie was indeed inferior to him.

"Senior Brother Cao, let me help you."

Nan Wenli was not willing to be lonely. Seeing Cao Yuan's majesty, she waved her sleeves and summoned her own natal Gu insect, a low-grade evil-horned beetle with a body length of more than five meters.

At the same time, the body insect concentration method was mobilized, and the fat and strong fire locusts got out of the insect bag and swarmed towards Su Jie.

Cao Yuan didn't appreciate it, he just thought that Nan Wenli was here to take advantage of her, so he controlled the torrent of flying swords to kill Su Jie again, so that he could get more benefits later.

"Looks like the battle is over."

While many disciples watched intently, Cai Shangbai made a conclusion.

"I haven't used the worms yet, but I don't think I can last long."

Ruan Feng also made the same judgment. Even if Su Jie took out the Gu worm, it would be difficult to win.

"Don't risk your life for a while, let's"

Before Tang Peiqing could finish his words, he suddenly discovered something. He paused and turned to look at the battlefield in surprise.

But when Su Jie faced the joint attack of the two inner sect disciples, his expression remained unchanged. He did not call out the Thousand-Handed Centipede as his trump card, but instead took out the Ten Thousand Souls Banner from his arms.

"The soul is yang, and the soul is yin. The soul desires life, and the soul desires death."

Su Jie gently waved the Ten Thousand Souls Flag, and the wind and sand suddenly flew into the air, and the sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling sounded from all directions.

The large incoming fire locusts trembled slightly, as if they sensed something that made them uneasy.

On the surface of the flag, ghosts appeared, illusory and fuzzy shapes, staring at thousands of creatures with empty and strange eyes, emerging from the flag like a tide.

It's cloudy!

Thousands of ghosts flew freely in the air, forming shadows that covered the sky.

Fire locusts rained down one after another, and the moment they were passed by the ghosts, their souls had been taken away, and what fell was only a corpse with residual warmth.

"Humans have three souls and seven souls, one is the heaven soul, the second is the earth soul, and the third is the life soul. There are seven souls, one soul is the sky, the second soul is the spiritual wisdom, the third soul is the energy, the fourth soul is the strength, and the fifth soul is the center. The six souls are the essence, and the seven souls are the heroes.”

Su Jie waved the soul-calling flag again, and the flag made a hunting sound, and the smell of blood came out. Thousands of ghosts screamed at the same time, converging into a terrifying picture.

The space changed, blood mist filled the air, the earth was lined with gloom, layers of black clouds surged, and there was a solemn silence as if night had fallen.

The strong wind howled, Cao Yuan and Nan Wenli were blown back continuously, and their faces looked as ugly as if they had eaten flies.

"Are you ready? Do you want me to take away some of your souls?"

Su Jie's eyes were full of indifference, and with one last wave of the soul-calling flag, a large formation of Wanyin Blood Ming appeared.

There is a river of blood coming from the sky, as if there are hundreds of billions of ghosts wailing and groaning in the sky. A wooden bridge spans the blood river, with strange corpses hanging on the bridge. There are human body parts floating in the blood river, like a natural disaster. Part 1 The gods are angry and want to punish all living beings.

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