Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 143 The Seventh Level of the Soul Condensation Realm (Fourth Update)

"What are you doing!"

Being stared at by Su Jie, Ning Xinyue felt frightened. A layer of ice crystals instantly formed on the surface of her body, sealing herself inside. Her big eyes flickered like a vigilant little squirrel.

"You are a turtle, you always like to seal yourself in ice."

Su Jie was amused. This little girl is quite vigilant.

"Don't think I didn't see it. You just wanted to rob me, right?"

Ning Xinyue puffed up her cheeks. Obviously, she also knew the story of a child carrying gold through a busy city.

"That's not the case. Anyway, how about we cooperate? I will help you cover your identity, and you will find the location of the treasure. Then we will dig it out together and sell it for cents."

Su Jie suddenly spoke and said the cooperation plan.

Ning Xinyue was slightly stunned and thought seriously.

After a while, Ning Xinyue seemed to have figured it out. She nodded and said, "Okay, I'll do as you say."

But in her heart, Ning Xinyue was laughing.

She still wants to share the money with me. When she gets the treasure, she will run away immediately, leaving you to work for nothing.

It just so happens that the journey to dig for treasures may not be smooth sailing. There are all kinds of complex environments near the Guiling Palace, with demons and beasts, dangerous places, and you have to find a local to clear the way. Su Jie came up to her and just wanted to please her.

Little did she know that Su Jie had the same idea. He thought that after secretly getting the treasure, he would directly throw it back to Blue Star with the ancient mirror. I want to see what you can find.

If you have the ability, you can deduce the landmarks of Blue Star. Tianxi Bagua can't find it even if you use it! Little girl, what can you do to fight me?

"That's it."

"Happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!"

The two smiled at each other, as if they had let go of their previous grudges, but they were thinking about their own little calculations in their hearts.

"I want to go back."

Ning Xinyue thought she had found a free thug, so she didn't want to stay any longer.

"I'm going back too. You've disturbed me all night and I haven't slept."

Su Jie also stretched and turned back to his house.

However, after Su Jie had walked a few steps, Ning Xinyue seemed to suddenly realize something and ran back without stopping, grabbing Su Jie's arm.

"Give it back."

Ning Xinyue stretched out her right hand and placed it in front of Su Jie, with a very tough attitude.

"Give it back?"

Su Jie lowered his head and said very innocently.

"My magic-breaking arrow, give it back to me."

Ning Xinyue showed her cute little tiger teeth and demanded her treasure aggressively.

"What magic-breaking arrow? I didn't see it!"

Su Jie didn't understand and said that he had never touched this thing.

"You... I clearly saw you take it and hide it in the storage bag."

Ning Xinyue stomped her feet in anger. How could this man be so hateful.

"Oh, you mean that! Just treat it as mental damage compensation tonight. Who asked you to disturb my sleep? You have to pay me back."

"Give it back to me quickly. That treasure is very important to me."

Ning Xinyue glared at Su Jie angrily. Although she was rich, the Devil-Breaking Arrow was very important to her.

Especially after she ran away from home, she always went to the ancient land to search for treasures, and often encountered various formations and restrictions. Without the Devil-Breaking Arrow, she would be at a loss.

Seeing Ning Xinyue's anxious expression, in order to prevent the cooperation plan from going bankrupt, Su Jie had to choose to take a step back.

"One hundred middle-grade spirit stones."

Su Jie's step back was not for nothing. He opened his mouth and said that he would use money to redeem it.

"At most ten middle-grade spirit stones."

Ning Xinyue bargained immediately.

"99 yuan."

"20 yuan."

"98 yuan."

"30 yuan."

"97.5 yuan."


Ning Xinyue couldn't hold it anymore. She knocked on Su Jie's chest in anger and said with gritted teeth: "What do you mean? Is there anyone who bargains like you? Bargaining piece by piece, you think I picked up the spiritual stones!

"I tell you, at most fifty medium-grade spiritual stones, don't try to blackmail me..."


