Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 15 Twists and Turns

"Mr. Su, our preliminary estimate is 450 million yuan, but I can't make such a big deal. I have to ask the boss for permission before making a decision."

After calculating the price, Liang Lianjun couldn't help but feel frightened.

Where did Su Jie get such high-value wood from?

Timber like this is only produced in Southeast Asia, but it is also strictly protected. The number of trees cut down each year is regulated. It is not easy to see a precious tree at ordinary times, let alone dozens of trees at one time.

Su Jie was thinking that if he got the money, his newly dried-up capital pool would swell up immediately, and he would no longer be afraid of the big appetite of the Thousand-Handed Centipede.

"We still need to discuss the price. Tell your boss first."

Su Jie nodded. This price was almost at his psychological price.

The price Liang Lianjun gave was very sincere, but it would be better if it could increase a little.

Liang Lianjun quickly walked aside to make a phone call. Su Jie was not in a hurry. He was thinking about how to spend the money when it arrived.

At this stage, even if the Thousand-Handed Centipede ate to death, it couldn't eat the poisonous insects purchased with hundreds of millions of funds.

After about ten minutes, Liang Lianjun came back.

But his face was a little unnatural at this time. After seeing Su Jie, he smiled twice and explained: "Mr. Su, I'm really sorry, the boss said that your batch of goods is too valuable, and the company can't take out so much working capital to purchase it for a while. I hope you can give it a week."

"Can't pay?"

Su Jie frowned slightly and looked at Liang Lianjun without saying anything.

The atmosphere was a little subtle. Liang Lianjun wiped the sweat from his forehead, fearing that he would offend Su Jie, a big customer, and said, "Mr. Su, I'm really sorry. I will continue to persuade the boss. Don't get angry first."

"Why should I be angry? It's just that the deal didn't go through. I never force a sale."

Su Jie patted Liang Lianjun on the shoulder, looked at him with a sharp gaze, and said, "I don't have any trouble selling this batch of wood. If you want me to give you more time, you have to pay me a part of the deposit, 10%, and pay a deposit of 45 million first."

"I'm afraid that this can't be done, boss..."

Liang Lianjun himself felt embarrassed because Su Jie's request was reasonable.

After all, keeping such top-quality raw materials away from other buyers is a sign of trust in Leng Baili, and asking for a deposit as a guarantee is also a sign of sincerity.

But just now on the phone, the boss reminded him of this matter in advance, so that he could not agree to any payment of funds.

To be honest, Liang Lianjun himself couldn't figure out why his boss made such an outrageous decision.

Doesn't he know how rare this batch of top-quality raw materials is?

If it is purchased by other buyers, it will just make the competitors famous.

"Oh, it seems that this cooperation is not going well. It's okay. Even if the deal fails, the friendship remains. Go back and discuss it with your boss first."

Su Jie's voice was calm. From Liang Lianjun's embarrassment, he had already noticed that something was wrong.

Logically speaking, such a batch of top-quality raw materials must be something that the furniture company is extremely eager to get.

Even if there is really a shortage of working capital, it can also borrow from the bank or inter-enterprise lending. With this batch of high-quality wood as collateral, it is not difficult to get money.

Even if there are really difficulties, in order to obtain this batch of wood, it is impossible to stabilize Su Jie with a deposit and refuse to pay. This is completely a manifestation of not wanting to trade.

"Mr. Su, I..."

"There's no need to explain. This is not something you can decide. Go back."

Su Jie shook his head, making Liang Lianjun's words stuck in his throat. Finally, seeing Su Jie's firm attitude, he could only lead people out of the warehouse with a depressed look.

Su Jie stood at the door of the warehouse, looking at the far-away convoy, playing with a small dragonfly in his hand: "I hope it's not what I think, otherwise."


The dragonfly that broke free from Su Jie's palm flapped its wings and flew to a hidden corner to lie dormant quietly.

Leng Baihe Headquarters Building, Linping City.

Liang Lianjun, who returned from the suburban warehouse, didn't even bother to drink his saliva. He ran to the chairman's office and knocked on the door.

A sexy female secretary opened the door and let Liang Lianjun in.

Behind the desk, a man in his fifties, wearing a neat suit and gold-rimmed glasses, who looked gentle and gentle, was correcting documents.

This person is Cui Yunchun, the founder of Leng Baili Company. He is currently the chairman and general manager of Leng Baili. He is in charge of Leng Baili, a well-known furniture company in Hannan Province, and his net worth exceeds 2 billion yuan.

Cui Yunchun's entrepreneurial experience is very legendary. In the turbulent era of the year when the grass was full of people, he gave up his iron rice bowl to start a business. He opened a popular disco and bar at that time, and operated local civil engineering contracting and river sand procurement.

It is said that because of some dirty background, he was arrested and imprisoned for several years. After he was released from prison, he was penniless.

Just when people thought that Cui Yunchun was going to be completely lonely, he chose to start a business again and opened Leng Baili Home Furnishing Company.

After ten years of operation, he completed a gorgeous counterattack and became a well-known entrepreneur in Linping City with a net worth of billions.

"Mr. Cui, why do you want to cancel this transaction? We Leng Baili can obviously purchase this batch of rare raw materials and make efforts to conquer the high-end furniture market."

As soon as they met, Liang Lianjun couldn't hold back his emotions.

He really likes wood. You can see how high the quality of those raw materials is and how important they are to Leng Baili Company.

Because of this, he didn't understand what Cui Yunchun was doing.

"Manager Liang, don't be impatient. Sit down and talk. Xiaofei, go and pour a cup of tea for Manager Liang."

Cui Yunchun raised his head, pushed up the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said with a gentle smile.

"Manager Liang, please use it."

Ma Lanfei, the secretary to the board of directors, handed over tea, but unfortunately Liang Lianjun had no intention of enjoying it.

"Well, it seems that if I don't explain, Manager Liang won't be willing to drink my cup of tea."

Shaking his head helplessly, Cui Yunchun put down his pen and said slowly: "Manager Liang, it's not that I don't want to purchase that batch of wood, but the price is indeed too high. Once purchased, our company's liquidity will be drained."

"But if you make that batch of raw materials into furniture, you can easily sell it and get the money back! This kind of high-end luxury furniture has always been in short supply in the market."

Liang Lianjun was puzzled. Although he was in the purchasing department, he still knew the market situation very well.

"The reason why I didn't purchase it is because our company opened a new channel in Nanxiang Country, and through a special relationship, we got a batch of equally precious tree raw materials. The quality and quantity are no worse than that of Mr. Su. , and the price is even cheaper. I have ordered the purchase and it has been transferred. You will see it in a few days.”

Cui Yunchun explained very patiently, seeming to value Liang Lianjun's talent very much, and comforted him with kind words.

Liang Lianjun was stunned. As the manager of the purchasing department, he didn't even know about this purchase.

And what channel is so powerful? Apart from Su Jie, he has never seen anyone who can get so much precious wood from abroad at once.


Cui Yunchun seemed to have said too many words at once, and he coughed uncomfortably.

"Dr. Cui, take your medicine quickly, your old habits are back again."

Ma Lanfei handed over pills and warm water. Cui Yunchun looked better after drinking it and said with a wry smile: "It's an old problem. I have strep throat from time to time. I can't talk too much."

"Dong Cui, then I won't disturb your rest any more."

Although Liang Lianjun was still confused, he couldn't stay here any longer with Cui Yunchun like this.

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