Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 145 Sales Explosion (Second Update)

As time went by, Xu Hong insisted on using Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid every day, and the effect was extremely obvious.

He used to lose a lot of hair every day when washing his hair, but now the hair loss has disappeared.

At the same time, the new stubble is also growing longer, covering the sparse scalp.

Xu Hong spent hundreds of dollars to ask Tony to cut a short haircut. He changed his previous decadence and sloppiness and looked like he was back in college.

On this day, Xu Hong returned to the company.

After entering, he could see colleagues who had receding hairlines and bald heads not long ago, and they all grew new hair.

Under Xu Hong's recommendation, everyone tried to use Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid, and the effect was amazing.

No matter what the symptoms of hair loss are, whether male or female, they all improved after using Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid. First, the hair loss disappeared, and then the stubble grew, and the black and thick hair was produced.

Even Xu Hong's boss, who was originally bald, now has thick short hair after using Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid. He is so happy that he smiles all day long. He treats Xu Hong, the hero who recommended Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid, much better. Of course, he still works overtime.

"Brother Xu..."

Suddenly, a soft call came from behind.

Xu Hong turned his head and saw Guo Tingting, the girl at the front desk of the company, coming to him.

In a company with more wolves than meat, Xu Hong tried to pursue her before.

But just when he had that intention, the other party was a face control, and he was blocked at the level of appearance.

"Brother Xu, are you free tonight? Let's go for dinner together."

Guo Tingting looked at Xu Hong, who had become much more handsome, and invited him to dinner.

"Ah! Me?"

Xu Hong was stunned. The goddess actually took the initiative to invite him to dinner. He felt that the world had become unreal.

"Brother Xu, are you not willing?"

"Yes, yes, well, I'll treat you."

Xu Hong tried hard to hold back his expression and maintain his demeanor, but the joy of being invited by the goddess made the smile on his lips harder to suppress than AK.

In his heart, Xu Hong was shouting wildly.

Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid, forever a god.

His hair volume is back, and even love seems to be coming, which makes Xu Hong like and appreciate Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid from the bottom of his heart.

Similar things happened to more than just Xu Hong.

Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid was indeed unknown at the beginning. When it was launched, it spent money on major e-commerce platforms, radio stations and TV to place corresponding advertisements, but the traffic was not good.

In order to let more people know, it even resorted to TV sales routines.

Liu Yingying found a few actors with a fairy-like and master-like temperament, sat on TV, and took out a bunch of titles such as the 56th generation descendant of the imperial court physician and a certain Chinese medicine family, and started with "After repeated ideological struggles, I made a decision that violated my ancestors and contributed the ancestral secret recipe" and other promotional methods.

However, the money was spent, but the effect was not very good.

These days, people are bombarded with all kinds of messy advertisements and have a high immunity to them. At the beginning, not many people are willing to pay real money to buy.

However, after the first batch of customers used it for a week, the amazing hair growth effect appeared, which made these men and women who were troubled by hair loss shocked.

And hair is something that is obvious on the outside. A person's hair volume suddenly increases. The colleague who used to have an M-style forehead has grown bangs, the neighbor who used to have a Mediterranean hairstyle now has thick hair, and the friend who used to be bald has grown a full head of black hair.

These examples are seen by people, and they are spread from one to ten, ten to a hundred, and are the best walking advertisements.

As a result, the sales of Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid in major supermarkets have been rising steadily, and the sales on e-commerce platforms have also skyrocketed.

In various channels, the sales of Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid in the first week were only 20,000 bottles, and this was the result of a lot of advertising.

However, with the arrival of the second week, the sales of Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid began to grow explosively. The sales volume in the second week reached 500,000 bottles, and the third week soared to 7 million bottles. In the fourth week, the sales volume had exceeded 40 million bottles.

All major channel merchants were stunned by the amazing sales volume, and then they sent buyers to Tianyuan Daily Company to pick up the goods.

Before this, Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid had to beg for money to let them stock up, but now the situation has reversed.

The huge shipment volume almost scrapped Tianyuan Company. The factory worked overtime 24 hours a day and night, and the trucks waiting in line to pick up the goods could form a long queue of several miles at the factory gate.

Boxes of hair growth liquid were loaded and taken away as soon as they came off the production line and sent to major supermarkets for sale.

In major offline channels, every time the Tianyuan hair growth liquid is put on the market, it will be sold out in less than half an hour.

On online e-commerce platforms, there are millions of appointments for orders, and everyone has to queue up slowly.

The fanatical and devout hair loss group has regarded Tianyuan hair growth liquid as a miracle drug. At least in the field of hair loss treatment, counting all the major hair loss drugs and hair transplant surgeries, it can be said that there is not a single one that can beat it.

In front of hundreds of millions of huge potential consumers, the machine capacity of Tianyuan hair growth liquid is not enough to smoke. New production lines are installed continuously, and batches of employees are put on the job after simple training, but they still cannot meet the huge market demand.

The hot sales of Tianyuan hair growth liquid have also caused great discussion and heated discussions. It is called the gospel of hair loss patients and a life-saving medicine.

Douyin, Manshou, Weibo and other major social platforms are full of praise.

Middle-aged bald uncle: Since using Tianyuan hair growth liquid, my mother no longer worries about my hair.

300 million people's gun battle dream: To be honest, Tianyuan hair growth liquid is awesome plus. I failed in hair transplantation in the past. I thought I would have a Mediterranean for the rest of my life. I didn't expect that Tianyuan hair growth liquid is so powerful that it made my hair grow back.

Love to eat grapes without spitting out the skin: I declare that various hair loss drug production companies and hair transplant surgeries in China can go bankrupt directly on the spot.

Smart programmer: I threw the Minnow hair treatment spray I bought before into the trash can. What kind of garbage is this? I will only love Tianyuan hair growth liquid in the future.

Fat house happy water: Today I went to my girlfriend's house for the first time. I brought two bottles of Moutai. My father-in-law said that I was not worthy of his daughter. But when I took out a bottle of Tianyuan hair growth liquid, my father-in-law called me a brother and said that his daughter was not worthy of me and wanted to introduce me to a better one.

68001: The person above, maybe your father-in-law simply doesn't like you and is trying to get his daughter out of the fire pit.

Of course, in addition to these praises, there are also voices of criticism.

Poor people, but not poor ambition: Who has Tianyuan hair growth liquid? I'll pay 200 yuan for a bottle.

Loli loves popsicles: The person above, why are you raising the price? You have too much money and nowhere to spend it. This is not a car or a mobile phone.

Poor people, but not poor ambition: Damn it, do you think I want it! I can't get Tianyuan hair growth liquid. After using up the last bottle of Tianyuan hair growth liquid, my hair started to fall out in clumps again. I don't want to become bald again.

Argumentative: There is definitely a conspiracy here. Tianyuan hair growth liquid must have been deliberately changed into such a chronic medicine to squeeze and deceive us consumers.

I am Qin Shihuang: Are shampoo companies now engaging in hunger marketing? Resolutely resist this kind of garbage company and garbage culture.

Poor but not poor: Who has Tianyuan hair growth liquid? I will raise the price to 250 yuan a bottle.

I am Qin Shihuang: Add me 28473638 and I will sell it to you.

Discussions about Tianyuan hair growth liquid almost swept all social platforms. Faced with such an unparalleled innovative hair growth product, no hair loss patient could bear it and all joined the rush to buy it, which also made Tianyuan hair growth liquid more and more in short supply and extremely popular.

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