Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 152 Treating guests, beheading, and using subordinates as dogs (fourth update)

"Then...then what should we do?"

Wang Xiaotong panicked. He thought he was dealing with the company, but he still felt a little confident.

But facing the unreasonable warlord, he didn't know how to deal with it.

Raphael took the layout map of Fumen Farm, pointed at the two sturdy men behind him, and said: "If you want to get the hair growth serum formula, you must rely on their strength. They are professionals. Dandy, Marco, can you do it?"

"Raphael, in the past we performed missions in the Middle East and Black Africa and dealt with those vicious warlords and terrorists. It was not necessarily easier than here. What's more, we brought two teams here this time."

Marco, a white man, spoke in a calm and unhurried tone, full of indescribable conviction.

Then he took the map handed over by Raphael, took out a tablet and compared it, then nodded: "The map is correct, it is basically the same layout as our satellite comparison."

"Who are they?"

Liu Canlin felt that these two people were not on good terms and looked at each other with cold eyes.

"Introduce yourselves, Marco, ex-SEAL, now in the mercenary business, boys, come out and meet someone."

Marco showed a faint smile, and as soon as he finished speaking, Wang Xiaotong and the other two looked confused.

The grass and branches around the dense forest were moving, and then more than twenty people were wearing camouflage uniforms, camouflaged with weeds and branches, holding various long and short firearms, equipped with night vision goggles and body armor, and their faces were painted with colorful oil paint. soldiers emerged from it.

The closest one was even less than five meters away from Wang Xiaotong and the others, but he never noticed it.

Marco looked at his team and said confidently: "There are twelve people in one team, and there are two teams here with 24 people, all of whom are retired elites from special forces from various countries. Surprise attacks are what we are good at."

Surrounded by a group of mercenaries, Wang Xiaotong was shocked and then overjoyed.

Naturally, he was familiar with the famous name of the SEALs. In his mind, it was not easy for such an elite group of mercenaries to obtain the formula.

"Marco, divide the operation into two teams. One team is led by Dandy to arrest the senior personnel of Jieco Company. The other team raids the Fumen Breeding Farm to find the best hair growth serum formula. If you can't find it, arrest those who The senior officials asked."

Raphael gave instructions and then took out a photo, which showed none other than Su Jie.

"This man is the biggest target we need to deal with. We must catch this man."

"Mr. Rafael, please believe in our professionalism. I have arrested many terrorist leaders, and this man named Su Jie is no exception."

Marco saluted with a military salute, looked at his group of men, and said loudly: "Young men, get ready. Let's have fun with the warlords here and teach them what special operations are."

"Cool, I love playing with these jackasses the most."

"Boss, prepare more ammunition for me so that I don't have a bad time."

"Hopefully they won't be like Uncle Black, that would be too unchallenging."

This group of mercenaries showed excited smiles. They were accustomed to licking blood from the edge of their swords, so they didn't take the sudden kidnapping seriously at all.

With the bloated response speed and military literacy of these local warlords, I am afraid that after they have finished their raids and kidnappings, the warlord troops here have not had time to leave the military camp.

Raphael looked at this group of energetic mercenaries with great satisfaction. This elite mercenary was actually raised by Asder Pharmaceuticals itself.

In the past, when we encountered some tough people who couldn't be bribed and refused to let the medicine pass, we would dispatch this army to make those tough people disappear from the world.

"It turns out that this is how big companies do things! They are even rougher than us."

Lu Yixin looked at this murderous team and couldn't help but shrink his neck.

"This is how we do things. Treat guests, behead people, and accept them as dogs. Sometimes simplicity and roughness are very effective in business competition. Since Jieke Company does not accept our good intentions and the bribery is difficult to succeed, we will use bullets to make them obey. of."

Raphael chuckled and ordered Marco: "Follow the reservation plan and let's go."

"Yes, boss, just wait and see."

Marco nodded, a bloodthirsty smile on his face.


late at night.

Fumen Breeding Farm.

As the employees went home one after another, only a few remaining employees were left in Nuoda's breeding farm. In addition, there were hundreds of Jieke security guards stationed here.

When the time came to two o'clock in the morning, Marco led a team of twelve mercenaries.

And Lu Yixin, a medical expert specially invited, quietly approached the largest insect farm in the Mande region.

This team of people cooperated tacitly, and no one said a word in the darkness, quietly approaching the wall.

A sniper and observer did not follow the same team, but found a high place to set up a sniper rifle. At the same time, they could observe Jieke's security movements and respond during the evacuation.

"Can we really do this?"

Lu Yixin was trembling. He never imagined that he would be chosen to break into the heavily guarded Fumen Breeding Farm.

"Don't worry, we are a professional team. Let us handle the difficulties on the road. You only need to be responsible for finding the hair growth serum."

Marco pressed Lu Yixin's shoulder, then pulled up his mask and waved.

Seeing this, the team that had arrived under the fence of the breeding farm immediately took action.

First, they temporarily blocked the surveillance cameras through technological means,

then they used each other as human ladders, cut off the electrified wire mesh on the wall with insulated pliers, and climbed over the wall one by one to enter the farm.

They had done this kind of infiltration many times, and they seemed to be familiar with it and extremely fast.

"Now you believe in our level, we can come and go freely in this small Fumen farm."

Marco was about to show Lu Yixin the strength of his team, but an accident happened at this time.

A small scorpion crawled into the trouser leg at the foot of the last mercenary who climbed over the wall.

Then the mercenary staggered, as if he was bitten by something, and his body tilted due to severe pain, leaning on the electrified wire mesh next to him.


In just a moment, electric sparks burst out, the mercenary twitched twice, and then hung on the wire mesh.

Stripes of electric light flashed from time to time at the contact point, and the entire human body surface turned into a charred black.

The mercenaries who had already sneaked in were dumbfounded. Marco looked as if he had eaten a fly, his face was black and smelly.

Lu Yixin's face was pale. He saw a living person being electrocuted into a charred corpse with his own eyes. He felt a great physical shock.

"Javier is dead, let's continue the mission."

Marco took a deep breath and did not waver at all. He had experienced too many such things. His heart had long been as cold as iron. After the accident, he first contacted the sniper team outside through the headset.

"Hungry Wolf, is there any movement from the garrison team at the farm?"

"No for the time being, we can continue to move forward safely"

"Hurry up, go to the central laboratory."

At Marco's order, the team covered each other and observed, and ran towards the destination.

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