Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 176 Sect War (First Update)

"Insect control method!"

After leaving the mountain gate of Guiling Palace and entering the dense forest, Su Jie immediately opened his investigative vision, and dragonflies flew in all directions.

Reconnaissance is a very important part of war. Whoever knows the enemy's movements first will have the initiative in the war situation.

In addition to the wild methods of insect control, Su Jie also continued to spread his spiritual consciousness and conduct double investigations.

There are many mountain peaks and dense forests that block out the sun. The sunlight shines on the ground through the branches and leaves, casting mottled light and shadow. You can clearly see the chirping of many insects and birds, covering up the traces of human figures.

In a fight like this, the right to take the initiative is very important. I know your position, but you are still at a loss and can only be forced to take a beating.

A few hours later, Su Jie walked through mountain peaks, streams, pine forests and waterfalls when he suddenly stopped.

"To the southeast, 1,500 meters away, there are six enemies, one at the sixth level of Yunling Realm, one at the ninth level of Yunling Realm, two at the fifth level of Yunling Realm, and two at the fourth level of Yunling Realm. It is initially estimated that they are disciples of Guanchao Pavilion."

Su Jie turned over and dismounted, and calmly spoke out the enemy's information.

After listening to the accurate information reported by Su Jie, Chen Yun immediately took action and released the low-grade Gu worms and Dark Sound bats in her arms into the air.

The bat's unique sonic search further determines the location and number of enemies.

"I'll take the lead in ambush, Chen Yun, you're interfering."

Su Jie said, releasing the Thousand-Handed Centipede from his sleeve robe, letting it gather its breath, and then lie down in the opponent's path.

Seeing that she had no identity, Ning Xinyue couldn't help but ask: "What should I do?"

"You are responsible for checking for leaks and filling in the gaps, and at the same time protecting my body. I don't need you now."

Su Jie glanced at Ning Xinyue. This was also the meaning of Su Jie bringing her to her side.

"You think of me as a human shield!"

Ning Xinyue puffed up her cheeks, but still took out the jade book and recited Taoist scriptures to protect herself.

Time passed quietly, and a few minutes later, when Su Jie used his spiritual consciousness to detect the location again, he directly patted the sword gourd on his waist without hesitation.

"Baby please turn around."

White-haired sword lights swished out from the gourd's mouth.


The Thousand-Handed Centipede's body suddenly enlarged, and purple rays bloomed from its cracked bony cheeks. The first wave of dozens of high-temperature rays covered the group of Guanchao Pavilion disciples.

The reaction of these Guanchao Pavilion disciples was not slow. They were already vigilant and immediately took out protective talismans or used physical means to evade. However, Thousand-Hand Centipede's high-temperature rays were not only fast, but also extremely powerful. Several disciples of Guanchao Pavilion were Those who were directly melted by the rays, including a disciple at the sixth level of Yunling Realm.


The Dark Sound Bat opens its mouth and lets out a silent howl. The light resonates with the internal organs and affects the enemy's activities.

Immediately afterwards, dozens of flying swords roared over, covering the area with high-intensity firepower, cutting off heads one by one, and in a blink of an eye, only one person was left alive.

"Nine turns of flying!"

The last disciple at the ninth level of Yunling Realm was so frightened that he tried to escape. He stepped on the branches and floated, and he jumped a hundred meters.



Suddenly, a purple sky thunder struck the disciple, causing his movements to freeze.

And below the dense forest, the Thousand-Handed Centipede's huge body jumped high, biting half of the disciple's body, and brought him back to the ground.

After two short screams, nothing happened again under the chewing of the Thousand-Handed Centipede.

"It's so awesome."

Chen Yun secretly sighed. She originally thought there would be a life-and-death struggle, but she didn't expect that the battle would be completely one-sided.

The disciples of the Guanchao Pavilion on the opposite side didn't even see the figures of themselves and others ambushing them, so they just suffered under the wave of attacks.

This didn't look like a battle, it almost looked like a massacre.

Ning Xinyue yawned boredly and curled her lips and said, "It's nothing to do with me."

"Su Jie, let's clean up the battlefield now and evacuate as soon as possible."

Chen Yun reminded that she had participated in this kind of war before, and too much movement could easily attract the righteous disciples.

"The battlefield needs to be cleaned, but we won't evacuate yet."

Su Jie did not go there in person, but asked the Thousand-Handed Centipede to separate out its pale corpse hands and pick up all the corpses and loot.

After doing all this, Su Jie took out a bamboo tube from the enemy's storage bag.

"This should be the smoke for help from the righteous disciples."

Su Jie looked at Chen Yun.

"That's right, don't you think so?"

Chen Yun nodded, then a look of surprise suddenly appeared on her face.

"It's too slow to go to those righteous disciples one by one. It's better to let them come to us on their own initiative."

Su Jie unscrewed the bamboo tube, and a stream of yellow smoke spurted out, rising straight into the sky. This smoke column could be seen even from a long distance away.

"Get ready for the next battle."

Su Jie led the Thousand-Handed Centipede to ambush again.

Ten minutes later.

A group of Golden Sword Sect, a group of Zixia Sect, and a group of Guanchao Pavilion disciples hurriedly approached from all directions, hoping to rescue the friendly forces who released the smoke column.

The three waves of troops totaled nearly twenty people, a total of five inner disciples. This combat power was enough to defeat most of the enemy teams in Ghost Ridge Palace.

Unfortunately, the Su Jie they met happened to be not among the 'majority'.

"We need support from the front, please hurry up."

The closest disciples of the Golden Sword Sect shouted loudly, but little did they know that they were falling into the hunter's trap little by little.

The leading inner disciple, Yu Feijian, was about to go to the front to investigate the situation. Suddenly, a barrel-thick thunder struck down.


The disciple's face changed, and he dodged with his body flying rainbow, but at this moment, there was a buzzing sound of wings in the sky, a black cloud floated, covering the sky and the sun, and tens of thousands of human-faced moths came like a storm, and wherever the dense cloud of insects passed, they ate everything clean.

Several Jinjianmen disciples used flying swords to resist one or two, and hundreds of low-grade human-faced moths broke through the defense line and directly lay on the human body to enjoy the flesh and blood.

The same happened to the inner disciple of Jinjianmen, whose body was torn into pieces by three middle-grade human-faced moths and died on the spot.

On the other side, dozens of flying swords surrounded the Guanchao Pavilion disciples, and the Zixia Sect disciples were covered by the Wanyin Xueming formation, and screams were heard incessantly.

As the human body parts fell to the ground, some people were beheaded by flying swords, and some people were devoured by ghosts.

Ten minutes later!

Su Jie cleaned the battlefield again and harvested a large number of spoils.

On the sword-raising gourd, some damaged flying swords were replaced with flying swords from the Golden Sword Sect, bringing Su Jie's flying swords to 100, reaching the current limit of the sword-raising gourd.

He also selected some suitable elixirs and talismans from the spoils. After completing all this, Su Jie collected the corpses and left slowly with Ning Xinyue and Chen Yun, looking for the next location to launch a smoke column for help.

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