Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 189 Current Development Status (First Update)

Su Jie looked at these weapons and equipment. There was nothing much to say about light weapons.

Heavy vehicles are basically outdated models, or shrunk monkey versions, but for the Zen Kingdom, they are also first-class advanced equipment.

"According to the plan, we currently set up the first and second Jieko security brigade respectively. The former is a heavy synthetic brigade with a strength of 6,000 people, and the latter is a mountain brigade with a strength of 9,000 people. The total strength is 15,000 people. Most of them are They are newly recruited soldiers and their training time is short.

According to the population of our Mande area, if recruitment is still needed, up to 20,000 to 30,000 local young people can be recruited, but then production will be affected. "

Although Liu Yingying knew nothing about military affairs, she had studied hard during this period and learned a lot about it.

"The number of people is enough. The rest of the young people can take time to let them participate in militia training. We will be responsible for the meals and ammunition consumption during the training, and provide some subsidies. I think everyone will be very willing."

Su Jie was already satisfied with this number. There were frequent wars in the Zen Kingdom, and the people here were naturally strong-willed and had a high sense of identity in joining the army.

Coupled with the generous security treatment for entering Jieke, it was easy to gather the number of people once the news of the recruitment expansion was announced.

The population of the Mandeb area is 7 to 8 million, and the 15,000 professional soldiers are not too heavy a military burden, which is almost equivalent to one in fifty.

For example, North Korea has a population of 25 million, an army of 12 to 30 million, hundreds of thousands of reservists, and millions of paramilitary personnel. In comparison, Su Jie is considered restrained, not even close. Go to war and resort to violence.

"There are so many newly recruited soldiers, how is their combat effectiveness?"

Su Jie continued to ask, which was related to his next action.

Liu Yingying was a little embarrassed and could only look at the officers beside her.

An officer stood up and explained: "Sir Su, the newly recruited soldiers are good at using firearms, and they are not slow in getting started.

But because most soldiers have not gone to school, their efficiency in learning mechanical vehicles and artillery shooting is low. These require high-quality soldiers. We can only make up for it by increasing live-fire training and night shifts to remediate cultural knowledge. It also takes time to get used to it. .

Therefore, the mountain brigade based on light infantry has basically taken shape. Since the combined brigade has hundreds of tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, artillery, etc., it is expected that it will require a long period of training to maintain sufficient combat effectiveness.

Command is also a shortcoming. Our instructors can be responsible for the general direction of command, but the basic level of squad formation, combat command and coordination is relatively limited, and there is a lack of veterans with sufficient experience and responsibility. "

The officer talked a lot in one breath. These were all the pain points in his opinion. Finally, he said: "Fortunately, the local mountainous and dense forest environment of Zen is not suitable for armored unit activities. Our training usually focuses on guerrilla warfare and mountainous terrain." War is the main thing. We still lack a lot of experience and skills required for regular warfare, and these take years to learn."

Hearing this, Su Jie shook his head with a smile and asked about the blond foreign officer.

"May I have your name?"

"Varynkin, Russian."

The officer puffed up his chest and loudly announced his name.

"Do you know what enemy we are preparing to face?"

Su Jie continued to ask. Of course, buying so many arms is not just for viewing. It must be useful.

"Other warlords around?"

Valentin thought for a while, and there should be only one answer.

"Do you think the level of those warlord soldiers is as high as the professional soldiers in your country? If we fight, our level is terrible, and they can't be that level."

Su Jie said this, it's not that he ignored human life and planned to drag untrained soldiers onto the battlefield to be used as cannon fodder and die. It was actually that the level of the warlord's side was worse than that of Jieko's security side.

After all, Su Jie invited retired foreign military officers to guide the training, and the equipment was sufficient.

Those warlords are not that generous. Many warlords use the money to squander their own expenses. The level of the army is hard to describe. If the warlords fight, they will compete to see who is worse.

Valentin was speechless, because what Su Jie said was really correct.

As far as the level of those warlords is concerned, it's not that they look down on each other. It cannot be said that they don't have military literacy. They are still very good at fighting low-intensity wars such as guerrilla warfare.

In a high-intensity frontal battlefield, the opponent does not have many such training subjects, and heavy firepower armored units may not be able to perform well.

"So! We don't need to belittle ourselves."

Seeing that Valentin understood what he meant, Su Jie nodded with satisfaction.

They were just noobs pecking each other, and Su Jie was planning to help pull the lead, so the odds of winning were pretty good.

After visiting the arsenal, it was getting dark. Su Jie and Liu Yingying had a meal with many ordinary soldiers in the army canteen, and then drove back to the private estate in Mander City.

"How are the sales of Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid and how much money is in the account now?"

On the sofa in the villa, Su Jie asked Liu Yingying about Tianyuan Hair Growth Serum.

It has been almost two months since he went to Tianyuan World, and even before that, Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid had been selling like hotcakes in the markets of Blue Star countries, and it must have brought back a large amount of money.

"At present, our Tianyuan hair growth liquid has a monthly sales volume of over 120 million bottles in China, with a monthly revenue of around 12 billion Chinese yuan. It was launched overseas a little late, and the current monthly sales volume in various countries is 70 million bottles, and each bottle of Tianyuan hair growth liquid is sold at a market price of US$159. The wholesale cost for distributors here is cheaper, but the selling price leads to a decrease in the number of buyers, and the monthly revenue in this regard is about 8 billion US dollars.

The sales volume of Tianyuan hair growth liquid is still growing slowly every month. As we develop some potential users, the monthly revenue is expected to exceed US$12-12.5 billion, and the annual revenue will easily exceed US$100 billion."

Liu Yingying immediately became interested in the topic of business, much more excited than talking about arms, and told Su Jie about the brilliant achievements of Tianyuan hair growth liquid.

"Our products sell so well overseas, and the hair treatment drugs and hair transplant markets on the market will be overturned."

Su Jie was mentally prepared for this, and this number was not much different from his estimate.

The global hair transplant, hair loss, wig, and hair care market itself is worth tens of billions of dollars.

Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid monopolizes the old market, and opens up new markets with its amazing efficacy, turning some people with incurable hair loss into its own customers, which is why it has such a huge revenue.

"Yes, compared with the drugs with questionable effects and slow effects, and the hair transplant surgery that robs Peter to pay Paul, and cannot guarantee the survival rate of hair follicles, our Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid is simple, fast, and cheap, which has defeated a large number of overseas products. Now a large number of related companies in Europe and the United States have closed down and gone bankrupt, and the market is basically monopolized by our Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid."

Liu Yingying's face was radiant. She controlled a magical tool like Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid and made great achievements in business. She controlled the huge capital power of tens of billions of dollars. Liu Yingying was full of energy every day and was so happy that she didn't want to leave.

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