Su Jie suddenly agreed, and Ning Xinyue didn't react.

"Don't regret it."

The next moment, Ning Xinyue took out fifty medium-grade spiritual stones and exchanged them for the Demon-Breaking Arrow from Su Jie.

Looking at the smiling expression on her face, she didn't feel sorry at all. Obviously, Su Jie's asking price was still too low.

"If it weren't for you being a partner."

Su Jie was a little regretful. He was thinking about the overall situation. This little girl was definitely a rich woman. It was a pity that he didn't make more spiritual stones with such a good blackmail opportunity.

"Humph, stinky rogue. "

Ning Xinyue was afraid that Su Jie would find another reason to blackmail her, so she glared at Su Jie and ran away.

Su Jie looked at the middle-grade spirit stones in his hand and couldn't help but smile.

In this way, the time for him to break through to the seventh level of the Soul Condensation Realm can be advanced a lot.


Five days later.

Guiling Palace, in the training room of the Su family's residence.

Su Jie, who was sitting in a crooked position, was surrounded by middle-grade spirit stones and a large number of blood marrow crystals. The white bone tree also grew into a three-meter-high tree behind him.

Most of the spirit stones had been drained of their internal spiritual energy and dried up into ordinary stones. The spiritual energy stored in the white bone tree was basically consumed.

But these consumptions were not useless. Su Jie suddenly let out a long roar. Although the sound was isolated by the formation, it shook the air and the surging spiritual light surged around him.

Inside the meridians, the endless spiritual power broke through obstacles and entered some unfamiliar meridians, while also expanding the upper limit of spiritual power.

Above Su Jie's head, a phantom of a white crane soared into the sky and surrounded him, emitting a series of crisp cries, as if it was also celebrating Su Jie's breakthrough.

The seventh level of Yunling Realm is completed.

Su Jie took a long breath, his eyes filled with joy.

This time, he did not rely on the Thousand-Hand Centipede's promotion. By practicing the White Crane Zen Taoist method, enlightening the Tao and returning to the ruins, plus the pure spiritual power of the White Bone Tree, middle-grade spiritual stones, and a little bit of accumulation, Su Jie relied on his own Breakthrough to the seventh level of Yunling Realm.

Thousand-Handed Centipede: So, love will disappear, right?

Fortunately, the Thousand-Hand Centipede was dormant and asleep, otherwise if he knew that Su Jie thought so, he would definitely get up to protest that his status as a favorite was not guaranteed.

After being promoted to the seventh level of Yunling Realm, the biggest change is that the spiritual power in the body is extremely abundant, which is at least doubled compared to the sixth level.

At the same time, the physical body has also been strengthened, the body has become stronger, and one arm has the power to throw elephants.

However, Su Jie rarely used hand-to-hand combat in battles, or almost never.

He prefers to hit people with magic weapons, release bugs to bite them, or use laser eyes to burn people into charcoal.

Taking out the ancient mirror, Su Jie took a step back to the Blue Star World, intending to see the business progress there.

As a result, Su Jie did not see Liu Yingying after returning to Villa No. 1 in Jingjiang.

After making a call, I found out that the other party had just completed the formal merger and acquisition of Yikang Company by Muhua not long ago.

Now I am in charge of the final work of launching Tianyuan Hair Growth Essence. Tomorrow this product will be fully launched on the market.

"Today is truly a double blessing!"

Su Jie had a smile on his lips, he had absolute confidence in the hair growth serum.

Once this mysterious product comes on the market, all other hair loss treatments and hair transplants can be swept into the trash.

"There will be a huge amount of cash flow soon. When the time comes, we can continue to expand the breeding industry. Whether it is insect or livestock breeding, I want them all."

Su Jie can't wait, especially for the Ten Thousand Soul Banner. Su Jie wants to upgrade it to the level of 100,000 ghosts as soon as possible. By then, the power will be greatly improved, and this will inevitably require a large number of souls provided by breeding livestock, all of which require money. as support.

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